Chapter 23

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Louis’s point of view

After Niall and Harry leave Maura and I go through box after box making sure that the decorations are ready for the wedding on Sunday. The decorator will be by to pick them up later. The next few days will be busy. The rehearsal dinner is tomorrow then the bachelor party on Saturday. Then the wedding is on Sunday afternoon. I can’t wait for the wedding. Greg and Denise make such a cute couple. I am so happy for them. She has been so nice to me. The minute we were introduced she gave me the biggest hug. She treats like she has known me all my life. She even offered to cut my hair if I needed it done before the wedding. I am going to her shop later to have it trimmed. Need to make sure I look hot for Niall. Although he has seen me with my hair a mess from sleep and has still called me handsome. I really need to get that boy’s eyes checked. “Lou can you help me with this box?” Maura asks trying to pick up a huge box to place with the other ones next to the door. “Sure Maura” I say rushing to her side and taking the box out of her hands and putting it with the others.

She walks over to me and pulls me in for a big hug. I relax in her arms. It feels so good to be hugged by a mum even if she is not mine. She pulls away and looks up at me. “Louis I just want you to know Niall has not told me much about your family but he did say that they turned their back on you when you came out to them. I just want you to know you are loved. I could not ask for a better future husband for my Niall. And if you would like to call me mum that would be fine with me.” I could not help it. Tears started pouring from my eyes. I grabbed her and hugged her again. She made calming noises and rubbed my back. I felt a hand on my shoulder and pulled away from Maura and turned to see Bobby behind me. He put his arm around me and pulled me in for a hug as well. He pulled away from me after a few seconds and said. “I consider you a part of this family too. You have made Niall so happy. I can see his love for you shining in his eyes every time he looks at you. You are more than welcome in this family and I would be honored if you would call me dad.” Wow what do you say to that? I look over at them both and give them the biggest smile I can. “You do not know what this means to me. I do not know why my mum and step dad hate me so much. I always tried to be the perfect son. I have four younger sisters that I am forbidden to see. They don’t want my “gayness” rubbing off on them. Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for accepting Niall and I. I love him so much. He means everything to me.” They both pulled me in for a group hug that lasted a few minutes. Maura pulled away from me and wiped her eyes and said. “Well let’s finish up with these decorations. Louis, Bobby and I need to run to the store and pick up some ingredients that Harry needs for the reception dinner. Can you stay here and wait for the decorator for me. She needs all of the boxes we have lined up at the door. Also can you take the jeep and go to the boathouse and pick up some coolers out of the storage room down there. Harry is going to need them to transport food to the dinner.” “I would love to mum.” I said with a huge smile on my face.

She pats my cheek and leaves with Bobby to go shopping. I place the last box next to the door. About ten minutes later the decorator shows up and I help her load her van. I grab the keys to the jeep and drive down to the boathouse. It only takes a few minutes to locate the coolers that Harry needs. I quickly start loading them onto the jeep. I have entered the boathouse to retrieve the last cooler when I hear a noise behind me. I turn and see Cassandra standing in between me and the door. She walks over and stops close to me. “Louis I’m giving you one last chance to do what is right.” She says while smirking. “What are you talking about?” I question her. She looks over at me and snarls “to leave Niall alone of course. He is in love with me not you. You’re just someone who is after his money. I am the one who grew up with him and was with him during school. I am the one his mum set him up with so that means she approves of me. You are nothing but a piece of trash that needs to go back where he came from. Niall does not love you. He only thinks he does. He will eventually see you as the worthless faggot that you are. This is your last chance to leave.” I am in shock. Why is she saying such hateful things to me? I have done nothing to her.

I have decided not to give in to her. If she wants a fight than a fight she will get. I love Niall and he loves me. I have always second guessed myself due to extremely low self-esteem but not anymore. I look her straight in the eye and confidently say. “I am not going anywhere. I think you need to be the one to leave. Niall loves me not you. He chose me. He belongs to me. And I will stand proudly at his side and will not leave unless Niall tells me to.” We both stand there for a few minutes staring into each other’s eyes. Her face contorts with anger. She starts to mumble under her breath. I can see her slip her hand in her pocket. What is she after? Suddenly the boat house door flies open and a panicked looking Niall rushes in with Harry and Zayn right behind him. He runs to my side and pulls me close to him looking me over from head to toe. Cassandra is now looking at us with a pained expression on her face. She sweetly says “Niall I was looking for you. I thought you were down here but ran into Louis instead.” Niall whips his head around an angry expression on his face. “Save it for someone who gives a fuck.” He snarls at her. “Zayn overheard all about your little plan and told me all about it. You actually think I am going to leave Louis for you? And that you will marry me and take my money and run away with some guy named Luke. I don’t love you Cassandra I never have. Please leave my property before I call the police and have you escorted off.” She stands there and looks at Niall with this shocked expression on her face. She then backs toward the door and as she passes Zayn she looks at him with hatred in her eyes. Right before she disappears out the door she whispers. “I’ll be back for you Niall I love you.” She then disappears and Niall turns to me capturing me in a bone crushing hug. I notice he is shaking. “It’s o.k. I am alright. Nothing happened.” I whisper in his ear as I am running my hands over his back trying to sooth him. I slightly pull away from him. I quickly tell Niall what all was said between Cassandra and I and you can see that he is beginning to get angry again. Harry who is listening intently also has an angry expression on his face. Zayn just looks in shock and hurt. After all Cassandra is his sister and I am sure he loves her. Niall pulls me close and whispers “I love you BooBear I am so glad you are safe.” He leans closer and connects our lips for a quick yet passionate kiss. We pull apart and notice Harry and Zayn leaving the boat house. Harry is carrying the cooler. Niall grabs the back of my head tugging on my hair pulling my head back and attaching his lips to my neck. “Niall lets go back to the flat. We can finish this in the bedroom” I say rather breathlessly. He pulls away from me grabbing my hand and leading me out to the jeep. We climb in and start the short drive to his parents flat.  

It will probably be a few days before my next update. Thanks go out to all who are reading my book. Sneek peek. Cassandra has more the upcoming chapters. Comments are appreciated. This is dedicated to @Glamdirectioner17. <3                      

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now