Chapter 31

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 If anyone is interested I was finally able to upload a photo of their engagement ring. It is attached to chapter 22. I Googled Celtic engagement rings and found this one. I thought it was beautiful. Hope you enjoy this chapter. This chapter is dedicated to Thank_You_Come_Again. Thanks for following me and writing great stories. 

Niall’s point of view

I was hoping for everything to be perfect when I asked him to marry me. I had it all planned out. I have rented a cabin for four days and nights. I was planning on asking him to marry me there. My plans included soft music, champagne, and lots of cuddling among other things. Just Louis and I alone together. No interruptions no time constraints. We had four days to do whatever we wanted to. And we could escape there after the bachelor party and wedding for some alone time. But Cassandra ruined my plans. Now don’t get me wrong. I am glad that Louis is safe even if it meant hitting my head and being stuck in this hospital. I am glad that Cassandra is now in police custody and is no longer a threat. But I just wanted everything to be perfect. I then decided that I wanted to ask Lou right now. I did not want to wait until tomorrow. I almost lost him today. He could have easily been shot. I could be grieving right now over his death. His life could have ended before he knew how much he means to me. I decide I do not want to wait a minute longer. I look deep into Louis’s eyes as I profess my love for him. I then ask the question I have wanted to ask him for a while now “Will you marry me?”

Lou’s eyes start to tear up. I took the ring out of the jeweler’s box and waited on his response. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” He squealed and threw himself in my arms. We briefly hugged and he pulled away from me far enough to hold his left hand out. I slipped the ring on and he looked at it closely.” It’s beautiful Niall. He wiggled into a more comfortable position causing my jacket to shift on the bed. He looked down and noticed that a second jeweler’s box had fallen out. He opens it and notices that it is the same ring. He looks over at me. “That is my engagement ring as well they came in a pair.” I explained the story behind the rings and he read the inscription on the inside of mine. He grabbed my left hand and held it. He looked into my eyes and softly said with tears pouring down his cheeks. “Niall I have loved you from the first moment I saw you. I knew you were the one for me. I love you so much. And I cannot wait for the day when these engagement rings become our wedding rings. He slid the ring on my finger and then leaned in and kissed me. We tried our best to not get too turned on knowing we could get interrupted at any moment. We pulled apart and looked into each other’s eyes. Louis then slid of the edge of the bed collecting my jacket and placing the jeweler’s boxes back in the pocket. He placed them on the chair beside the bed. He then climbed on the bed beside me and I pulled him close spooning him, his back to my front. We fell asleep in each other’s arms our left hands intertwined.

Louis’s point of view

The doctor has been in to check on Niall and we can finally leave. He said that Niall should be fine and that if he anything changes to come back immediately. After the discharge papers are signed we decide to pay Zayn a visit. When we walk into his room we are greeted by Harry who is sitting at his bedside holding his hand. Zayn looks so pale but even though I can tell he does not feel good his face glows with a radiance that only love can give it. I am so glad that those two found each other. Zayn deserves some happiness in his life and I am sure he will find that with Harry.

Harry looks down at Niall’s hand and jumps up pulling him into a huge hug. “So you and Lou are engaged now. Let me be the first to congratulate you. Does mum know yet?” “Does mum know what?” Maura says while walking into the room. I look over at her and hold my left hand up with a huge smile on my face. She squeals and pulls my hand towards her looking at the ring. “My babies are engaged.” she excitedly says while pulling me in for a hug. She then grabs Niall and hugs him as well. “I just wish I could have been there to see it, but I am so glad you finally came to your senses and snatched Louis up before someone else could.” She jokingly said. I just love this lady she is the best future mum-in-law that a guy could ask for. She walks over to Zayn and cups his cheek leaning over and kissing his forehead. “How are you feeling today love?” she asks. Zayn looks up at her and smiles. “Tired but good” he replies. “The doctor said if I continue to do well I might be able to leave here in two days. But I will still be on bed rest for a little bit. Then light lifting for a few weeks. I won’t be able to go back to work for around six weeks though.” Maura looks down at Zayn and says. “I am so glad you are o.k. and I know that my Harry will take good care of you. I just want you to know something. I approve of your relationship. I can look at Harry and tell that he loves you. I know you might be worried about what we think since your sister caused this family so much hardship but I want to assure you of something. We do not blame you for what your sister did and you are a welcome addition to our family. And Bobby feels the same way that I do.” Maura says while squeezing his hand. Zayn whispers thank you while tearing up. Harry looks like he is about to cry as well.

I am standing off to the side cuddled into Niall’s side watching this scene with awe. This has to be the most loving family I have ever seen. I am so honored that I can now call them my family as well. I will never regret meeting Niall. He is the best thing that has happened to me. I just wish my family could be a part of my life. Maybe after my sisters are grown and out from underneath my parents’ control I can try to contact them and at least have a relationship with them if they will allow it. After saying our goodbyes we quickly exit the hospital and make our way home.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now