Chapter 0-Smile

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The blue sky is so beautiful. So blue that it is so calming!

"Found you Yuki Temari!"

The brown eyed girl lying on the ground widened her eyes as her short brunette friend popped out above her

"Maaya, don't do that" Temari sat down and sighed. She looked at the brunette hair named Maaya and calmly looked up again on the sky. "the sky is so blue, I want to take pictures of it"

"You sure are calm Mari-chan. We've been looking for you." Maaya helped Temari as she stood up. She also helped her dust off the grass stuck on Temari's long black hair and uniform.

"Why are you looking for me? It is not yet time for our club activity, right?" Temari asked fixing her hair, but the two of them turned around to see another girl with shoulder length hair, shouting and running towards them

"Ah you found Mari-chan!" She breathed heavily, then glared at Temari "Mari-chan, are you dilly dallying again?"

"No, I am just admiring the blue sky Fuyune." Temari honestly answered

The two sighed in defeat and grabbed her hands in both side "let's go, Kayama-sensei is looking for us"

"I can walk by myself" Temari laughed but then tilted her head "why?"

"We don't know either"

As Maaya and Fuyune talked to each other, Temari's attention shifted to the ground field. She roamed her eyes around the field and suddenly smile escaped from her. The loud sounds of batting and voices shouting echoed that made Temari chuckled.

"Seidou Baseball team, surely the best sports team in our school"

"But too bad, it's been a long time since they went to Koshien, right? 6 years or 7 years?"

Temari just listened to her two friends talked about Seidou Baseball club while humming the Seidou call but the three of them jolted when


They stopped from walking and turned again to the baseball field, towards to the voice who just shouted

"The captain of baseball team sure has full of energy" Maaya commented as she held her chest because of surprise

Fuyune nodded agreeing to what Maaya said, "Sure, not just him though, but everyone in that club. What is the name of the captain again?"

"Yuki Tetsuya" Temari answered and giggled "Now let's go, sensei is looking for us" Temari grabbed their hands and they ran towards their club room



"You three, are you deaf?" Kayama-sensei asked holding a paper on her hand "For your next project, you three will take pictures of the Seidou Baseball team for a month. Take pictures of them during practice, official match, and normal life. In any case, take pictures of them anytime you want. I talked to Kataoka-sensei and I already have his approval"

Seidou baseball team, huh? Now, what should I do?

"Why these three?" Temari and her friends looked behind and two other members of photography club were there standing on the door

"Well, when I told Kataoka-sensei about giving this project to this club, he requested Yuki-san. So since they are in group, they will go" Kayama-sensei answered "Ah, you three should go now. Kataoka-sensei is expecting you there before their game practice starts. That guy really don't want late comers"

The three hurriedly grabbed their camera bag and then went to the field. But when they arrived on the field, they were just standing outside

"Now what are we going to do? This will be the first time I will take pictures of guys, and there are lots of them" Maaya's face was pure white and she seemed had no energy

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now