Chapter 18

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This chapter is dedicated to @Glamdirectioner17 for her lovely comment. Thanks for reading. 

Niall's point of view

I have to admit making love with Lou is amazing. I feel an even bigger connection to him now. We both quickly shower. We enter our bedroom pick up our discarded clothes placing them in the hamper and get dressed and go downstairs. Harry is in the kitchen preparing food for the party. “Need any help” I ask walking up to the counter Harry is working at. He looks up with a huge smirk on his face. “Now where have my little Nialler and Little Lou been while I have been slaving away preparing food for the party hmm?” He asks rather cheekily. I blush and look down at my feet. He leans close to us and stage whispers. “Maybe next time you guys can use the boathouse. I think everyone could hear what you guys were up to. I did not think you would be a screamer Niall.” Just then my mum walks in and looks at Harry. “Please leave Niall and Louis alone. What they do in the privacy of their bedroom is their business besides they weren’t that loud.” She walks over to Harry and smacks him on the back of the head. He apologizes and begins chopping vegetables. The smirk has returned to his face so I know I have not heard the end of it. Mum walks over and pulls Louis over to a side counter and asks if he could wash up and help make salad. She then turns to me and asks me to help Harry. I wash up grab a knife and start slicing tomatoes for the burgers that dad will grill later. Harry leans over and whispers “Nice love bite on your collarbone there little Nialler.” I see Louis saunter over to us out of the corner of my eye and walk up to Harry. Harry grabs a piece of the cucumber he has been slicing and pops it into his mouth turning to Louis. “Oh by the way” Lou says softly to Harry. “You shouldn’t call him little Nialler anymore. I can attest to the fact that he is nowhere near little.” Harry starts to choke on the food in his mouth and mum comes over to him and hits him on the back. I fill a glass up with water and hand it to him. He takes a few quick gulps and washes the food down. Mum laughs and says “Serves you right picking on your brother and brother-in-law like that. Now be nice and get back to work.” We all finish up preparing the food needed for the party. We have about an hour before the guests are to arrive so Lou and I relax on the couch and cuddle and watch some television. Harry has gone upstairs to get ready and mum has gone to find dad.

I hear the doorbell ring and untangle myself from Lou to go answer it. Zayn Malik is standing on the other side. I have not seen him in about a year. He looks the same as he did when we were in school together. He is wearing a tight white shirt black skinny jeans and combat boots and is holding a black leather jacket in his hands. Same perfect hair styled in a quiff but now he has a blonde streak in the front. He does seem to have a few more tattoos than the last time I saw him. He works as an art teacher at the local high school. I bet all of the girls and some of the guys dream about his dark good looks. I invite him in and we walk into the living room. Louis notices him and stands up. I walk over to Louis and put my arm around his waist pulling him to my side. “This is a very good friend of mine named Zayn we went to school together. Zayn this is my boyfriend Louis.” I’ll have to give him credit he did not act the least bit surprised. He offered Louis his hand to shake and smiled and said. “It’s good to meet you.” Just then Harry comes walking into the room. Zayn looks over at him and some emotion I cannot place flashes across his face. I also notice Harry slightly blushes as he tells Zayn hi. I go over to Harry pulling him to the corner of the room and whisper in his ear. “Does little Harry have a little crush on our Zaynee?” Harry’s blush deepens and he stutters “N-N-No.” I think he does but I will not embarrass him in front of Zayn. I will wait and do that later.

Mum walks in and gives Zayn a big hug and asks if he can help everyone set up tables. We all walk outside to the grassy area behind the house and help set everything up for tonight. An hour later most of the guests have arrived. We are all mingling around talking to each other. I am across the yard from Lou. He is standing there talking to Liam, Harry, and Zayn. He glances my way and smiles before turning back to the conversation. I turn and talk to one of my cousins when I feel these arms wrap around me. The person locks their hands in the front and presses against my back. I pull their hands apart and turn to see who it is. I can’t believe it Cassandra Malik is standing in front of me. I have not seen her since the summer before I started Uni. She grins up at me and throws herself at me wrapping her arms around my neck. I pull away from her and place my hands on her shoulders holding her at arm’s length. She just smiles at me and says. “Niall I can’t believe you are here. I have not seen you in years.” She tries to get closer but my hands on her shoulders are stopping her. “It has been a long time Cassandra how are you doing?” I reply dropping my hands and hoping she doesn’t try to hug me again. “Why so formal Niall you know you can call me Cass like you did when we were together.” I mentally roll my eyes. We were never together. She grabs my arm and pulls me towards the refreshment table talking as we walk. “I was hoping to run into you. I just knew that you would be back for the wedding.” I nervously look around and see Louis watching us with narrowed eyes. He quickly walks toward us. I pull my arm away from her and wrap it around Louis’s waist as soon as he gets beside me. She looks up at me with a puzzled look on her face. “Louis I would like you to meet a friend of mine Cassandra Malik. Cassandra this is my boyfriend Louis. Her eyes widen at the word boyfriend and she quickly says. “It is nice to meet you Louis. If you will excuse me I need to go find Zayn he does not know I am here.” She turns on her heel and quickly walks away.

I let out a big sigh and pull Lou closer to me burying my face into his neck. “So is that the Cassandra you were talking about when we were at Nando’s?” He asks a little stiffly. I pull my head away from his neck and look him in the eye. “What’s wrong Lou? Are you o.k.?” He looks over at me and quietly says. “It’s not every day you get to see your boyfriend acting very friendly and hugging someone else and resting his hands on someone’s shoulders,” I can see the hurt in his eyes. I use the hand that is not around his waist to cup his cheek turning his face towards me. “Lou look at me” I beg. She threw herself at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. The reason my hands were on her shoulders was because I pushed her away from me. I did not encourage her or want her to do that. I love you and only you. You know you are the only one for me. Please don’t be mad at me BooBear.” I give him a quick peck on the lips and look him in the eye and hope that he will be o.k. He looks at me and smiles. “I believe you Niall. I just was a little jealous. And why did you call me BooBear?” I look at him relief washing over my face. He’s not mad at me. “It just slipped out I was thinking about how warm and cuddly you are earlier when we were on the couch and my mind thought up the nickname BooBear. If you don’t like it I won’t call you that again. Lou looks at me with a big smile on his face. “I love it. You are so sweet Ni.” He gives me a quick kiss on the lips and says “now let’s go get something to eat. I am starving. I did not get to eat a lot of lunch. Somehow I was not hungry for food at that time.” He says the last part rather seductively in my ear. He then nips at my earlobe and pulls on it slightly with his teeth causing me to softly moan. He leans slightly back and bites his bottom lip. I look over at him and say “I can’t wait till this party is over and we are back in our room. Now let’s go and eat. We have to have strength for what I have planned later.” I grab his hand and we make our way to the food table.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now