Chapter 30

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Sorry this chapter is a little short hope you like the ending. There are plenty more chapters to come. I am nowhere near finished with this story. This chapter is dedicated to thesimplelife for following me and writing good stories that I love to read.

Louis’s point of view

Niall is now in his hospital bed fast asleep in my arms. I am not sure if they would approve of me holding him but I do not care. Harry came by earlier to visit and informed us that Zayn was in his own room and doing great. I pull Niall closer to me and kiss the top of his head. He sighs in his sleep and nuzzles my neck. I can feel tears start to form in my eyes. I can now relate to how Harry felt earlier. That overwhelming feeling of potential loss was almost too much to bear. In the seconds after the gun went off and Niall was lying limply on top of me I felt like dying too. I thought he had been shot. I thought I had lost him. Fear had coursed through my veins. Greg rushed in and gently lifted Niall off of me. After he examined him and we found out that he was not shot and that he had only hit his head when we fell I was beyond relieved. I now know the depth of Niall’s love for me. He would risk his life to save me. For so long I felt worthless but I don’t anymore. I am loved, I am wanted, and I am cherished by the most amazing person. I now have silent tears pouring down my cheeks. I wonder if he knows how much he means to me. I just want to hold him and never let him go. He is my everything. I cannot help but feel a sense of relief that the police have Cassandra in custody. No more looking over our shoulders. We can finally relax.

Maura and Bobby walk in and come over to Niall’s bedside. “We just wanted to let you know that we are going home. I have already spoken to the doctor and he is o.k. with you staying overnight here. We love you both. Hopefully you will be able to get some sleep.” She leaned over and kissed Niall’s as well as my cheek. They quietly left and a few minutes later a nurse walks in. “I’m sorry to interrupt you but we need to try and wake him up. The doctor instructed us to do that every hour.” I sigh and reach my hand up stroking Niall’s soft cheek. “Niall baby can you wake up for me?” He lets out this pitiful whimper and turns his head into my neck. “Come on Niall please.” I whisper to him. His eyelids flutter open and he looks at me and smiles. “Hi Boo” he whispers touching his lips to mine. “Mr Horan it’s time for your pain medication.” the nurse states as she hands him a small cup of water and an even smaller paper cup with two small white pills in it. He quickly takes his medicine and hands her the cups back. She takes his vital signs and documents them leaving shortly after that.

Niall turns to me and has a sad look on his face. “Baby whats wrong” I ask him. “I had this special evening planned for us after the dinner and now we are stuck in here until sometime tomorrow. I just wanted everything to be perfect when I asked” he suddenly has a shocked expression on his face and he stops talking. Now my curiosity is piqued. I smile and say. “Niall what were you going to say?” He sighs and shakes his head a small smile forming on his beautiful face. “Can you get my jacket and bring it over here?” He asks me. I then hop off of the hospital bed and bring his jacket to him. “Please sit down on the edge of the bed and close your eyes. No peeking.” he says to me. I do as he asks and sit down. I can hear him shifting around on the bed. “You can open your eyes now love. Louis from the moment I first saw you I was drawn to you. You help me look at life differently. You help me see things with a fresh perspective. You have shown me that love exists and that each person has a soul mate. I believe that I have found that soul mate with you. You have become my friend, my lover, my reason for living, and it would honor me if you would now become my husband. Will you marry me?”

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now