Chapter 37

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Here is a recap in case I confused anyone

Louis has not spoken to his family in around a year. They practically disowned him when he told them he was gay. He has been receiving a hate filled letter from them once a month accompanied by money for his Uni expenses. Each month the money amount has decreased so much that he could no longer live off of it. The letters that Jay and Lottie are writing are not the letters that Louis is receiving.

And that’s what you missed on Glee (Sorry I could not help myself)

R.I.P. Cory Monteith you will be missed

Niall’s point of view

Shocked is the only word I can use to describe myself right now. I was expecting to walk up to the reception desk to see an adult standing there. Someone posing as a sibling of Lou’s to try and interview me. It would not be the first time someone has tried to trick my staff to obtain an interview. I am a very private person and do not grant interviews which makes some reporters very determined to find ways to talk to me. The reception area usually turns away anyone that is not supposed to be there. For them to call me is something rare. It has my curiosity up. I was not expecting to find someone who is probably around fourteen or fifteen and looks scared to death. “Mr. Horan I am so sorry to bother you but this little lady is very adamant that she speak with you.” my receptionist states. The girl looks me in the eye and I notice her eye color is the exact shade of Louis eyes. She bares a striking resemblance to him as well. She speaks so softly that I have to strain to hear her. “I am here to talk to Louis could you please find him for me and let him know that Charlotte Tomlinson wants to see him.”

I am not exactly sure what to do. I cannot turn this child away. Where would she go? It’s not safe for someone of such a young age to be wandering around London on her own. How did she even get here? I look around but do not see any adults that could have accompanied her here. I look over at my receptionist and reply. "Its o.k. thank you for letting me know." I turn and look down at Charlotte. I smile and say “Follow me and we will see if we can get this sorted out.” We quickly walk to the elevator and make our way back to my office. “Liam what is my schedule like for the next few hours.” Liam looks at my planner and states “You are actually free for around two hours before your next appointment. You are supposed to meet Simon for lunch in thirty minutes.” “Please cancel my lunch with Simon and I will let you know if I need any other appointments moved.” “Yes sir right away.” He quickly exits and I motion for Charlotte to sit on the couch that is located near the window in my office. She nervously sits down looking at the floor. I figured this would be less intimidating than sitting at my desk. She takes a deep breath and looks over at me and nervously starts to chew on her bottom lip. She looks so much like Louis in that moment I am speechless. She sighs and begins.

“My name is Charlotte Tomlinson but my family and friends call me Lottie. I came to London in hopes of finding Louis and seeing him. My family has not seen or heard from him for a year now and we really miss him. I did not know how to get in touch with him. His phone was disconnected so I could not call him. I tried to call his Uni. but they refused to give him any of my messages. Mum misses him so much. She cries a lot and sometimes can’t sleep at night. The only way we are able to get in touch with him are these letters that we write. Mum and I write to him twice a month begging for him to respond. We tell him we love him and just want to see him but he never answers. I saw a magazine article talking about your engagement and figured I could come here in hopes of seeing him. I just miss him so much.” Her lower lip starts to tremble and tears pool in her eyes. What am I supposed to do now? Do her parents even know she is here? Did she come by herself? How did she even get here? And what does she mean by letters from them. I have seen the letters that Louis has received and there is no way that they are the letters she described.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now