Chapter 13

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Louis's point of view

I have enjoyed the time I spent with Niall today. We arrive back at my flat and I see Liam's car parked outside. We pull up next to it and make our way inside. Did I just hear a moan? Suddenly Liam starts shouting. Niall leans close and whispers in my ear. His hot breath on my neck is making me more than uncomfortable. He offers to let me come to his place and I gladly accept. I do not want to stay and listen to them having sex all night. I already have erotic dreams about Niall and that would not help me. I quickly pack an overnight bag. I have already finished my assignments for Tuesday so tomorrow I can have a lazy day. I have no classes on Monday. I decide to pack the paper that I wrote about Niall. I would really like for him to read it.

We quickly leave and are on our way to Niall's flat. I quickly text Josh so he will not be worried about why I am not home. I have to admit I am excited to see where Niall lives. I wonder what his place will look like. We turn and enter a winding driveway. Shocked is the only word that crosses my mind. I have to admit to being a little judgmental and thinking he will have a huge mansion. He is after all a billionaire. What I don't expect is this large yet cozy looking brick house with a well-manicured lawn. We drive around the left side of the house and pull into a huge garage.

We park beside the Jaguar. I also notice he owns a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 Roadster in this amazing shade of blue. We quickly exit the Range Rover collect our things and enter the house by the garage door. The garage leads into a small room where we hang our coats and enter into the house. We step into the kitchen and it is huge compared to the one at my flat. Stainless steel appliances, marble countertops, hard wood floors, and a cozy table to the side of the room in a breakfast nook. Niall showed me around. His flat had five bedrooms, five and a half baths, and an office. It also had a rather impressive dining room with a beautiful mahogany table. A beautiful living room decorated with splashes of color here and there. He motioned for me to follow him downstairs and we walked into this massive game room. A large flat screen was attached to one wall with a cabinet underneath that had video gaming systems of all kinds. A pool table was over in another corner. We walked through a door and it was like going to a gym. There was a huge mat in the center surrounded by exercise equipment. Niall turns to me and says. "Liam uses this more than I do. He is a black belt in karate and uses the mat for practice. I try to work out but I have a very busy schedule most days. I want to tell him that I like him the way it is. All flawless pale skin and toned body. I can even see an outline of his abs through his shirt. Snap out of it Lou you are staring. We walk through the gym and exit outside. I see a Jacuzzi in an enclosed are off to the side and a rather large infinity pool that overlooks a wooded area. We then make our way upstairs and he tells me to pick a bedroom while he starts dinner. Wow he's hot and he can cook.

I go down the hallway and open the doors to each room. The one on the very end must be Niall's A huge king size bed takes up one wall. The furniture is a beautiful shade of mahogany. The comforter and pillows perfectly match the rug next to the bed and the brightly colored curtains flow gracefully over the windows. I can also see touches of Niall everywhere. There is a snap back on top of the dresser. The closet door is open revealing a huge walk in closet. A discarded shirt is draped over the back of a chair in the corner of the room. Family pictures adorn one of the walls. I walk over and look at the pictures he has hanging up. "The one to the left of you is my family portrait with me, my mom, dad, and brothers, Greg and Harry." Niall says from right behind me. I jump and can feel a blush creeping up my cheeks. I am so embarrassed at being caught in his room. He just chuckles and walks around me to the closet. "I have dinner in the oven. I am going to take a quick shower." I can now see that his private bath is on the other side of his walk in closet. I quickly back out of his room and make my way to the one next to his. I am trying not to imagine him naked and showering. The room I picked is spacious and inviting with a private bath of its own. I decide that I will also have a quick cold shower and throw on a pair of sweat pants and a dark blue t shirt. When I return to the kitchen he is leaned over getting something out of the oven. I cannot help but to look at his bum and the way the pants he is wearing accentuate it. I have to look away before I start to drool. He turns around and places what looks like lasagna on the counter in the center of the kitchen. "I hope your hungry I ended up making a lot. We both fill our plates with lasagna, crisp salad with a homemade vinaigrette, and garlic bread. This food can rival an Italian restaurant. We sit at the small table and after we have finished I complement him on his cooking skills. He blushes and says that when you like to eat as much as he does you have to learn how to cook. He also explained that although the family has a housekeeper his mom did the majority of the cooking and taught him a lot of her recipes. Even though they were from Ireland she liked to cook a variety of foods. He even said some of his greatest memories were in the kitchen with her. I help him clean the kitchen and load the dishwasher. We then find our way downstairs in his game room we spend the afternoon playing video games and a few games of pool. I notice it is getting late and we both agree that it is bedtime. As we walk down the hallway he wishes me sweet dreams and closes the door to his room. I strip down to my boxers and climb into bed. I fall asleep wishing I had his arms around me.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now