Chapter 52

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Louis’s point of view

“I’ll get it” I yell out as I make my way to the door. I am engulfed in a hug as soon as the doors open. “Hi mum” I say kissing her on the cheek. Lottie, Fizzy, and the twins come running up to me all grabbing me and hugging me. They then carry their bags going to “their rooms” as they like to call them. I laugh at how funny they are and join my mum, Maura, and Niall in the living room. Mum and Maura are already planning out what they are going to be doing tomorrow. “So you guys have a busy Saturday planned?” Niall asks. They both look at us smiling. “Of course we do your wedding is next Saturday there is tons to do. But you two do not have to worry about that you will get to see the church when you have your wedding rehearsal. And then you can see what we have been working so hard over. Oh and Harry and Zayn will be here tomorrow. Harry is staying the week to make sure all of the food is prepared. He is actually flying his whole team out to cater.” Mum smiles at me and tears start to form in her eyes. “I can’t believe it my baby’s is getting married in seven days.” She starts sobbing as I pull her into a hug. “Mum I’m 21 years old. I am getting ready to graduate from Uni. I am hardly a baby.” She looks at me and cups my cheek. “No matter how old you get you will always be my baby.” I smile and kiss her temple looking over at Niall who is holding a sobbing Maura. Will Niall and I be like this with our children? Now that I think about it we might even be worse. We are finally able to get our upset mum’s calmed down and order take away for dinner. We all sit down at the dining room table eating Chinese and talking about the wedding.

Niall and I have a tuxedo fitting at two o’clock tomorrow and then Niall is finalizing our honeymoon plans. I will be really busy this week. I am doubling up on my assignments so I can complete everything since I am taking a week and a half off for my honeymoon. My thoughts drift off to the honeymoon. Niall wants it to be a surprise. I still do not know where he is taking me. Knowing him it will probably be someplace exotic. He does love to spoil me even though I protest. I do have to admit after struggling for so long it does feel nice not having to worry where my next meal is coming from. The girls enter the room chatting loudly. Fizzy runs to Niall and gives him a hug settling down beside him. Lottie comes over to me and curls up beside me laying her head on my shoulder. Mum and Maura grab their phones taking pictures. We all decide to head to the game room and watch a movie. The twins run ahead to pick one out with everyone else following. I stay behind to make microwave popcorn for everyone. I am just about to start when I hear the doorbell. I know that we are not expecting anyone. I wonder who it could be. I open the door to find Josh standing there. His eyes are swollen and red rimmed indicating he has been crying. He throws himself into my arms burying his head on my neck sobbing loudly. I somehow manage to get him inside and close the door. “What’s wrong Joshie? Calm down and tell me. Is something wrong with Liam?” Josh starts to cry harder at the mention of Liam’s name. Just then I hear Niall behind me “Hey Boo do you need any help with the…” His voice trails off as he notices what is going on. He comes over to where we are at and I can see that he is worried. “Hey Josh what’s wrong?” He asks while rubbing soothing circles on Josh’s back.

“Liam broke up with me.” He sobs into my neck. I cannot help but gasp in surprise. What is going on? Those two are so in love. I am able to convince him to sit in the living room. “Josh do you want to talk about it?” I ask. He looks over at me with tears pouring down his cheeks. “Liam and I have been arguing for about two days now. We went clubbing and there was this guy that started talking to me. I talked to him a little just being friendly but the guy must have thought I was flirting. He grabbed me and kissed me. Liam was furious. He storms over and pushes us apart threatening the guy and telling him to leave me alone. He then drags me away from the guy and starts yelling at me. He said he could see me from the bar flirting with him. I just could not believe that Liam would say that. I only have eyes for him. I do not want to even look at someone else. The guy said he was new to the area and was wondering where the best places to hang out were. I was just making polite conversation. I cannot help it if the guy took it wrong. We left the bar still arguing. I ended up sleeping in the guest room because I was so angry that Liam would even think that. I just needed some space to calm down. The next day after I came home from class I tried to talk to him but he refused to listen. He would not even look at me. When I finally was able to get a response out of him he snapped at me and stormed out.

He did not even come home last night. I was so worried. He did not call he did not answer his texts. I could not even go to class I was so worried. That is why when you came by to pick me up I told you I was sick. I did not want to drag you into our problems. When he finally came home earlier today after work he started to ignore me again. I walked up to him and begged him to talk to me. He just looked over at me with the coldest expression. He started yelling about how I was selfish and only thought about me and how I was ignoring him. And that I did not even come to bed with him. I yelled back and told him that he was the one ignoring me. And he said that maybe I should just leave if I did not want to be around him. I tried to reason with him but he just snapped and screamed at me to leave. And well here I am.” Josh starts sobbing again and I just pull him into my arms trying to calm him down. I suggest him coming to Niall’s and my bedroom and getting cleaned up. “Can I stay here tonight I have nowhere else to go.” He whispers brokenly into my shoulder. “You’re more than welcome to stay here.” Niall responds to him. Josh and I stand and make our way into the bedroom. Just as I am about to close the door I hear the doorbell ring. I wonder who that could be.     

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now