Chapter 29

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Niall’s point of view

I can hear the voice of my angel calling my name. I look up into the beautiful blue eyes of my friend, my lover, my forever, my Louis. He is crying and holding me close. Why is he so upset? “What happened? I groan and try to sit up. “He’s awake everyone he’s awake.” Louis yells over his shoulder. He looks down at me and starts peppering my face with kisses. Whispering I love you over and over between each kiss. He helps me sit up and I notice that we are in the room where Cassandra was holding Louis at gunpoint. “What happened Boo? I don’t remember.” I say as I hold my head. Why does my head hurt so badly? “Cassandra was getting ready to shoot me. You lunged at me and we both fell backwards. You hit your head on the corner of a small table when you fell and it knocked you out. You were out for about fifteen minutes.” Lou says as he rubs my back. “Greg thinks you might have a concussion.” “Where is Cass?” I ask while looking around the room.

My eyes fall on a man I do not recognize standing in the corner talking to a police officer. Lou notices where I am looking and answers my question. “That man is named Luke Hemmings. He was helping Cassandra out until he realized that she was going to actually kill someone. He was here when she tried to shoot me. He already had the police on their way here because he figured Cassandra would try something. When he saw her getting ready to pull the trigger he grabbed her causing the shot to go over our heads. He then pinned her on the floor taking the gun from her and holding her until the police arrived. I noticed that the police were done talking to him and motioned him over. He came over to where we were still sitting on the ground. I motioned for him to sit down. He sat in front of us with a guilty look on his face. I could tell he wanted to say something so I sat there with a raised eyebrow. He began to tell us the story about how he met Cassandra and how he fell in love with her. She found out he desperately needed money and decided to use him to her advantage. She had him spy on Niall a little. And she had him convinced that she loved him and that once she was able to get money from Niall she would give him some of it. “I never thought that she would hurt anyone or I would have never agreed to any of it. I really need the money but not enough to take someone’s life. When she told me what she did to her own brother I knew I could no longer help her. I am sorry for everything she has done to both of you. Even though I really did not have a part in much of it I want you to know that I am so sorry.” I could see a tear roll down his cheek. I looked at Lou and then looked back at him. “Can I ask you a question? Why would you do something like that? Why do you need money so desperately?” He looked over at me and replied.

“I have two sisters who were born conjoined. They are five years old. The doctors said they could separate them and that they would be able to live happy and healthy lives with no medical issues. They are conjoined at the stomach. Some conjoined twins share organs but not them. They have two sets of organs. All it would take is a surgery to separate them but my family is poor and we cannot afford it. I really needed that money for my sisters.” By then he was sobbing with his head in his hands. A police officer then walked over to us and said. “Mr. Horan would you like to press charges against Mr. Hemmings we can take him into custody and charge him with aiding Miss. Malik and stalking due to the fact that he confessed to following you around. I looked at this broken young man in front of me sobbing into his hands. Could I really do that? He never really did anything physical to me or Lou. “I looked at the police officer and said. “I know you have to take him in for questioning but I am not sure if I want to press charges against him. After all he did save our lives and informed you of her plan” The officer replied “Sir I still have to hold him in jail until I can verify his guilt or innocence. Come down to the station tomorrow morning and we can discuss this issue.” I looked up at the officer. “Can I have one more minute with him then you are free to take him in.” The officer nodded and backed away still keeping an eye on all of us. I looked over at Luke and said. “Does your mother have a phone she can be reached at?” Luke looked up at Niall and nodded. Niall took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to him. “Put your mother’s number in. I will call and verify your story about your sisters. I want to help you as a way of thanking you for saving our lives. I would have been shot if you had not stopped her. I want to help you out. I want to pay for your sister’s surgery. Luke quickly typed the number in. “Thank you for doing this. I will forever be in your debt. You don’t know what this means to me.” He starts to cry as the police officer helps him up and handcuffs him. He is led away and I pull Lou in for a quick hug.

Greg walks over to me and looks me over. “I want you to go have a CT scan of your head Niall. I just need assurance that you are o.k. you did hit pretty hard and you were out. Do you feel nauseous or dizzy?” A little nauseous, I have not stood up yet so I’m not sure about the dizzy part.” I reply to Greg. He nods and gently pulls me up. My head suddenly feels like it is spinning around and I fall against him. “Denise go get the car we need to get him checked out.” Greg hands her his keys and she quickly exits. Louis comes over supporting my other side and they slowly walk me outside. I climb into the back with Louis on one side and Greg on the other. We make our way to the hospital and by then I feel like I am going to throw up. I ended up vomiting all over the hospital parking lot with Louis holding me up while Greg rushes inside. Lou and I slowly make our way in and I am immediately ushered into a wheelchair. Greg had already started the admissions process and soon I find myself laying on a table for a head scan. Afterwards they take me to a side room and I am lying on a small bed with Lou holding my hand tightly. A doctor I do not recognize comes in and informs us that I have no head injury but I do have a serious concussion. I am to be kept overnight for observation and will be released tomorrow if all goes well.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now