Chapter 25

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Harry’s point of view

Zayn and I are sitting on the couch at his flat. I think he is still in shock. He just keeps staring off into space. I am starting to worry about him. Mum called about a half an hour ago and I explained what was going on. I called the school he works at and told them he was sick and they gave him the afternoon off. I reach over and grab his hand tracing his knuckles with my fingers. My touch seems to draw him out of his daze and looks over at me. I feel so bad for him. I can tell that this is tearing him up inside. He lets out a shaky breath and says. “Why would Cassandra do that? I thought she loved Niall I mean really loved Niall. I did not know she only wanted his money. And why would she want to hurt Louis? I did not tell you this part earlier but I think she might be homophobic. The way she snarled the word faggot when she was talking about Louis.” He could not finish the sentence his lower lip trembling and I could see tears forming in his eyes. “She’s my sister and I love her why would she do that? She always seemed so supportive when I told her I was gay.” I wrapped my arm around Zayn and pulled him into my side kissing his temple. “It’s going to be o.k. you will be just fine. At least we found out the truth before anyone got hurt. I’ll call your parents if you want and you can have them come over and explain to them what happened. They need to know. Maybe they can get her help. Zayn nodded and handed me his phone. I quickly called his mother and told her that she needed to come to Zayn’s right after work. She assured me that her and her husband would be here in about three hours.

 I hung up and laid the phone down on the end table. I look over at Zayn and realize that he has fallen asleep. I lower his head until it is lying in my lap. We sit like this for a while. He’s fast asleep and I am carding my fingers through his hair. I never realized how soft his hair was. I traced his cheekbone with shaky fingers. How did I not realize what an amazing person he is? How did I not realize what he means to me? I was so stupid in school. I went out with dozens of girls but could never be happy. I never found that connection with anyone. He was always right there for me. He was my shoulder to cry on. He was my voice of reason. He never left my side while we were in school. He even came to visit me a lot while we were in Uni. Come to think about it our schools were two hours away from each other but he was always at my flat most weekends, a smile on his face and some new movie for us to watch. How could I miss that? How could I not see that he thought of me as more than just a friend? And to think I used to brag to him about all of the girls that I dated. Everyone considers me a lady’s man but what they don’t realize is that I have never slept with anyone. I always wanted my first time to be special. I now know why I was never attracted to girls long enough to date them seriously. I spent my school years looking for my princess when my prince was beside me all along.  I touch his face again and tingles go up my arm. He whimpers in his sleep and burrows his head into my legs sighing in contentment and dozing back off. He is real vulnerable right now. I cannot just profess my love to him. I plan on taking this slow. I don’t want to lose him he is so special to me.

I hear a knock on the door and realize his parents are here. I gently wake him up and he asks if I could get the door for him. I open it and his parents come rushing in they see Zayn with his hair disheveled and eyes puffy from crying and ask him what is wrong. He sits them down on the couch and proceeds to explain everything that Cassandra had done. They seem shocked and ask him if he is sure about what he heard. He looks over at them with a slightly annoyed look and responds to them. “I know this sounds crazy but I heard her plan. She was very upset when Niall, Harry, and I showed up at the boathouse where she and Louis were.”  I interject “Louis was down there picking up supplies when she came in and said very hateful things to him. She was trying to convince him to leave Niall. She also made it clear that he was a worthless faggot. I honestly think you daughter is homophobic.” They both sit on Zayn’s couch wearing similar shocked expressions. After a few minutes Zayn’s mother says. “I was wondering why she was gone when we came in from work. I looked for her in the guest bedroom but she had already taken her things and left. Zayn I’m so sorry. Maybe she will come back in a few days and we can talk to her maybe get her some help.” She reaches over and gives Zayn a huge hug. She holds him in her arms for a few minutes. I look down at my watch and see how late it is getting. I have so much to do. I look over at Zayn and say “I need to get back home. I have so much to try to get done before the rehearsal dinner tomorrow.” Zayn stands and walks me to the door. I pull him in for a hug and whisper in his ear. “Everything will be alright. You guys will get through this. Call me if you need anything o.k. You know I am here for you.” He relaxes into my embrace and I have to admit. I do not want to let him go. I reluctantly pull away and walk out of his flat to my car. At least Zayn has his parents over. They can help him. He is in good hands. I drive back to my parents flat wishing I could stay and hold him and kiss away his pain.

Zayn’s point of view

I have just finished grading papers for the essay I assigned my art class. They only have to write one and it can be pretty extensive. I am sitting in my kitchen eating a sandwich and thinking about all that went on yesterday. Harry does not realize it but I was not asleep when he pulled my head into his lap. It felt so good to have him run his fingers through my hair and caress my face. I normally do not allow anyone to touch my hair but Harry can anytime he wants too. I let out a sigh and think about his long slender fingers caressing my face. How I would love to have those hands on other parts of my body. I look at the clock and realize the rehearsal dinner is in a few hours. I know that Harry will be busy with that; I wish I could see him. I might call him later and see if he wants to come over after the dinner. I decide to take a drive to clear my mind and calm myself down. I am still pretty upset. Why is Cass acting this way? What went wrong? What changed her? I grab my keys and put my phone in my pocket. As I head toward the door I hear a sound behind me.

 I quickly turn to see Cass standing behind me. Her hands are behind her back and she has an unreadable expression on her face. She must have used my hidden key to get in. “Cass are you o.k. I have been worried about you. Why haven’t you answered my calls?” I quickly ask her. Her lip curls in disgust and she snarls “I did not answer your calls because I did not want to talk to a worthless faggot. How could you tell Harry and Niall? You did not even ask me if what you heard was correct. I love Niall. I was only using Luke to help me get rid of Louis so that I could have Niall but you ruined it. Niall thinks I’m only after him for his money when truthfully I love him and want to be with him forever. You have turned Niall against me.” She takes a few steps closer to me and stops right in front of me looking up at me with hatred in her eyes. “I will never forgive you for what you have done.” Before I even have time to think her hand comes from behind her back and I catch a glimpse of a shiny object clutched tightly in her grasp. I suddenly feel a searing pain in my stomach and look down to see a knife sticking out of my abdominal area. I gasp and sink to my knees then topple over on my side. I can hear her evil sounding laugh from above me. She reaches down and twists the knife slightly causing me to cry out. The pain is excruciating. She leans closer and whispers. “I hope you die you worthless faggot. You are no brother of mine. Now if you will excuse me I have to go take care of a certain problem named Louis Tomlinson.” She storms out of the house. I reach in my pocket for my phone and unlock the screen. I go through my contacts and find Harry’s number. I hit dial and put it on speaker. I can hear him answer it and I rush out “Harry go tell Niall to watch out Cassandra is after Louis again. I start coughing up blood and my head starts swimming. I can hear Harry ask if I am alright. “Harry come to my flat please help me.” I beg. I can hear him scream my name as I pass out on my living room floor.

I will post more this weekend. I have lots to do for the rest of the week. This chapter is dedicated to NiallsPotatoePrinces for following me and writing great stories. Hope to read many more that you have written.         

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now