Chapter 59

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Mark's point of view

I am sitting at the kitchen table writing yet another letter to Louis although I don't know why I am bothering he never answers. I crumple the half written letter and throw it across the room. He just makes me so angry. I sit back and survey my surroundings. Since Jay kicked me out I have had to live in this horrible flat. I have to sleep on a lumpy couch every night. My kitchen, living room and bedroom are all one room. The only room that is separate is the bathroom and it only has hot water half of the time. I have really thin walls and get woken up by the neighbors arguing to the left of me and a crying baby on my right almost every night.  I only get to see my daughters every Saturday from 2-7 p.m. I can't even take them out anywhere. Jay gets to make the rules since the “Louis incident” I grab the envelope sitting on my table with a shaky hand. I open it with dread although I already know what it is. I am looking at the divorce papers that were just served to me. Jay is asking for supervised visitation only. And that is probably something she will get thanks to Louis. She is saying that what I did to Louis shows that I have anger issues toward one if my children. I can't believe that worthless, good for nothing; waste of space caused all of this. I do not even consider him my child. I hate him. I have been keeping up with what is going on with his life. I look around the room at the articles that I have placed on the wall. I read them again and I only become angrier with every article read.

Niall Horan and his fiancé Louis Tomlinson attended the movie premier of the new action movie produced by Horan Enterprises last night. Both showed up at the premier in similar Armani suits.........

Louis Tomlinson and his best friend Josh Devine are photographed leaving a local Tesco's. They both climbed into a sleek Audi R8 that is said to be a Christmas present from Louis's fiancée Niall Horan.........

Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson spend their weekend at London's Children's Hospital. They both spent numerous hours reading stories and visiting children of all ages. Ann Thompson, head nurse of the hospital, when interviewed stated how wonderful both of them were. She also stated that they are the kindest people she has ever met. She gushed about how caring and warm they both were and how much the children loved their visit........

Louis Tomlinson is seen leaving Starbucks under the watchful eye of his personal bodyguard Liam Payne. It is also rumored that Liam is dating Louis's best friend Josh Devine.........

Niall Horan and his fiancé Louis Tomlinson attended a fundraiser for pediatric cancer last night. Both arrived in a sleek black limo and dressed sharply in matching suits.........

Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson are seen having dinner at Nando's last night. We have discovered they have a May wedding planned although we are unsure of the date at this time.........

Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson visited America for New Years. Niall rented a private suite overlooking Time's Square for the happy couple to be able to ring in the New Year together...........

Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson arrive in Germany for a business trip. They flew in on Horan Enterprises private jet. They were also spotted around the capital city looking at local landmarks............

Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson arrive in Sydney in style. Niall and Louis are photographed exiting Horan Enterprises private jet.  This trip would be a memorable one for Horan Enterprises. While there they discovered one if the hottest groups in the music industry today 5 Seconds of Summer.............

Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan are spotted along with Louis's mum and sisters exiting a movie theater. Niall invited his future family to come to the movie premier of his latest family film. All were seen exiting in high spirits..........

I have to stop there I just cannot read anymore. Why should Louis get to live a life of luxury while I suffer? He is nothing but a worthless faggot. He's not even worth the paper that those articles are printed on. I have to live in this dump in this drug infested neighborhood because of him. I cannot even save up any money because I have to pay back my gambling debts. I was hoping by pretending to be nice to him he would forgive me and I could move back in with Jay and the girls. I tried to make him think I was sorry for all of the hurt that I caused him. I was hoping that he would think I had actually changed. I was also hoping that maybe if I was convincing enough that he would ask that rich faggot he is dating for money to pay my debts off. After all I did tell him that my family had been threatened and that part was not a lie. The person that I borrowed money from just threatened my family again last week. He is not happy with the amount that I am giving him each week. He wants it all. And when it was discovered that Louis was engaged to Niall Horan he refused to touch him. He stated that since he was engaged to someone so powerful he did not want to get involved with him. I did not realize Niall was that wealthy. He could probably pay off what I owe with what he considers pocket change. It just infuriates me that Louis has not forgiven me. I had planned to pretend I had changed and that I accepted him. I just had to make him think I liked him again and was o.k. with him being gay. But the worthless faggot will not even take the time to answer my letters. After all I have done for him he just brushes me off and ignores me. I raised him like he was my own child. I treated him with love and respect when he was growing up. I have even tried acting like I cared about him around his sisters so that they could convince him I had changed. Nothing has worked. I am literally missing out on my daughter's lives due to him. I really do love Jay and the girls but they act so different towards me now. The twins are a little more affectionate but Lottie and Fizzy sometimes act as if they do not trust me.

Knowing how worthless Louis is he probably does not even like Niall. He is probably spreading his legs like the whore he is just to get his money. I shudder at the thought of two guys having sex. Just the thought of it makes me nauseated. I make my way to the refrigerator and pour myself a glass of juice. I walk back to the kitchen table and sit down. I have to come up with a plan. Something that will get revenge on Louis and hopefully get me the money I need. I will not enact my plan right now. I have to think it through and make sure it is perfect. There can be no mistakes. I do not want to get caught. Louis may not come out of it alive but who cares. That will be one less faggot this world has to deal with. I grab a piece of paper and begin to write down some of my thoughts. I cannot help the laughter I have bubbling up inside of me. This is going to be so good. Say goodbye Louis Tomlinson.

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