Chapter 12

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Louis’s point of view

I woke up this morning in the best of moods. I am well rested and was able to eat as much as I wanted to yesterday and feel a lot stronger than I did. And I had the best dream. I still blush thinking about exposing all of his pale smooth skin and kissing all over his toned gorgeous body. Snap out of it Lou I say to myself. After taking a quick and rather cold shower to calm me down I throw on a pair of sweatpants and go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea and find something to eat. The doorbell rings and Josh runs by the kitchen in a rush to answer it. I did not even know he was awake. Both Josh and Liam walk into the kitchen hand in hand. I ask them if they would like a cup. They both decline and Josh tells me that they are spending the day together. I tell them to go have fun and be safe. Liam asks me what my plans are and I tell him Niall is taking me out to lunch. They both say their goodbyes and quickly leave.

I heat up some leftover Nando’s and walk to the living room. I have a few hours before I have to get ready so I watch a little television. I notice it is getting close to the time Niall will be here and I go to get dressed. I am having a hard time trying to figure out what to wear. I hear a knock and rush to the door not realizing that I am still shirtless. Niall is standing on my doorstep and I have to keep myself from drooling. He has on this tight red polo shirt that I would love to peel off of him. I motion for him to come in and go to my room dressing quickly.

We leave my flat and I have to say I am excited to see where we are going. We are in the car for a while before we pull into a marina. Seriously, we are going out on a boat. As we walk up I notice the name of the boat and inquire about it. His story about how he named the boat is so sad. I know exactly how he feels. True my parents are not dead but they might as well be since they have all but disowned me. It is just like I have lost them as well as my sisters since they have forbidden me contact with them. It has been over a year and the only contacts I have had with them are those hateful letters. Even though they are so cruel I still cannot make myself throw them away because they are the only thing that I have left of them. I have them in a little box under the bed. I pull myself out of those thoughts and focus on the gorgeous man beside me, the captain of the boat steers us away from the dock and we are on our way.

I have never been on a boat before and I have to say I love it. Niall asks if I am ready to eat and we settle at a small sitting area in the front of the boat. The food is delicious and we eat the majority of it. I can tell he wants to tell me something but he is acting really nervous. He mumbles so quickly that I could not understand him. What he says next shocks me. Crazy Irish say what? He wants to pay me to be his boyfriend for the wedding he has to attend. Well he told me to let him finish so I will gladly hear what he has to say. Besides it is fun to see him squirm. He has this blush spread across his face as he continues. He cannot look me in the eyes and starts talking while looking down at his hands.

“You know from our talk at Nando’s that my mom is extremely persistent when it comes to me finding someone. And I also told you that I did not want to hire an escort for my trip to Ireland because that would just be the wrong thing to do. I really think that this could work. I already know and trust you more than a lot of people I am acquainted with. We could go out more and hang out more so that if we are questioned we could pretend those were dates. We could tell her how we met on the elevator and went out to dinner that night. We both feel comfortable around each other and it would get my mom off of my case. We could say that our relationship is new and that is the reason we are not overly affectionate. I would be willing to pay you for all of your troubles plus pay for traveling expenses and anything else you would need while on the trip. I checked with escort services and was able to get estimates for what they would charge. Their prices range from $6,000.00-$7,000.00 for two weeks. (A/N I just guessed at all of these prices.) I know this is asking a lot from you so I am willing to give you $10,000.00. Five thousand now in case you need to buy anything for the trip and five thousand when we actually travel to Ireland.”

He finishes up looking at me nervously. I stand and start to walk off before I take two steps I turn and say “give me a minute would you.” I turn back around and walk to the back of the boat. I pace back and forth lost in thought. I know he’s a freaking billionaire and ten thousand is nothing to him but that is the difference between death and life to me. No more going without food. No more worrying about bills. I could actually live without having the stress of a job. I could focus on my studies. I have to admit if I decide to do this it would change my life for the better. Plus it would mean that I could spend time with him. I cannot deny my feelings are growing stronger and stronger by the day. I am finding that I miss him when he is not around. My biggest fear is that I will walk away with a broken heart but I want to be with him so badly that I am willing to risk it. I walk back to the front of the boat sit beside him and look into his eyes. “I’ll do it” I say with a smile on my face.

Niall’s point of view

As I am explaining my plan Louis is just sitting there with this unreadable expression on his face. I finish talking and he jumps up and asks for a minute. He walks toward the back of the boat and all I can think of is that I have just messed up. He’s never going to agree to this. I could have jeopardized my friendship with him. I have another reason for asking him. I want to spend time with him. I am constantly thinking of him when we are apart. I dream about him almost every night. I want to be with him. I can hope that this will develop into something but if it does not I will have to be content to be just friends.

I look up to see Louis quickly walking towards me. He looks into my eyes and agrees to my plan with a huge smile on his face. Wait did he just agree? I cannot help the smile that spreads across my face. I am so relieved. I look into his eyes and say “I want to keep this between us. We do not need to tell anyone especially Josh and Liam. They will think we are crazy. Louis then asks me if Liam will be accompanying us to Ireland. “Yes, and more than likely he will ask Josh to go with him. He will be visiting his family and introducing Josh to them.” Louis looks at me and smirks. His eyes are sparkling with mischief. “I have an idea. We can tell Josh and Liam that we are dating. They see us daily and if we can fool them we can fool anyone. Besides when they go with us to Ireland they will not have to lie when questioned. I would hate to have to drag them into this. We can make them think we broke up but want to remain good friends when we return.” “Agreed” I reply back to him.

We both look out over the lake and sit in companionable silence for a while just enjoying the scenery. I stand and walk to the control room and ask the captain to take us back to the dock. After the boat has been docked we climb into the Range Rover and drive back to Lou’s flat. I see Liam’s car parked in front of the flat and we quietly make our way inside. I hope we will not be disturbing anything. The living room is empty and Louis and I both look at each other warily. I can hear moans coming from Josh’s room. Then we can hear Liam shout. “Harder Josh harder! Right there right there!” My eyes widen and I lean over and whisper in Louis’s ear. “Want to come back to my place. That way you don’t have to hear this. I have more than enough room. You can spend the night if you want.” He looks at me gratefully and whispers. “Let me get my things. Be back in just a minute.”

He quickly disappears into his room and I am left to my thoughts. I wish that was Louis and I. I would love to pound him into the mattress, coming deep inside him while he screams my name finding his own release. Stop it stop it stop it Niall. Quit thinking like that. I take a few deep breaths and try to calm myself down. Louis walks up carrying a small bag and we quickly exit. The drive back to my place is quiet. Louis asks if he can use my cell to text Josh and let him know where he is going to be tonight. I hand him my phone and he giggles as he texts. “What did you send?” I ask him. “I just told him where I was and that he needs to make sure to buy me earplugs the next time Liam is over and that I will see him sometime tomorrow.” I cannot help but laugh at that. We pull into my winding driveway and I can hear a loud gasp from the passenger’s seat when the house comes into view.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now