Chapter 2

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I have these chapters saved to my computer so it is hard to tell how long they are. Hope they are not too short.

Please comment. This is my first story and I would love feedback. Thanks for all who have read my story so far.

Louis's point of view

I wake up Monday morning with a smile on my face. I can't believe it. I have a meeting with Simon Cowell of Horan Enterprises in two hours. I took months of calling to be able to set this up. I am writing a research paper for my music class that counts as a major part of my grade. My Uni professor was able to get me an extension on my project because of the length of time it took to set up the interview. He was impressed that I was able to get one of the top executives to speak to me. I cannot figure out what to wear. I look through my closet again in frustration. I finally decide on my TOMS beige chinos and a blue shirt with white stripes. I go to the mirror and style my hair. I hear a knock on my door. "Come in" I call already knowing who it is. My roommate Josh Devine walks into my room sitting down on the edge of my bed. "What are your plans for today?" he asks watching me apply gel to my hair. "I have a meeting with Simon Cowell to interview him for my research paper" I reply putting the finishing touches on my hair. I turn with a big smile on my face. "He is one of the top executives of Horan Enterprises. Can you believe it! I mean the company he works for owns Sony Music, Syco, Universal Studios, Paramount Pictures, and Warner Brothers. The only thing that could make this interview any better is if I could have interviewed Niall Horan himself. I am so nervous." Josh walks up to me placing a hand on my shoulder. "It's o.k. Louis" he replies with a huge smile on his face. He pulls me in for a quick hug. When I pull away from him some emotion I have never seen before flashes across his face. It is quickly gone and I have to wonder if I imagined it.

I go to my bed and pick up my messenger bag. I pull it over my shoulder and walk quickly to my bedroom door. "Wish me luck" I call over my shoulder. "You'll do fine" Josh calls back. I quickly walk out of our shared flat and walk to the bus stop. I would love to have a car but that is not in my budget. Money is really tight since my family only sends me barely enough to live on. They used to send me a lot more but now every month I receive less and less from them. The money is always accompanied by a hateful letter from my mom and stepdad. I just wish we were on better terms. The bus approaches my stop and I am jolted out of my thoughts. I climb aboard and pay my fare. I just hope I have enough to get back home on. I really do not feel like walking all the way back. It is too far and will take at least an hour and a half if I have to walk. I sigh and settle down in my seat. The bus drops me off about two blocks from my destination. I quickly walk and find myself outside of Horan Enterprises. I look up at the building with awe. I still can't believe I'm here.

I walk in and a receptionist greets me with a smile. "Can I help you" she asks with an interested gleam in her eye. I mentally roll my eyes. She is acting all flirty. "My name is Louis Tomlinson I am here to see Mr. Simon Cowell" I reply back with a polite smile. She checks her computer and tells me that his office is on the top floor and that he is expecting me. I thank her and make my way to the elevator. As I wait I notice a blonde haired gentleman standing beside me. The elevator doors open and we both walk in. Both of us reach for the top floor button at the same time. Our fingers brush and I feel a jolt of electricity run up my arm from the brief contact of our hands. I jerk my hand back and mumble "sorry" backing toward the corner of the elevator. What was that? Why did I feel a jolt from just one touch? I notice the gentleman push the button for our floor and the doors close. He moves to stand in the center of the elevator. I can feel the tension pouring off of him in waves. We are about halfway up when the elevator suddenly lurches to a stop. The lights flicker and then go out leaving only the emergency lights on. He turns toward me with a look of sheer panic plastered on his face. His body is so tense. His breathing starts to become irregular. He is as white as a sheet. Sweat is pouring down his face. I slowly approach him and ask what is wrong. "Claustrophobic" he mutters as he gasps for air. His breathing is becoming more and more irregular as the seconds tick by. He collapses to the floor and starts to tremble. Now I am starting to panic because I am not quite sure how to help him.

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