Chapter 22

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Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Niall's point of view

We have finished our tuxedo fitting and are now at the third jewelry shop. I hope I can find an engagement ring worthy of Louis. As we enter we are greeted by a stunning middle aged lady. She immediately looks up and says. "I can't believe it Niall Horan how are you doing. I have not seen you in a long time. And Harry Styles it has been a long time for you as well. Harry I am so glad you are doing well. I am sorry I could not make it to your party for Greg I was sick that day." As I examine her closer I figure out who she is. After Harry's family was lost in the fire he had to stay at a foster home until the adoption was complete. This was Harry's foster mother Meredith. She comes out from behind the counter giving Harry a huge hug. "I moved off after you were placed with the Horan's and just recently moved back to take over my brother's jewelry business after he died. I am so glad you found a loving family and are happy." She states with tears in her eyes.

"Harry looks like he could tear up at any minute. "You will always be special to me. You helped me realize that their deaths were not my fault. I was so guilty because I was spending the night at a friend's house when it happened. Right after the fire all I could think of was if I was home I could have saved them. You helped me realize that I would have died too and that I will always have them in my heart," A few tears slip down his cheeks and he pulls her into an even bigger hug. She pulls away from him turning to me and pulls me into a hug. After a few seconds she releases me with tears pouring down her cheeks. "I want to say thank you to you and your family for taking such good care of Harry. I always wondered how he was doing. When I came back and found out he was healthy and happy I was so relieved. He is one special person. Now what can I do for you boys?" She asks while wiping away a few stray tears left on her cheeks. I smile down at her and say "I am looking for an engagement ring." "What is the special girl like? That might help us figure out the style?" I reply. "Actually I am asking a guy to marry me so I need to see your bands." She looks up at me and grins. She sweetly replies "I think that's wonderful. My brother that recently died was gay and had the most wonderful relationship with his husband. They were soul mates. They were perfect for each other. They both died in a car accident. I am saddened that two precious lives were lost but also happy that they died together. I don't think either one could have lived without the other. Now let's go find that special ring for the man you love."

We looked through a huge variety of bands but I just could not find the one I wanted for Louis. It just had to be perfect. I looked over at her apologizing and a huge smile lit up her face. "I have more in the back stay right here" She excused herself and quickly disappeared into the back room. She came back and withdrew from a velvet pouch the most perfect ring I have ever seen. It was a thick silver band with black in the center and silver edges. The black part of the ring contained this beautiful design the silver swirls surrounding the black part of the band almost form interlocking infinity symbols. "It's perfect" I whisper reverently holding the ring. I notice the inside is engraved it reads "My love for you is eternal". I look over at her and she has tears in her eyes. "It belonged to my brother I have the matching one right here. She pulled the other ring out if the pouch handing it to me. "I would like for you to have these." She softly says her eyes swimming with tears. I gasp and try to hand them back but she will not accept them. "My brother and his husband shared a love so precious so rare that the rings deserve to go to someone who can have that same love with someone. I know that you will cherish these rings and hopefully pass down the story to your children about what powerful love these rings symbolize not only the story of your love but my brothers story as well. Now let's check the sizes and see if we need to adjust them." I show her the silver band that represents Louis's size and then she asks me to try on the other one. It turns out that both rings are a perfect fit. Neither one will have to be adjusted. She smiles and says "This just shows that you were destined to have these. Please accept them as a gift from me. I could not take any money for them. Think of them as a future wedding present."

I hug her with tears in my eyes. "Bless you Meredith. I will tell Louis the story behind the rings. I will even bring him here to meet you soon." She places the rings in matching jewelry boxes and hands them to me. "May you and Louis have much happiness? Good bye Niall and Harry. I hope to see you both soon don't forget to bring Louis. I would love to meet him." We left the shop and walked toward Harry's car. Harry's phone starts going off and he reaches in his pocket pulling it out and looking at the screen. A huge smile spreads across his face as he answers it. "Zayn how are you?" he says. He suddenly stops on the side walk his face going pale. "Zayn calm down. I can't understand you." I could hear Zayn's frantic voice through the phone but I could not understand what he was saying. Harry grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards his car. "Don't worry Zayn we are on our way." He quickly hangs up as he opens the passenger door and all but throws me inside. He slams the car door and runs to the driver's side slipping in and quickly starting the car. He pulls out and quickly drives down the road holding the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles are white. "Call mum and check and see where Louis is." "What's going on?" I reply "Just do it I'll explain after we find out if he's safe." Wait what does he mean if he's safe?" I grab my phone and quickly dial mum. She answers on the first ring. "Niall." Before she can say anything else I interrupt her. "Mum do you know where Louis is, is he with you?" "No Niall he is at our flat. I left him there to finish some projects while your father and I picked up some last minute food items on Harry's list. He might have taken the jeep and driven down to the boathouse to pick up the coolers that Harry will need for the rehearsal dinner tomorrow. What's wrong you don't sound good is everything alright?" "I'm not sure I'll get back with you. I just need to find Louis. I have to go." I quickly hang up and turn my face towards Harry. "Mum said he is at home. What's going on Harry?" My voice now contains a trace of panic. Harry is still gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"Zayn overheard a conversation between Cassandra and some guy named Luke. Cassandra is trying to break up you and Louis. She is going to make you think she has been beaten by her boyfriend to gain your sympathy. She then thinks you are going to leave Louis and marry her. She said that she is just doing this to get a hold of your money. When she has that she will divorce you and run away with Luke. But the scariest part is he overheard her saying that she would have to get rid of Louis so that he will not be in the way. He thinks she is going to try and hurt him." Fear now flows throughout my body. I cannot lose Louis. He is my world. I don't know what I would do without him. "Harry please hurry." I beg. We are about five minutes away from our house when we spot Zayn running down the road. Harry slows down long enough for him to jump in the back and we are off again. Zayn collapses in the back seat panting due to his long run. We pull into the driveway and I am jumping out of the car before it completely stops. I look in the garage but the Jeep is not there. Louis must be at the boathouse. I race towards the lake with Harry and Zayn running right behind me. I see the jeep pulled up to the front of the boathouse. I go to the entrance. It is partially open and I can see Louis standing there. I notice how upset he is. He is so pale. Like all of his golden tan has just leeched out of his face. I move a little closer to the opening and what I see makes my blood run cold. Cassandra is standing around ten feet from him and is reaching in her pocket for something.

Not sure if I will be able to upload a picture of Niall's and Louis's wedding/engagement bands but I am going to try. New chapter will be up in around an hour.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now