Chapter 35

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I am only able to post one chapter tonight. Hope you enjoy.

Louis's point of view

After the wedding Niall and I spend two uninterrupted days at the cabin he rented. I feel sorry for the people who will have to clean it after we leave. We tried our best to clean up after ourselves but Niall and I also made love on practically every available surface in that cabin. I have so many things to check off of my bucket list of interesting places to have sex. Dining room table, stairs, hallway, in front of the fireplace, and outside under the stars are just a few. Although I will have to admit on top of the washer while it is on the spin cycle would have to be my favorite so far. Niall thrusting into me while the washer vibrated underneath me was beyond amazing. We tried that a few times. Josh and I texted each other and say we will compare lists when we get back to our flat. It seems that Liam and Josh have been just as adventurous as we have and we still have a few days to add more to it before we leave to fly back to England. We also spent a few days visiting various places in Ireland with Josh and Liam. We were having so much fun at a restaurant a few towns over when we ran into a group of homophobes. Josh and I had excused ourselves and were in the bathroom when they approached us.

"Hey faggot I saw you with your boyfriend. Why do you like boys? You know that's wrong don't you?" One of the men sneered at me while trapping me against the wall. He had not laid a hand on me yet but I was afraid he would soon. Josh was pinned over in another corner by another guy. "So what should we do with these two?" the guy that had a hold on the front of Josh's shirt says over his shoulder. "Maybe we should take them out back and teach them a lesson." A third man says. He had been standing behind the guys holding us against the wall. Both of the men threatening us were not paying attention to the door so they did not know when our two heroes' entered. "You should let them go if you know what is good for you" Liam snarls. I have never seen that look Liam's face before. If looks could kill these two would definitely drop dead immediately with only one look from him. Niall was standing beside Liam and had his fists clenched looking like he was getting ready to punch the person harassing me. Suddenly the restaurant manager comes into the bathroom. He asks what was going on and Josh and I tell him about the three men threatening us. The men then quickly make an exit before anyone can stop them. The manager apologizes profusely and tears up our bill refusing to let us pay. We quickly finish our meal and get in Liam's rental car and drive to the next town over to visit an art museum that Liam and Niall want to show us. Despite what happened earlier we still managed to have an enjoyable time. Niall has been so attentive to me these past two weeks. He has made a few conference calls and a few lengthy phone calls with Simon Cowell who was left in charge while Niall was on vacation but other than that he has focused on me. We have only grown closer to each other. I almost dread going home. Niall will then go back to work and I to Uni. plus we will not share the same bed. I think what will be the hardest for me is not being able to fall asleep in his arms and that feeling of being held throughout the night.

"Louis Louis." I hear a voice call snapping me out of my thoughts of what we did the previous days. Maura was calling me. I am in the kitchen helping her prepare dinner. Niall is in the living room talking to Harry and Zayn. They came over to eat with us and so that we could spend our last day together. We board the jet tomorrow to take us home. Zayn was released from the hospital and is healing nicely. When Harry is not working he is at Zayn's side. "Louis could you go tell Niall to set the table please. We do not need to wait on Bobby he is over at our cousin's house and will not be home until late tonight." "O.k. mum" I reply walking into the living room to see Niall in front of the television calling out movie titles to Harry and Zayn. We had all planned on watching a movie or two after dinner. We chose to do something relaxing. Zayn still could not do anything strenuous just yet. "Niall mum wants you to set the table" I call out to him from the doorway. He stands and asks Harry to pick the movies and exits the room. I return to the kitchen and we finish preparing dinner. After everyone eats and the kitchen is cleaned up. Maura excuses herself and says she plans on turning in early. She kisses everyone's cheek and wishes us goodnight. We end up watching The Notebook and Finding Nemo. I can tell that Zayn is getting tired. He has not fully recovered his strength yet. His head is on Harry's shoulder and his eyes are almost closed at the end of the last movie. Harry turns and kisses the top of Zayn's head and softly says. "Do you want to sleep in my room upstairs with me babe?" Zayn nods yes and Harry carefully picks him up bridal style and carries him upstairs. Niall and I join hands and retire to our bedroom. We strip down to our boxers and he pulls me into our usual sleeping position. We share a few kisses and then drift off and sleep peacefully in each other's arms.

The next day we are in the driveway wishing Maura and Bobby goodbye. Bobby hugs us both and wishes us safe travels. Maura hugs us both with tears in her eyes. "I am going to miss you both. My babies are leaving me. Please call regularly and come visit soon." We both promise that we will call the minute the plane lands. We climb into the rental and make our way to the airstrip where Niall's private jet is located. Liam and Josh flew home yesterday. They are going to spend a few days with Josh's family. They are really excited to meet Liam. We quickly board the jet and are soon in the sky. Niall excuses himself and talks to the stewardess. She leaves and closes the cabin door. Niall then walks over and locks the door. Niall saunters over to me with a sensual gleam in his eyes. He climbs into my lap straddling me and goes flush against my body. He leans over and nibbles my ear causing a gasp to escape my lips. He then whispers. "I know all about Josh and your bucket list. Liam read Josh's and found out you have one too. Is sex in an airplane one of the interesting sex places on yours?" Niall asks with eyes filled with lust. I nod yes and he looks at me with a smirk. "Well how about we check that off of your list." He reaches over and pulls my shirt off attaching his lips to mine.

As we left the airplane later we made sure to call mum and let her know we had landed. Niall had gotten the Jaguar from where it had been parked and we loaded it with our luggage. We arrive at my flat and Niall helps me unload my things. We are now standing in the doorway wishing each other goodbye. I can tell that he is very reluctant to leave and I don't want him to leave. He throws his arms around me one last time and walks out the door. I take my things and unload my suitcase. After putting everything away I sit down to watch some television. Around ten o'clock I try to go to sleep but my bed feels so empty. I toss and turn for another hour. Suddenly my phone chimes and I receive a text from Niall. It reads "I can't sleep how about you? I miss having you in my arms." A smile forms on my lips and I reply "I miss you too. I have been trying to go to sleep for an hour now." He replies "I am on my way over. Can't wait to cuddle with my Boo." He soon arrives and we make our way to my room. As soon as we are in each other's arms we drift off to sleep. The next day Niall grabs his overnight bag he had brought with him and disappears into the bathroom. He emerges in his suit and tie looking all professional and sexy. He kisses me and promises me that he will come over after he leaves work. I start to clean the house and compiling a grocery list. Unbeknownst to Niall and me an article was placed in a magazine about us and our engagement. And someone in Doncaster at the Tomlinson household was reading it with avid interest.

Who do you think is reading the article? Drama is coming in the upcoming chapters. Thanks for reading my story.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now