Chapter 14

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Next chapter is up. It is a long one. As always comments or feedback would be appreciated. Hope you enjoy. There is just a small amount of smut in this one. But there will be plenty more smut to come in future chapters.

Louis’s point of view

I could not help it. We are alone in the flat now but I just want to cuddle with him. After holding his hand I crave his touch. I am going to try it even though I was afraid he will reject me since Liam and Josh had left. To my surprise as soon as I sit down he puts his arm around me and pulls me close to him. I snuggle into his side with a sigh of contentment. I am so glad I picked a long movie. He kept his arm around me the whole time. After the movie he asked if we would like to heat up leftover lasagna for lunch. I agreed. We quickly ate and I asked him if he wanted to read my paper that I wrote about him. I quickly went to my room and grabbed it from my bag. When I returned he had seated himself on the couch in the living room. I handed it over to him really nervous about what he would say. “If there is anything on there you don’t like just let me know and I’ll change it.” He reads it and turns to me and smiles. “It’s brilliant. This is a very well written paper. You’re sure to get a good grade.” He replies. I blush and take the paper back to my room. When he returns he asks if I would like to go for a drive with him. I agree and we head toward our rooms to get ready.

We both emerge at the same time and walk to the garage. I start to go towards the Range Rover but he shakes his head and walks over to the Lamborghini. I am secretly doing backflips in my mind. This is a dream come true for me. Riding in a hot car with an even hotter guy, my heart beat picks up a little. Calm down Lou calm down my inner self says.  I walk over and he opens my door for me. He climbs in the driver’s side and we are off. We probably drive around for an hour and a half. I do not even know where we are. He stops and we are in the parking lot of a small but well maintained restaurant. “I stumbled across this place by accident a while back. It has the most amazing Greek food. Are you up for it?” “Sure” I reply and he grabs my hand ushering me inside holding my hand until we are seated. Our waiter hands us our menus. We quickly decide and have placed our order. The food arrives and it is everything Niall said it would be. The whole meal we talk about so many different things. I don’t think I will ever get tired of talking to him.

He can make me laugh so easily. He is just so much fun. He does not act like a snob or brag about his money. He does not dress in designer clothes. He wears designer suits for work but that is different. In fact if we had not shown up in that sports car everyone would just think he was a regular person with a regular job. He pays the bill and we climb back in the car and return to his flat. I notice it will be getting late soon and I ask if it would be o.k. if he drove me home. I explain that I have an early class in the morning. I really don’t want to leave and he looks a little saddened after I asked him. I collect my things and we exit his flat. When we arrive I notice that Josh is not home yet.

He walks me in and asks me to write down my bank information so that he can transfer the $5,000 he promised me. I write it down and hand it to him. He surprises me by pulling me into a hug. I rest my head on his broad shoulder for just a moment before he pulls away. Now that I know what it feels like to be in his arms I don’t want to let go. We fit together perfectly I am only slightly taller than him so there is no awkward bending or stretching for us. He wishes me goodnight and exits my flat. I climb upstairs and quickly shower and throw on a pair of clean boxers. I gather all of my things and make sure I have everything I need for tomorrows class. I fall asleep with visions of Niall in my head. The next few days pass in a blur. I have exams to study for tons of homework and I find myself thinking about Niall more than I should. My professor loved my paper and I received the highest marks of anyone in the class for that assignment. True to his word that next day I had checked my bank balance and he had deposited the money he promised in there. It felt so good to be able to go to the store and purchase what I need. Now I would not have to worry Josh with my lack of funds. Or spend my time out looking for a job that I did not have time for.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now