Chapter 40

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Jay's point of view

I am trying to drift off to sleep but today's events keep playing in my head. How could Mark be so cruel to Louis? Louis has done nothing but love that man. How did I not realize what was going on. I'm such a horrible mum. I just break down in tears every time I think about what Louis has gone through. He actually thought that I had abandoned him. That I no longer loved him and that I thought he was all of those things described in those letters. I just can't imagine what he has gone through. He was so close to becoming homeless. He actually had to go without eating because he could not afford to buy food. I just thank God that Niall was brought into his life. Without Niall Louis might be dead right now. My mind wanders to a horrific image. I can just picture a homeless starving Louis dying on the streets feeling as if no one loves him. I vow to myself that I will find out why Mark has done this to my son. I will find a way to make him pay for hurting him like that. I am so upset at Lottie for running away like she did but I cannot help but be happy about it. If she had not done that I might not have ever found out about what torture Mark was putting Louis through. It might have been years before I was able to see Louis again. I hear a giggle coming from Louis's and Niall's room. It is soon replaced by quiet moans. I am just glad that my room is next to theirs and not one of the girls. I do not feel like explaining sexual education to my eight year old twins. I cannot help but smile as I drift off to sleep. I am so glad that Louis has found someone as wonderful as Niall. I can see that they truly love each other.

Louis's point of view

Surprisingly after hours of mind blowing sex and not a lot of sleep I am the first one awake in this entire house. I shower quickly and dress. I walk to the bed and just look down at Niall. He looks so peaceful in his sleep. He has grabbed my pillow and curled up with it. How cute is that. His pink lips are slightly parted and soft snores escape. I just want to climb back in bed with him but I resist. I make my way to the kitchen being sure to lock our bedroom door on my way out. I do not need one of the twins rushing in there and trying to wake up Niall and discovering that he is naked. I search through his always well stocked refrigerator pulling out ingredients and start preparing omelets, bacon, and hash browns. Mum walks into the kitchen and comes over to me kissing my cheek. I pull her into a quick hug and get back to preparing breakfast. "How did you sleep?" I ask her. "Surprisingly good considering the people in the next room were making lots of noise. I think they were thoroughly enjoying themselves though." She grins and winks at me as a huge blush stains my cheeks and neck. The girls soon make their way into the kitchen closely followed by Niall who looks so yummy I could just have him for breakfast. He is wearing a tight white polo and dark blue skinny jeans. Hair styled in its usual quiff. I can see his abs defined in that shirt. I am almost reduced to fanning myself. Is it hot in here or what?

Niall walks over and gives me a quick peck on the cheek stealing a piece of bacon that I had just finished cooking. I slap at his hand as he tries to take another piece and he laughs walking off and grabs plates to set the table. The girls help and soon we are all settled down eating. After much discussion about what to do today we decide to spend it hanging out at Niall's and just spending some uninterrupted time together. Mum and I are cuddled on the couch watching a movie which seems to be o.k. with Niall since he has a twin attached to each hip. Fizzy also has been talking nonstop to him. Lottie is sitting on the other side of me resting her head on my shoulder. I'm so glad that we have cleared things up I missed my family so much. I just wonder why Mark did what he did. Mum married him when I was four years old. I cannot remember my biological father that much but I remember what it felt like when he died. I felt abandoned and alone. When Mum married Mark I tried my best to be the perfect son. I was so afraid that if I was not perfect then he would leave me too. He always treated me with kindness and love. I did notice a slight change when mum had the girls. He spent less time with me and was sometimes hateful but I would make sure that I did everything I was told. I cherished every "Good job" or "Great game" or any praise that I would get from him. I always did exactly what he said to do. I thought everything was fine until that winter break I came home from Uni. and told mum and dad I was gay.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now