Chapter 26

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Here's the next chapter. I hope to have the next one up in a few days. This chapter is dedicated to @ZaynTomlinson for being my favorite author on wattpad. I just love your books. You are an amazing author. Hopefully your books will return soon. 

Niall’s point of view

I woke up this morning with Lou cuddled into my side. I kiss the top of his head and sigh in contentment. I am just so glad he is safe. I gently extract myself from his arms and go to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and enter the bedroom with a towel around my waist. Lou is now awake and watching me from the bed. “Morning handsome” he rasps in his sexy morning voice. He gets up and walks up to me wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. “Morning love” I reply kissing him on the tip of his nose wrapping my arms around him and pulling him close. We stay that way for a few minutes. He pulls slightly away and says. “I’m going to shower now. I’ll meet you downstairs o.k.” He gives me a quick peck on the lips and starts to walk off. Suddenly he turns around and throws himself in my arms hugging me tight and whispering “I love you.” He kisses me again and reaches down and pulls the towel off of me. He giggles as he brushes my length with his fingertips. “Can’t wait till I get you alone tonight.” he whispers biting his lip and turns and walks into the bathroom. Little tease. He has no idea what I have planned for him tonight. I have a small cabin rented that we are going to go to after the rehearsal dinner. That is where I am going to ask him to marry me. I quickly get dressed and make my way downstairs. Everyone is busy with various things so I make myself a bowl of cereal and put the kettle on for tea. Louis joins me and makes his breakfast we finish quickly and walk hand in hand out of the kitchen.

I hear the doorbell and Louis and I both go to answer it. Liam and Josh are standing on the other side. I motion them in and we all head to the living room. We go over our plans for the day. I am going to help Harry cook for the dinner tonight. Josh, Liam, and Louis are going shopping for wedding presents and Denise is cutting their hair later on this afternoon. I notice Lou and Josh engrossed in conversation so I motion Liam over to the kitchen so that we will not be overheard by them. “Liam I know I told you about Cassandra but I just want to say please keep Lou safe. Stay right with him. Don’t let him out of your sight. Zayn called me last night and informed me that she had left her parents’ house. No one knows where she is at right now and I am so afraid she will try to hurt him. I am meeting Zayn at the police station after you leave to see what can be done about her.” Liam pulled me in for a quick hug. He steps back and assures me that Louis will come to no harm while he is watching out for him. Just then I feel arms wrap around my waist. Lou kisses the back of my neck and rests his chin on my shoulder. He hugs me for about a minute then releases me and goes over to where Josh is standing. I reach into my wallet and go over to Lou and Josh handing both of them money to buy wedding presents and anything else they might need to get. They quickly pocket the money with no argument from Lou thankfully. He does not like it when I give him money. That’s one of the things I love about him. He is not materialistic. Even though he knows without my companies’ profits I am still worth billions he does not ask for a dime. Lou pulls me in for a kiss and I hold him tightly. I end the kiss and whisper against his ear. “Please be careful we don’t know where Cassandra is and I do not want you to get hurt. I love you.” He whispers that he loves me too and quickly leaves with Josh and Liam. Even though I know that he is in good hands I still cannot help but worry.

Zayn took off of work today and went to the police station to see what could be done about Cassandra. I get in my car and drive over to meet him. After speaking to the officers and explaining the situation we are informed that we need to file restraining orders against her. That way if she comes around we can have her arrested. Zayn reluctantly files one even though he said she was family and would probably not do anything to him. I now have mine filed and call Liam up to bring Louis by when they get done so he can file one as well. I leave the police station and drive to Harry’s catering company to help him out. I soon immerse myself in cooking and lose track of time. I have to admit Harry knows what he is doing. Everything here runs smoothly and efficiently. Liam texts me that they have just left the police station and that they are on their way to Denise’s shop for their haircuts. I smile and pocket my phone and begin to chop the vegetables needed for one of his dishes. Harry come up beside me and is about to say something when his phone rings. He answers it with a smile that quickly turns into a look of sheer terror. He grabs my arm and squeezes tightly. “Niall you need to find Louis Cassandra is looking for him.” He listens for a few seconds and then says. “Zayn are you alright. Zayn please answer me.” He begs into the phone. He then screams Zayn please talk to me, Zayn!” He looks over at me and yells “call an ambulance and have them meet me at Zayn’s flat I think something is wrong.” He turns and runs out of the door. I quickly call an ambulance and then call Liam and tell him to keep Louis safe and that Cassandra is looking for him. I also tell him that we think Zayn is hurt and that I am checking up on him and then going back to my parents flat and for him to meet me there with Louis and Josh.” Even though Liam is a trained bodyguard I still cannot help but worry but I know Lou is in good hands and that Liam will keep him safe. I hang up and run out of the building and jump in the car driving as quickly as I can to meet up with Harry dreading what I will find.

Harry’s point of view

I have just walked up to Niall to tell him that I need those vegetables he is chopping when my phone rings. Zayn is trying to talk to me but he does not sound right. He is sputtering and coughing. He warns me about Cass and I tell Niall. Suddenly he sounds like he is choking on something “Harry come to my flat please help me” he whispers into the phone. I then hear his phone drop and I yell but he’s not answering me. I just know something’s wrong. I yell at Niall to have an ambulance meet me at his flat and take off as fast as I can. I park in front of his flat and run up to the door praying it is unlocked. I open it and rush in leaving it open for the paramedics. I frantically look around and find Zayn slumped on the floor in the living room in a pool of blood. I rush over to him carefully turning him over on his back. I then notice a knife sticking out of his stomach area. His face is leached of color and his breathing is labored. I place my hand at his wound pressing down and trying to stop the blood flow. “Zayn baby please stay with me. You can’t leave me.” I beg while sobbing quietly. His eyelids flutter open and his beautiful eyes focus on me a small smile spreads across his face. He reaches a trembling hand toward my face and cups my cheek. “You came” he whispers. “Of course I came. I want to tell you something I should have told you a long time ago. I am so in love with you. I have been since we went to school together but I was too stupid to figure it out back then. I was so busy trying to find the one when he was beside me the whole time. You have to stay with me. Please don’t leave me.” I start sobbing again. I lean over and brush his lips with mine. He is really too weak to kiss me back but I don’t care. I could not wait another second for that kiss. I pull away from him and a weak smile spreads across his face. “I love you to Harry. I have from the moment I met you.”

Suddenly I feel a hand grip my shoulder I quickly turn to find Niall standing behind me. “Where’s Lou is he safe? I ask him. “Liam is guarding him. They are meeting me at mum and dads. The ambulance just arrived.” I can hear the paramedics rush through the door. I take my hand off of his wound and back up to give them room to treat him. They quickly have him loaded on the gurney and are getting ready to load him on the ambulance. Zayn grabs Niall’s hand as they pass by him and he whispers. “Cassandra did this to me Niall. Don’t let her hurt Lou.” He lets go and as they load him in the ambulance I tell Harry to ride with him. “I’ll get your assistant to take over at your catering company. You need to be with Zayn right now.” He gives me a quick hug and climbs in the ambulance. I can see him settle down beside Zayn and grab his hand as they close the doors. I turn and find a police officer walking over to me. My phone vibrates and I look down and see a text from Liam. It reads “we are at your mum’s house where are you?” I reply “still at Zayn’s. Please watch Lou. Cassandra stabbed Zayn he just left in an ambulance. Also get mum to call the catering company and get Harry’s assistant to take over. Harry went to the hospital with Zayn. He replies back “o.k. don’t worry I will keep him safe.” The police officer asks me if I know who stabbed Zayn and I informed him that Cassandra did. Just then a car screeches to a halt close to us. I turn and see Zayn’s parents run up to the police officer and ask what’d going on. I look over at his mum and explain that Cass stabbed him and that he is on his way to the hospital and that Harry is with him. I feel so bad for the family right now. They are all really heartbroken by Cassandra’s betrayal. They turn and rush back to their car and speed off toward the hospital.  The police officer tells me that I am free to go for now and if he needs more information he will get in touch. I rush to my car and drive home. I can’t wait to hold Lou in my arms.

Cassandra’s point of view

I can’t believe that the voices told me to kill Zayn. I really did not want to. Sure he is a worthless fag but he has always loved me. I could not have asked for a better brother. Wait what am I saying. The voices are my family now. They have always been there for me. I tried to convince Luke that he needed to help me get rid of Louis he refused. He panicked when I told him how I had gotten rid of Zayn. He told me he could no longer help me. “He is so pathetic you should just kill him” the voice in my head snarled. I turned to where Luke is standing but he is already gone. “That’s o.k. just find him later and kill him after all you don’t need witnesses” Another voice tells me. I go over to my suitcase and pull out my handgun. It was bought off the streets so it cannot be traced back to me. I make sure it is loaded and hide it in my jacket. I hop in my car and head to the rehearsal dinner. He will be so easy to kidnap from there. Everyone will be busy doing last minute wedding things. No one will notice him missing. Then I will take him out to an abandoned field and end his life. No one will find him and I will be free to have Niall.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now