Chapter 7

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Louis’s point of view

I cannot help but stare at Niall’s shocked expression. Why did I say that? I inwardly groan. My mouth sometimes says stuff before my brain can stop it. “Sorry that was just a random thought. Please forgive me if I offended you.” He looks over at me his expression now slightly guarded. “No it’s alright. You did not offend me.” He quietly replies. Our dessert arrives and we quickly eat in silence. He pays the bill and we leave the restaurant. We walk up to a shiny dark blue Range Rover. Seriously, how many cars does this guy own? I think to myself as I climb in. I have to admit I love the softness of the leather seats. We start the drive to my flat and I feel bad for making him uncomfortable. Our ride to my flat is silent. I just wish I could take back those words. But I just had to go and open my big mouth. He probably hates me now. He probably regrets ever letting me interview him. After all I am a nobody and he’s freaking Niall Horan. Why would he even consider talking to me in the first place? I know what I’m going to do. I’ll invite him in for tea and hope he accepts. Maybe I can apologize to him again. I know I’ll probably never see him again but at least I can let him know how sorry I am. Maybe then I will be able to sleep without guilt.

When we pull up I ask him if he would like to come in for tea. He sits there for a moment his expression unreadable head slightly cocked to the side intently looking at me. I blush and turn toward the window pretending to look out. How is it possible that he can make me nervous with just one look? He surprises me by accepting and we walk toward my flat. When we walk in Josh is sitting on the couch playing FIFA. He pauses the game and stands and walks over to us. I introduce them and make my way into the kitchen. After I put the kettle on I think to myself. Stupid stupid stupid! Why did you even say the word gay? I probably offended him. He’s probably straighter than a ruler. He might even be homophobic. When the water starts to boil I quickly assemble the tea tray and carry it to the living room. I prepare a cup for Josh and Niall and then make one for myself. I perch on the edge of the couch and join into the conversation they were having. Josh and Niall have seemed to hit it off. They are joking around and talking about various bands and songs.

During the conversation I notice Niall’s eyes keep straying to the TV where Josh has paused the game. “Would you like to play a game of FIFA?” I ask in hopes that he will say yes. Josh turns to Niall and whispers. “You don’t want to play with Lou. He is impossible to beat.” Niall looks over at me and smiles. All I can say is wow. That smile has my mind racing thinking about those kissable pink lips and even white teeth. Snap out of it Lou. “I happen to be a good player myself I could try if you are up to the challenge.” He replies with a smirk. I look over at him and reply “bring it” with a smirk of my own. I am glad he is loosening up a little. He really has a great smile. Focus Lou focus. We ended up playing quite a few games and Niall beat me at three of them. Josh stands and stretches. He looks over at us both and says. “I have to say I am impressed. You are the first person to beat Lou.” Josh states and takes the tea tray to the kitchen.

Niall looks down at his watch and frowns. “I did not realize it was so late I need to get going.” I walk him to the door. He turns and says “tonight was one of the best nights I have had in a long time. It is fun to be able to relax and just be me. Most of the people I associate with have forgotten how to loosen up and have fun. Thank you for inviting me in.” I feel relief wash over me. I am glad he was able to get over the fact that the person interviewing him is probably the stupidest person on the planet. I reply “you are more than welcome to come back if you ever want to get beaten into the ground at FIFA again.” I reply rather sassily hand on my hip looking straight into his eyes. “If I do recall I won three of those games so I think it might be you next time.” He replies with a smile on his face. Oh no there’s that smile that just makes me want to melt. “Well you can come back Saturday if you have no plans. It is usually our lazy day and we hang out here.” Wait what did I just do, did I invite Niall back to my flat. And why would he want to even accept. Even if he did have fun I probably freaked him out with the gay comment. Really stupid Lou. You just insulted him back at Nando’s. Like he would ever want to come back here again. “I will check my schedule and get back with you.” Wait did he just agree to come back. “If you will give me your number I will contact you if I can make it Saturday.” He wants my number. I am internally fangirling at the moment then I remember I do not have a phone. It is not in my budget. “I’ll have to give you Josh’s number. I do not have a phone.” He hands me his phone and I add Josh to his contacts. He thanks me again and leaves. I close the door and lean against it. That was interesting. I was not expecting him to come inside after I had insulted him. And it was great to see him so relaxed. My thoughts start to wander to the dinner we shared and the time we spent together earlier.

Josh walks up to me and asks what is wrong. He must have noticed I was still leaning against the door lost in thought. We settle on the couch and I quickly explain to him what happened during dinner. He bursts out laughing. “You actually told him he needed to pretend to be gay?” He says while starting up laughing again. I stick my tongue out at him. I then explain that I invited him back and what number I had given him and why. I noticed his eyes light up a little but I am not sure about why they would have. We then both decide to go to bed. It has been a really long day. As I am going to my room I notice a letter addressed to me on the end table. I pick it up with dread when I realize it is from my parents. I am almost afraid to open it. I have a very bad feeling about this.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now