Chapter 47 - Engagement

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"For real, Temari?" Miyuki sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Why in this kind of timing?"

"Ehh... Wait a minute... K-Kazuya..."

"Yuki Temari..."


"Uhm... Yuki-san... Can I talk to you and your wife tomorrow?"


"I'll send her tomorrow after our plan with Mei. I was planning if she can stay over our place, but not tomorrow"

"Miyuki-kun, about what?"  Temari's father curiously asked but he was having a general idea about it

"What I want to do with Temari" Miyuki answered and that made Temari's father speechless


"So, I heard that you want to talk to us, Miyuki-kun" Temari's mother asked

"Y-yes" Miyuki calmed himself and seriously looked at the two of them "I am here to ask your daughter's hand. I am going to propose to her"

Temari's mother giggled and turned red from Miyuki's plead.

"But Miyuki-kun, you two are still University students. Also, Temari still needs to go back to America. Don't tell me you are planning to marry her before she goes back to America?!"

"Ah, no, of course I think about that. I am aware that she still needs to return to America. I am planning to marry her once she returns here in Japan."

"So, eeto, Kazuya-kun" Temari's mother smiled sweetly, still giggling about what he said "You want to be engaged with Temari? Do you want some help? We can help you in planning"

"N-no... That, actually I want it to be simple and private. That's why I'm asking for permission" Miyuki again felt nervous and he felt his sweat covered him

"I am okay with it. You two went into lots of problems after all."

"I am also fine with it. But this matter, you need to think about it carefully, Kazuya-kun" Temari's father followed

"Y-yes, that's why I am here talking to you. I actually talked about my plan with Temari. I will accept Tokyo Yakults' offer and after graduation they will hire me as an Engineer and also as a baseball player"

"Ahrarara, Tokyo Yakults... Then you accepted their offer to live in their townhouse then" Temari's mother worriedly asked "Did you talk about it with Temari?"

"Y-yes, actually she was the one who told me to accept it. Also, I want things to be in private, that's why I consider Yakults' offer"

"I see, well you still have time to how things will work. Its a proposal, so at least you two will be engaged. But are you sure you don't want to announce it to everyone after?"

"Y-yes. I want things to be private. This engagement. Well, others will surely see it after." Miyuki answered her "A-also, can I have a permission? Is it okay for her to stay in our house tomorrow? Since I heard that she will be alone here tomorrow"

"Sure, its okay right, dad? Temari is old enough. Also, at least she can meet Kazuya-kun's father and mother"

"Ah" Miyuki gazed away and responded in low voice "My mother died when I was young, so I only live with my dad"

Temari's parents remained silence and looked at each other then made a smiled

"I see. Kazuya-kun, we love to meet your father to discuss things with him. Oh, and also, can we ask you to give something to Temari?"

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now