Chapter 6

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This will probably be my last upload until the weekend. Hope you enjoy. Feedback is always welcome.

Louis’s point of view

I have all of my notes ready and now am deciding what to wear. He said to dress casual so I opt for my red skinny jeans. I pick a white shirt with blue stripes. I have just slid on my TOMS when Josh comes to the door to tell me that Mr. Payne is here to pick me up. After I put the finishing touches on my hair I walk into the living room. I notice Liam handing something to Josh. Wonder what that is about? He opens the door to the Jaguar and we are on our way. In no time we pull up to Nando’s. “Mr. Horan is already inside. He will be driving you home so I wish you a pleasant evening” Liam states before he gets in and drives off. I walk into the restaurant and quickly find him up front. He looks at me with a small smile. Wow he is so hot. I could look at him all day. Black skinny jeans a light blue t-shirt and a pair of black converse. I have to keep myself from drooling.

After we have ordered and our food arrives we sit in silence for a few minutes. He has ordered a lot of food. I notice his slender frame and wonder where he puts it. He sees me looking at his food variety and chuckles stating “super-fast metabolism never been able to gain weight.”“Mr. Horan when would you like me to start the interview?” I ask. He leans back a bit in his chair and smiles. “I think after this morning we can dispense with formalities. Please call me Niall. Mr. Horan makes me look around for my father. I hope this restaurant is to your liking. I have to admit it is my favorite place to eat.” He says with a small smile. “You can start at any time.”

I pull my notes out of my messenger bag and start at the top of the page. He answers every question clearly and with intelligence that rivals his young age. I can now see why his company is so successful. We somehow finish our meal in between questions. I have to admit I do not want this night to end. It is not often that I am able to dine out much less with someone so interesting. I had every one of my questions answered and should be able to write a brilliant report. We have just ordered dessert when his phone rings. He looks at the screen and I can see his face go even paler if that is possible. “Excuse me for a moment” he says while remaining at the table. He answers the phone with a panicked look on his face. “Hello mum how are you doing this evening?”

He speaks softly into the phone. I can only hear his part of the conversation but I can tell he is getting agitated. “Yes mum I received the letter. No mum I do not have a date for the wedding yet. No mum you do not have to arrange one. Look I have to go I am right in the middle of a dinner meeting. Love you too.” He hangs up and tosses his phone on the table. He leans back in his chair and rubs the back of his neck looking up at the ceiling. When he has calmed down he looks at me and apologizes. He then explains. “My brother Greg is getting married in four months and my mom is trying to play matchmaker. I love her but I wish she would just stop. It almost makes me not want to attend the wedding. And I’m the best man.”

I think for a moment and reply. “Why don’t you find a friend to take with you? That way she won’t be able to introduce you to anyone. You can make her think you are dating.” “There is a problem with that. I planned my vacation around this wedding. I will be in Ireland for two weeks. I will stay at my mum’s house and she will be able to see right through a fake relationship. I had even thought of hiring an escort. But I do not want to act like I love some stranger and be around them for two weeks. And what if my family found out? I would never live it down. Besides I do not have anyone close enough to play that part. My friends are few and far between. When you are as successful as I am you never know if they truly like you or your money?”  He states rather sadly.

“I can see where that would be a problem. Is your mother that bad at matchmaking?” He looks at me and laughs. “You have no idea. She set me up with this girl in school my senior year. We are good friends with her family so she thought she would be perfect for me. We only went out three times. Her name was Cassandra Malik. She was so moody and clingy. We never officially dated but she went around and told everyone I was her boyfriend. She could not get it through her head that I did not want to date her. I was never so glad for the school year to end. Then I knew I would be off to Uni and would not have to put up with her. She still followed me around all summer. It was crazy the way she acted.” He says that last part with a laugh.

Suddenly an idea pops up in my head. I let out a small chuckle and Niall looks over at me. “What are you thinking about?” He asks me. I say it before I even realize that I probably shouldn’t. “You could always tell her you’re gay. Then maybe she would back off trying to set you up with random girls.” He looks at me with this shocked expression on his face. Oh no I have really done it now.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now