Chapter 10

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Here is a new chapter Hope you enjoy it.

Louis’s point of view

I am so glad that Niall has brought food over for lunch. I have not eaten proper food in days. I have only been able to sneak a little bit of food here and there. Calm down Louis. I have to control myself. I cannot just dive right in and fill my plate If I act differently they will find out.

When Josh gets back and we all are filling our plates up I am beyond happy.  I know I am eating too fast but I cannot help it. I notice all of the others are occupied as I go for seconds. I decide while I am in there that I will hide a little bit for later. I cannot help but feel shame for having to do that. Hopefully someone will want to hire me from the places I have applied. That way I can at least have the money I need and will not have to do this much longer. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up. I have started feeling so weak lately. I have difficulty sleeping because my muscles want to cramp up. And my clothes are getting loose. Someone is bound to notice soon. Then what will I do. Josh might have to kick me out if I cannot pay for my share of the bills. He’s gay and has his parent’s support which is something I envy. Why can’t mine be like that? If I get kicked out I have nowhere to go.

I mentally slap myself and try to focus on filling my plate again. Niall walks in for more and we both exit the kitchen at the same time. After everyone eats we settle down to play video games. I had a very enjoyable afternoon and the night just kept getting better. Niall bought Nando’s. That gave me even more food to hide for later. I hate doing this but I don’t know what else to do. Josh rarely cooks so I knew the food I hid would probably still be there for the next few days. All afternoon long I have been trying my best not to stare at Niall but it is hard. I have been dreaming about him a few times since I met him. Niall is so easy to be around. He’s not the stuck up snob you would think he would be. I just love his laugh. And he also does this cute little dance every time he would win a FIFA game. I even let him win twice just so I could see him dance. What I want to do to that body. Wait snap out of it Lou. Think of other thoughts not how hot Niall is or how you would like to snog him until you both pass out. I mentally face palm. Focus Lou focus; don’t think about those shoulders that are to die for or that cute little bum. I mentally slap myself.

He is sitting on the couch joking around with Liam and Josh. I am so glad he can relax and be himself around us. He really has a bubbly personality. I have to admit I am falling hard for him. But I have got to stop thinking that way. Every time I do I think back to that time at Nando’s when he was shocked when I just mentioned the word gay. Yep straight as a ruler that one is. He has to be. Why else would he have reacted like that? I hear another round of giggles coming from the floor. Liam and Josh are sitting very close and talking to each other. Liam’s hand is on Josh’s thigh. They are so cute together. They have done nothing but whisper and giggle all afternoon. I wish that could be Niall and I. After the movie I clean up the kitchen hiding more food. The remainder of the leftovers I place in the front of the refrigerator so that no suspects that I have hidden some of it and it will be ready in case they want to take it with them later. I can feel tears start to form in my eyes and spill down my cheeks. Sometimes I wish I had never told my parents that I am gay. My life would have been so much easier. Why do they have to hate me? Can they not see that I am the same person? I pull myself out of my gloomy thoughts and splash cold water on my face to help reduce the puffiness that my crying has caused.

When I return to the living room Niall and Liam decide it is time to leave. I am sad to see everyone go. I will miss Niall. Although it was so cute seeing Josh and Liam say goodbye. As I am getting ready for bed Josh informs me that Niall was picking me up for lunch tomorrow and that he had something to discuss. He said to be ready to go at ten. I wonder what that is about. Oh well I guess I will find out tomorrow.  I actually had a very peaceful night’s sleep. I dreamed of walking hand in hand with Niall. This time we are walking along the beach at night. I can see the moonlight reflecting in his eyes. He turns toward me pulling me close. He nuzzles my neck and whispers how much he wants me in my ear. His Irish accent makes me weak at the knees. His hot mouth kissing and nibbling on my neck sends shivers throughout my body. He then cups my cheek and leans in and we kiss. We both sink to the sand his body lying on top of mine. We slowly undress kissing each area of skin we are exposing. I drift off into a deeper sleep with a smile on my face. My dream could not have been more perfect.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now