Chapter 9

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Here is the next chapter. I hope I have not confused anyone with the different point of views. I just wanted you readers to get to know the characters a little bit. I am feeling a little down because I have not received any comments but that is o.k. I will still publish and finish this story for all of the ones who are reading and hopefully enjoying it. I love it and hope you do too.

Louis’s point of view

It’s Friday and I am exhausted. I have gone around and applied to seven different places this week with no luck so far. I have not heard back from any of them. My Uni schedule is making it so that it will be hard to work any steady hours. I have not slept well for the past few days and I have not eaten a proper meal since Niall took me to eat at Nando’s Monday night. I have just had a few bites here and there of food that I sneak from Josh’s supply but nothing in significant amounts. I have to try and save what money I have left for my half of the electric. If I don’t buy food I might have enough for two months’ worth of electric bills. At least we live close enough to Uni that I can walk easily. I told Josh that I am eating at school but I don’t know if he is buying it. He looks at me strangely when he orders take away and I tell him I’m not hungry. I have always ordered something when he does and I think it is confusing him. I have not been able to get the nerve to tell him about another money cut from my parents. I know I will have to do it soon though. I am hoping to be able to find someplace to work before it gets so bad I have to tell him.

I head to kitchen and drink a huge glass of water in hopes that it will fill me up and keep my stomach from growling. I refill my glass and grab some saltine crackers from Josh’s snack stash and head up to my room. I feel bad getting into his food but I have to have something. Maybe if I just take a little at a time he will never know. I have to finish my paper on Niall and have it ready by Monday. At least I know that I will get to eat tomorrow. Niall is bringing lunch over. Maybe if there are any leftovers I can hide them so I can have something to eat later. With that thought I settle down to work on my homework completing my paper. I just know my professor is going to love it. Later on that night I drift off to sleep and dream of blonde hair cerulean blue eyes and Irish charm.

Niall’s point of view

 have just finished my appointment and Liam and I are on our way to Louis and Josh’s flat. Liam is excited to say the least. He has talked nonstop about Josh for the past hour. He is really starting to get on my nerves but I am happy for him. I was not exactly sure what everyone liked so I am bringing Chinese and pizza. We pull up and Liam jumps out grabbing the food and rushing to the door. I follow behind at a more leisurely pace. By the time I get inside I can hear Liam and Louis in the kitchen. I over hear Louis say that Josh is out at the library and will be back in ten minutes.

As I walk toward the couch I pull my hands out of my pocket causing my keys fall to the floor. As I bend over to grab them I notice a piece of paper sticking out from underneath the couch. I pick it up and unfold it. It looks like a short letter from Louis’s parents. I know that I should not read it but I do anyway. I wonder why they are cutting out the amount of money they are sending him. And what does it mean by his lifestyle caused them to cut his money? How could anyone do that to him? He really is a great guy. I quickly fold the letter and place it under the couch again. I do not want to be caught reading it.

I go to the kitchen to see if they need any help. Louis turns towards me and I have to mentally gasp. He looks like he has lost weight since Monday. How could that be possible for it to be this noticeable in a few short days? His pants look a little looser and he is wearing a pair of braces to hold them up. Just then Josh walks in and Liam rushes past me to greet him. Louis and I both roll our eyes at how he is acting. Louis leans over and whispers. “Don’t worry Josh has not been any better. All I hear is Liam texted this and Liam said that. You would think they were dating already.” We both have to laugh at that. It then sinks in as to why he looks thinner. With his money being cut he probably does not have the money to buy things he needs.

Louis starts pulling out plates and cups for our lunch. Josh and Liam enter the kitchen and we all pile food on our plates and head into the living room. I try to subtly watch Louis. He is literally inhaling his food. People say that I eat fast but he just outdid me. He jumps up and goes back for seconds before anyone else has had a chance to finish their plates. Liam and Josh do not notice they are too busy whispering in each other’s ears and giggling. I have to roll my eyes at that.

I stand up and walk into the kitchen and notice Louis placing a slice of the pizza that I had brought over in the refrigerator. I quickly back out before he can see me and make a loud noise as I walk back in. He is at the counter filling his plate up again. Louis looks up at me and smiles. I notice his cheeks have a little more color in them now that he has eaten. “Are you ready to lose at FIFA again” he challenges with a huge smirk on his face. “Bring it on” I reply back with a wink. Wait did I just wink at him. And why is he blushing. We both walk back to the living room and settle on the couch. Josh and Liam are already setting the game up. We all play for a few hours and I have to admit I did pretty good. I beat Louis four times much to his dismay. We also all play a few rounds of Guitar Hero.  I decide to send Liam out to pick up Nando’s for dinner. They all protested by saying that they could just eat leftovers from lunch but I wanted to make sure there was plenty of leftovers for Louis to eat. I wish there was a way to help him without offending him or letting on that I know about his financial situation due to the letter. I doubt his roommate even knows or I am sure he would help. Josh does not seem like the cruel type.

We all eat dinner and then settle in for a movie. They ask what I would like to see and I suggest Finding Nemo. I just love Dory. She makes the movie. We all watch it and start singing at the “just keep swimming” part. I love that I can feel so relaxed with them. Josh is literally in Liam’s lap the whole movie. Liam has his arms wrapped tightly around Josh. They are so cute. After the credits roll I notice the time. It is getting late and I know it is time to go. I keep Josh and Liam talking while Louis cleans the kitchen up. I figure he is probably in there hiding food again. Why doesn’t he ask for help? He is probably too proud to do it. He comes back in the room and we talk for a few more minutes. Louis walks me to the door and we both quietly observe Liam and Josh. They are holding hands. Josh gives Liam a quick peck on the lips. They are so cute together. Liam pulls him close for a hug and plants an even bigger kiss on him. I think Louis agrees how cute they are because he suddenly makes a cooing noise and yells “way to go Josh!” They both pull apart blushing.

We say our goodbyes and climb in the car and head to our flat. I am lost in thought as Liam drives me home. When we arrive Liam wishes me goodnight and leaves to go to his nearby flat. I turn and make my way to my room. I get ready for bed and I am still trying to figure out how to help Louis. I am almost asleep when a thought enters my mind. I sit up in bed and begin to formulate a plan. It’s crazy but it just might work. It would be beneficial to both of us. I make it a point to text Josh and tell him that I am coming around tomorrow and taking Louis to lunch. And that I have something important to talk to him about. Now hopefully he will agree to my plan. I drift off to sleep with the thoughts of Louis and being held in his strong arms.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now