Chapter 41

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Niall’s point of view

I am so afraid for Louis right now. I have never met this Mark character and do not know what he is capable of. I can hear them talking in the living room. Suddenly all goes very quiet. I strain to listen for any sound. Suddenly I hear Jay scream “Let him go!” I rush into the living room searching around franticly Liam right behind me. I look over to see Mark pinning Lou against the wall choking him. Louis is trying his best to get away from him but he towers over him. I rush over and pry his hands from around Lou’s neck. Adrenalin has made me strong and I slam Mark against the door. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Josh holding a very shaken Louis. I can hear him gasping for breath. I look at Mark and snarl. “If you ever lay a finger on my fiancée again I will personally make your life a living hell.” I pull back my fist ready to hit him but Liam grabs my arm. “Now Niall you cannot hit him. If you do he might be able to get you with assault. Now me on the other hand. You redrafted my contract four days ago making me both Lou’s and your bodyguard. And that title grants certain privileges. He pulls back his fist and punches Mark right between his eyes hitting a pressure point and making him pass out falling to the ground at my feet.

I drop down next to Louis and pull him into my arms. He quietly sobs into my shoulder as I rock him back and forth. He has livid hand marks on his neck. I just hope that nothing was damaged in his throat. I can hear sirens in the distance. Someone must have called the police. I look up to see two uniformed officers entering the house. Liam and Jay grab them and fill them in on what went on. Mark is still passed out on the floor. I stand up and carefully help Louis up. One of the police officers comes over and asks Louis questions. He replies in a raspy voice and I know his throat has to be hurting. He is still clinging tightly to me. The paramedics arrive and check him out. They inform us that he is o.k. but will have massive bruises forming so not to be alarmed. Mark starts moaning on the floor. Two officers help him stand and then one of them places him in handcuffs and escorts him out. He looks at Louis as he passes with an unreadable expression on his face. After talking to the police officer Jay runs up and grabs Louis in a massive hug. “I’m so glad you are o.k. I was so worried about you.” “I’m fine mum” Lou rasps. I wince every time I hear him speak. We are all asked to go down to the station to file a report. I am also going to insist on a restraining order. I do not want that man to be anywhere around my Boo. After what seemed like hours at the police station we were finally allowed to leave. They also took pictures of Louis’s neck which was looking really bad by now. When we arrived back at Jay’s flat she left to collect the girls and I sat and held Lou close. Lottie and Fizzy come running in first. They both start crying when they see Louis’s throat burrowing into his side. You can literally see his hands and fingers forming in the bruising. The twins come in and climb in my lap. We sit cuddled together for a while. Jay walks in and sees all of us together and smiles. She invites us to spend the night but we need to get back. I have an early meeting tomorrow. We say our goodbyes with promises to get together soon. The drive back is quiet. Louis falls asleep in the passenger seat. Josh and Liam are cuddled in the backseat asleep as well. We finally arrive at Liam’s flat. Liam wakes up when we pull in and grabs Josh carrying him inside. I make the short drive to our flat and lift Louis out of the car and make my way to our room. I gently lay him on the bed and pull his socks, shoes, and jeans off leaving him in his t-shirt and boxers. I quickly undress and lay down beside him pulling him close. He stirs and tucks his head into my neck sighing contently I smile and drift off to sleep.

Louis’s point of view

I wake up disoriented. Where am I? I must have fallen asleep in the car. I look down and see Niall asleep next to me. I love to watch him while he sleeps. His face is so relaxed and he makes these cute little noises. I love it when he reaches out for me and then sighs when he finds me. I look at the bedside table. I can’t believe its four a.m. and I’m wide awake. I climb carefully out of bed trying not to wake him. I make my way to the bathroom grimacing at my reflection. My neck looks horrible. How am I supposed to go to Uni. looking like this? I walk out of the bathroom and quietly make my way to the kitchen grabbing a glass of water. I return to the bathroom and grab two Advil grimacing when I swallow. My neck does hurt pretty badly. I climb back in bed with Niall and cuddle into his side. Niall stirs and I feel a pang of regret for waking him up. I slept the entire three hour drive home. He has not had much sleep and will be leaving in a few hours for an early meeting. He kisses the top of my head and quietly says in his sexy sleepy voice “Are you o.k. Boo. Do you need anything?” I look up at him smiling. “I’m alright my throat was bothering me a little so I took some Advil a few minutes ago. I’m fine baby go back to sleep.” My voice is still coming out weak and raspy. He pulls me close and kisses my lips gently. He smiles and starts to doze off again. I cuddle into his side and drift back to sleep. I wake up later to sunlight streaming through the bedroom window. Niall has already left for work. I notice a folded piece of paper on the pillow next to me. I sit up in bed grabbing the paper and unfolding it. It reads.

I did not want to disturb you. You were sleeping so peacefully. If you need anything call me. I will have my phone on all day. I left the keys for the Range Rover for you on the kitchen counter. Liam and I will be busy all day. You can drive yourself and Josh to Uni. Can’t wait to see you tonight.  I love you.  Niall

I quickly shower and dress making my way to the kitchen. I hear a gasp and see Niall’s housekeeper standing at the stove with a shocked expression on her face. “Oh my Mr. Tomlinson what happened to your neck. You poor thing let me get some ice for you it will help with the bruising.” She rushes around the kitchen motioning me to sit on a stool at the counter. She gently holds an ice pack to the sides of my neck. I smile up at her and rasp an explanation. “My stepdad does not like the fact that I am gay.” She looks at me with concern in her eyes. “I don’t know what some people’s problem is, love is love no matter the gender, and you and Mr. Horan are so perfect for each other.” I wince a little at the burning feeling the ice is causing but I know will make my bruising heal faster. I just love Barbara she is the best. She reminds me a lot of my grandmother. After a bit she removes the ice gives me a motherly kiss on the cheek and returns to her duties. I grab the keys to the Range Rover and collect my things. I make sure to wear a scarf to hide my neck. I might receive some weird looks at wearing a scarf while it is warm but I would rather that happen than have to explain the bruising. I have already received enough looks showing up with an engagement ring on my finger and now I will be driving in an expensive Range Rover. Maybe I should really get the Uni. students talking by asking if I can drive the Lamborghini next. I let out a small chuckle at that thought. I drive over to Liam’s flat and pick up Josh. We stop by our favorite bakery and pick up our tea and muffins that we like to have for breakfast and make our way to Uni. I guessed correctly when all eyes were on me in the parking lot. Josh and I quickly gather our things and head inside. I spend the day fielding lots of questions and receive some congratulations on my engagement to Niall. After all it is all over the news right now along with pictures of us when we were in Ireland. I have people coming up to me that I have never seen before acting like they are my best friend. Josh and I spend the day rolling our eyes and giggling at the way some of the people are acting.

The day is finally over and Josh and I head back to our flat to collect a few things before going back to Liam’s and Niall’s. I drop Josh off and head to my flat. Wow that felt weird saying. I never thought that I would live in something like this. I enter and notice that Barbara has left for the day. She has left a big pot of homemade chicken noodle soup on the stove with a note stating that it should help sooth my throat. I decide to soak in the Jacuzzi for a bit and change into my swim trunks and head outside. I climb in and sigh closing my eyes in contentment.  I have been relaxing for about ten minutes now when I hear a splash beside me indicating that someone has climbed in. I open my eyes and see Niall beside me with a small smile on his face. He leans over and kisses me asking how my day was. I do not mention anything to him about how crazy some of the people were acting. I do not want him to worry. I had already asked Josh not to say anything knowing that the excitement will die down in a bit. He traces a pattern on my thigh with his hand as I am talking to him. I look over at him and smirk. I lean over and whisper in his ear. “Sex in a hot tub is one of the things on my bucket list. Care to help me check that off?”  "Will you be alright? I do not want you to be in pain." he asks me worriedly. "I will be just fine" I reply back kissing him hungrily and nibbling on his bottom lip. He looks at me eyes darkening with desire. “ Then if you are sure I would love to Louis.”         

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now