Chapter 38

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Louis’s point of view

I can’t believe Lottie is here. I have missed her so much. I was appalled when I discovered that she made the trip by herself. She is only fifteen years old. She could have gotten hurt or killed. She could have gotten abducted by a serial killer. She could be lying in a ditch somewhere dead. I shake my head to rid myself out of my morbid thoughts. I am just so glad she is safe. I loved having lunch with her and Niall. We caught up on a lot of things that have gone on in my family’s lives from dance recitals to slumber parties. It felt good just to be around her. We got on each other’s nerves when I was home but she is the best sister anyone could ever ask for. We are now back in Niall’s office awaiting my mum’s arrival. I have mixed feelings about seeing her again. I know Lottie is convinced that the letters that I received were the ones that she had read but they most definitely were not. The ones that are in that box on the corner of Niall’s desk are disgusting and hate filled. Not one nice word is in any of those letters. I am now nervously awaiting the arrival of my mum. What is she going to do when she comes in that door? Will she even acknowledge me? Will she just grab Lottie and go? I overhear that she is coming in the office and cannot help but tense up. The door flies open and mum and the rest of my sisters come running through. Felicite squeals and runs toward me with Daisy and Phoebe right behind her. I find myself getting tackled off of the couch in a flurry of arms and legs. I don’t know how I manage not ending up flat on my back but I do end up on the floor with three girls in my lap clinging to me and a vying for my attention. I look over the tops of their heads and see my mum standing beside Niall with tears in her eyes and love shining from them so brightly that I cannot help but notice it. Wait I thought she hated me. I turn my attention back to my sisters and try not to think about the look in my mum’s eyes. I am so confused.

Niall’s point of view

As soon as Louis’s mum and sisters come into the office the girls run and tackle Lou to the ground. I can see that his face is suffused with happiness. He is laughing and hugging them. Louis’s mum is frozen next to me observing the scene before her. She has tears pouring down her cheeks. “I can’t believe it he’s here he really is here.” She whispers and looks over at me. “Thank you for taking care of Lottie and keeping her safe. My name is Johannah but you can call me Jay.” I reach my hand out to her and say “My name’s Niall Horan. I am Louis’s fiancée.” She then does something that surprises me. She grabs me and pulls me in for a huge hug. “I am just so glad he has found happiness. I was so afraid when he did not answer my letters that he was depressed and alone.” I look over at her with a puzzled expression on my face. She must have noticed my expression because she then asks me what is wrong. I decide to just blurt out my suspicions. I want to see her reaction. “I am actually shocked at your sincerity after all of the cruel things that you have written about Louis in the letters he has received from you.”  

“What do you mean cruel things I have never written anything but nice things to him? He’s my son and I love him more than my own life.” I then motion for her to follow me over to my desk. I can see that Lou is still occupied with his sisters so I’m going to show her the letters. “These are the letters that Louis received each month are they from you?” “Yes I recognize the envelope that’s my handwriting.” She states looking at me with confusion.  I hand her the box and ask her to sit at my desk. “I want you to open those letters and read every single one of them. I want you to see what Louis has had to live with for a year.” She looks at me warily but opens the first letter. As she reads it her complexion becomes paler and paler. She quickly opens the others and looks as if she is going to be physically sick. By then Louis and his sisters are standing next to me with worried expressions on their faces. “Oh Lou I don’t know where these came from but I promise you that I did not write these. This is not what I sent you. You can ask Lottie she helped me write them. I would never say such hateful things to you. You are my son and I love you.” She jumps up and goes to stand in front of Louis grabbing his hand. He flinches away from her and her face falls. “Louis I promise you that I had nothing to do with those letters. I would write you and tell you about what was going on in the family at the time. I would write you and beg you to come home. I would write you and tell you how much I love you I would send extra money just because I wanted you to have it.”

He looks at her with anger sparking in his eyes. “How can you say you did not send those letters? The envelope is in your handwriting. You signature is at the bottom of each and every letter. Do you know how much pain those letters have caused? And how much mental as well as physical suffering I have had to go through because of it. I only received one letter a month enclosed with money that was sent to pay for my expenses. With each letter the hatefulness grew and the money amount dwindled. Do you know that towards the end I had to go without food for an entire week because I had no money to buy it? I was literally starving to death when Niall rescued me.” Louis breaks down and starts sobbing into his hands. Jay just looks devastated. I look around and notice that Lottie has taken his sisters and they are across the room sitting quietly on the couch. Suddenly Jay looks up and rushes to her purse and pulls out a letter in the same exact envelope that the other ones are in. “I was going to mail this today but I figure now that I am here I can just give it to you. This one is just from me. I personally wrote it and sealed it.” Louis accepts it warily and opens it. There is money folded up with the letter but I cannot see how much it is. As he reads it I can see his hand start to shake. He looks over at her confusion all over his face. “And you say all of the ones you wrote were like this. How did the bad letters get mailed to me then?” “I do not know dear one. I would write then I would give the letter to Lottie and she would write what she wanted and sometimes the other girls would write something as well. Then I would count out how much money I wanted you to have that week and fold it into the letter. I would then give it to Mark to add anything if he wanted to. He would then seal it and mail it for me. The only time the letters were out of my sight was when Mark had them.” A shocked expression comes across her face. “It must have been Mark. He must have switched the letters out. I promise you that I would never do that to you.” She walks over and picks up one of the hate letters and examines it closely. She walks over to Louis and holds it out to him. “Look at the writing on the one I just gave you to read and then this one. They are close but when compared they are completely different.” He looks down and closely examines each letter. He looks up shock running across his face. “They are different. The signature is even different. You did not write these letters. But why would Mark do that. I know he is my stepdad and he raised me after my real dad died but I loved him like he was my biological father. Why would he hurt me like that?” Jay walks over to Louis and cups his cheek looking him in the eye. “I don’t know why he would be that hateful towards you but believe me I will find out. No one messes with my baby and gets away with it. Even though I had no control of his deceitful actions I want to apologize for not catching on to this sooner.” “It’s not your fault mum. I love you.” Louis croaks out. She pulls him into a hug and he does not resist. The both stand in the middle of my office crying and whispering I love you over and over again. All of Louis’s sisters then gather around them and go into this massive group hug. Jay pulls away long enough to look over at me and say. “You have to get in on this hug too. After all you are family.” One of the twins reaches over and grabs my hand pulling me into the circle. All of our arms are clasped tightly around each other forming an unbreakable circle of love and acceptance.

The next chapter will include some Tomlinson family bonding time and just might expose Mark. I have tons of stuff to do so I hope I can post quickly but it might be a few days. Thanks for reading.                    

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now