Chapter 45

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Niall’s point of view

I am woken on Christmas Eve morning by a squirming lump on my chest. I open my eyes to see Phoebe looking down at me. I thought I locked that door last night. Daisy is whispering rather loudly. “You’re supposed to wake Louis up for his birthday breakfast not Niall.” By that time Louis is stirring and opens his eyes. I am so glad that we are both in pajama bottoms. We normally just sleep in our boxers or nude. Louis sits up rubbing his eyes and rapidly blinking trying to wake up. He pulls Phoebe off of me giving her a big hug. Daisy decides to crawl in bed with us as well. I cannot help but think about our future. This is what it is going to be like when we have kids getting woke up by them, cuddling with them, sharing the excitement of the holidays. I watch Lou with his sisters. He is going to make an amazing dad. I can hear my mum at the door. “Louis are you awake?” She knocks and enters laughing at the sight on the bed. “Sorry boys these girls were pretty persistent that Louis needed a birthday breakfast. I did not know they had snuck in here.” “It’s o.k. Maura we needed to get up anyway.” Louis mumbles still half asleep. “Just let me take a quick shower and I will be right down.” Maura ushers the twins out of the room and I follow behind her closing and locking the door.

I go to Louis and pull him into my arms. “Happy birthday BooBear” I whisper against his lips right before I kiss him. He returns my kiss nibbling on my lower lip. “I wish I could have you all to myself that way we could have a repeat of my birthday in that bed over there.” I whisper seductively peppering kisses across his neck. I attach my lips to his sweet spot and he moans. I reluctantly stop and say “You had better get into the shower before this gets out of control. They might come looking for you soon.” He sighs an agreement and makes his way to the shower. I gather my clothes and wait on him to finish. If I go in there right now I probably will take him against the shower wall and that will make him really late for his birthday breakfast. Louis comes out wrapped in a towel and I brush past him ducking into the bathroom fighting the urge to rip the towel off of him and have my way with him. By the time I am done he is already downstairs. I join everyone at the table and eat my breakfast.

“What are your plans for the day?” I ask mum. “Well we have all decided to go around town window shopping and going by that church you booked to get a look at it. You two don’t mind being alone for a few hours do you? She has this huge grin on her face and I know exactly what she is up to. She is giving us some alone time on Louis’s birthday. I wink and smile at her and mouth the words “Thank you.” She just smiles in return quickly gathering the dishes and heading for the kitchen. We all help and soon everything is cleaned and put away. Everyone soon climbs in their cars and drives off. Louis looks at me licking and biting his bottom lip swinging his hips as he walks toward me. He leans close and seductively whispers in my ear. “I’ll race you first one their gets to orgasm first.” He turns and runs with me chasing right after him. I think I will let him win this one. It is his birthday after all.

Later on that night we are all gathered around the living room singing Christmas carols and drinking hot apple cider. I love just spending time with my family. The girls are starting to get tired and are one by one tucked into bed by our mums. The adults then sit around and talk for about another hour. Harry is sitting on the couch with Zayn in his lap. They keep stealing kisses from each other in between feeding each other pieces of popcorn. I have never seen Harry so happy. I can tell he truly loves Zayn. Those two are perfect for each other. Mum stands and announces that they are going back to Liam’s flat and will see us in the morning. After everyone has left we slowly make our way up to our room. I make sure I lock the door this time. I reach into the nightstand drawer and pull out a small box. I motion Louis over and hand it to him. “Happy birthday baby.” He looks at me and smiles. He opens the box and nestled inside is a hotel keycard. He looks at me in confusion. “It’s to a penthouse suite at a hotel in Paris. You will be graduating Uni in a few months and I have it reserved for an entire week after graduation. I want to show you the world Boo. I want to go places I have never been and experience it with you.” He smiles dropping the keycard back in the box and sitting it on the nightstand. He loops his arms around my neck and kisses me. “Thank you I love my gift. I have always wanted to visit Paris this is a dream come true.” I look over at him and softly say. “I want to make all your dreams come true.” We both strip down to our boxers and climb into bed. We cuddle and drift off to sleep in each other’s arms.

I wake up to pounding on the door. I can hear Daisy yell “Wake up its Christmas!” I hear her running down the hallway banging on the other doors. Louis chuckles and slowly sits up He leans down and kisses my lips whispering “Happy Christmas love.” He kisses me again and I pull him on top of me tracing his lower lip with my tongue. He moans and starts to grind against me when we hear banging on the door again. “Come on Niall and little Lou get up.” Harry yells. We look at each other and smile. Louis climbs off of me. We quickly shower and find clothes to wear. We enter the kitchen to chaos. Harry is trying to make cinnamon rolls and the twins are trying to help but have made a big mess. I shake my head and decide to help Harry out. Soon breakfast is ready and we all gather together and eat. After a quick kitchen cleanup we settle into the living room. Presents are passed out and delightful gasps could be heard mixed in with girlish giggles. I have a special present for Harry and Zayn. I watch in anticipation as they open it. Zayn gasps with tears in his eyes when he sees what it is. Harry looks over at me and gives me a watery smile. “What is it?” Maura asks.

Harry looks over at her and softly says. “Zayn and I have been looking at different houses to buy to move into after we are married. We found the perfect one. It is right outside of town. A beautiful four bedroom cottage with a wrap around porch and a big backyard. The rooms are the perfect size. The kitchen is huge. It is spacious but still feels cozy. We went back to try and put money down for it and to arrange payments but were told it was already sold. Harry reaches in the box and pulls out a deed of ownership for the cottage and a house key. He looks over at Niall with tears in his eyes. “You bought the house for us.” Niall just looks at the happy couple and grins. “I wanted you to have something special. Something that meant something to you. Something that you would cherish for the rest of your lives and maybe pass down to your children. Mum told me you were looking and I contacted the realtor and bought it for you. Happy Christmas may you and any children you have spend many years together in your new home.” Both Zayn and Harry rush over and hug me tightly. After they let go Louis hugs me. I look at Louis and he has tears in his eyes. He leans over and pecks my lips and whispers. “I love you. You are an amazing person.” I look over at him and say. “Just wait I haven’t given you your present yet.”

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now