Chapter 42

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 This chapter is dedicated to Angieluves1D. Thanks for following me.

Niall’s point of view

August is here. Lou has officially lived with me for a month now. I have never been so happy. I just love coming home to him. He always greets me with a kiss that sometimes leads to other things. It has only been a month of him living here but I cannot imagine my life without him. We have had a few arguments but can never stay mad at each other for more than a few hours. And the makeup sex is the best. I am busy packing for a trip to Ireland. We are leaving in a few hours. I would normally love to visit my parents but not this time. We are returning for Cassandra’s trial. I am happy that I will get to see my family again and stay at their house. I do miss them. Harry and Zayn are doing great. Zayn actually proposed to Harry soon after we left and the happy couple now lives at Zayn’s flat. I am lost in thought and do not hear Louis enter the room. I feel his strong arms wrap around me and a kiss to the side of my neck. I turn around and pull Lou close pecking his lips as my hands rub circles on his back. I can feel how tense he is. I look at him and softly say. “Everything will be alright. She will be put away for good and we will not have to worry about her anymore.” He smiles at me whispering “I know” and pecks my lips before he pulls away and grabs his suitcase that he has already packed quickly leaving the room. I finish packing and soon follow him.

I can hear voices and enter the living room to find Liam, Josh, and Louis’s mum there. Jay insisted that she had to be there for her son. Lottie, Fizzy, and the twins are staying a friend’s house during the trial so that they do not miss school. We take the Range Rover and Liam’s car to the airport and are quickly in the air on our way. We land and climb into the rental cars that we have waiting. Liam and Josh will be staying at his parents’ house and Louis, Jay, and I will be at my mum and dad’s. I have already informed mum of all that Louis’s step dad has done and that Louis and his family have been reunited and she is very excited to meet her. She wants to talk to her about our upcoming wedding. We pull into the drive way and mum runs out of the house to meet us. She grabs Lou and I exclaiming “my babies are back I have missed you two so much.” She kisses each one of our cheeks and then releases us. Louis introduces her to Jay and we grab our things and enter the house. After getting settled in our rooms we all meet back in the living room.

Jay walks over to Maura and quietly says. “I want to thank you for your kindness towards my son. He told me all about you and your family and how you accepted him. I am just so glad things have been straightened out with him and I can now be a part of his life. I just want you to know that Niall is a wonderful man and I am proud to call him my son-in-law.” Maura and her chat for a few minutes while we talk to my dad. Soon it seems like mum and Jay have known each other all their lives. They are looking at wedding magazines and writing down things in a notebook. Lou, dad, and I just stand there and watch in amusement. “Remember mum Lou and I both want a small wedding.” I remind her. She looks up at me and smiles before returning her attention to Jay. What are they up to? Soon it is time to eat dinner and then we spend a little more time together before going to bed. The trial starts tomorrow and you can cut the tension in the air with a knife it is so thick. Lou and I just lay in bed holding each other tightly. I think we both dread having to see her. No one in the household sleeps very well that night. 

The day of the trial dawns crisp and clear. We could not have asked for better weather. I have already made sure that we have the best lawyer in the business representing us. Hopefully Cass will be given life in prison without parole. I dread having to sit in the same room with her. She tried to kill my Boo. I came so close to losing him that day. I still sometimes have nightmares about it. They are all the same. She is pointing the gun at him but I do not get to him in time and she shoots him. Right before she pulls the trigger he screams my name. The bullet rips through his chest and he falls to the ground. I sink to my knees beside him and hold him close as his life ebbs away. The last words escaping from his lips were I love you before his beautiful blue eyes cloud over and death claims him. That’s where the dream always ends. I told Lou about it. He always holds me close when I wake up screaming. He rubs my back and assures me that he is here and he will never leave me.

I can just imagine what Zayn is going through right now. Even though she tried to kill him there is this little part of him that still loves her. He even tried to visit her in prison but she refused to see him. He wanted to personally ask her why. We are all gathered in the courtroom waiting on the trial to begin. We have gone through weeks of meetings with our lawyer to make sure we are prepared. They are going to plead not guilty by reason of insanity. It seems that while she was in jail it was discovered that she was schizophrenic. I always thought something was off about that girl. Cassandra is led in dressed in normal clothes but still handcuffed. She looks over at me and smiles until she sees me holding hands with Louis. She looks hatefully at Louis as she settles in her seat. I can see her gaze is focused on my left hand. She glances over at Louis and I can see a look of shock spread across her face. I wonder if she thinks we are married. The bailiff announces the judge’s entrance and we all rise.

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