Chapter 8-Explanation

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"I don't mind seeing them kissing. It was better that it was Mari-chan, than seeing him with you or other girls" Maaya shouted as Temari held her shoulder stopping her from attacking Kanon

"You are right. Since he also dumped you flatly that day. But Temari, are you going out with Sanada? You are, right?" She folded her arms as she found the scene amusing to see

"Kanon, shut up for now" Temari hissed but Kanon smirked in disbelief

"Oh what? Are you cheating on Sanada with one of these baseball players?" Kanon noticed Temari who glanced at Miyuki who was looking intensely towards back at her "oh, so this guy" she teasingly mumbled

"Kanon, I am not going out with anyone. Why are you being like this when you just arrived?" Temari complained

"Right. Why cheat with Sanada, right? He is a nice guy. A great pitcher. A person with a great gut and confidence" she nodded and chuckled, curling her lips to tease Temari more

Temari clenched her fists as she tried to say more, but were interrupted when Yuki, Isashiki and Chris walked towards them

"Kanon? What are you doing here? I thought you will be coming on new term?" Yuki curiously asked

Kanon ran towards him and gave him a hug as a greeting, and with a sweet loving voice she shouted "I missed you so much Tetsuya-nii~"

She is trying to be nice in front of Nii-san, as always. But very annoying to see

Yuki returned the hugged and excitedly introduced her to Isashiki and Chris

"Miyuki, we need to talk to you about- Miyuki?" Chris called him but he noticed the irregularities on Miyuki's ambiance. Chris looked at Temari since he somehow knew there was a thing going on between them "Miyuki, are you okay?" he tapped his shoulder that brought Miyuki's senses back

"Ah, sorry, I spaced out. I'll just go back to my room and changed. I'll see you later, senpai" he said as he bowed down and left. Kuramochi followed him but shook his head towards Temari

"Oi, Miyuki, wait up!"

Kazuya. Why do I feel like I need an explanation to do but hard to find what to explain? I need to follow him!

"We need to head back too" Isashiki said as he and Chris walked out first followed by Yuki and Kanon, who insisted to tag along. Yuki though heard what happened to Temari and concernedly ordered her to go back to her dorm and rest

"That was quite a blow to Miyuki-senpai" Ono said worriedly who was standing next to Sawamura, Haruichi and Furuya "he was rejected last night, and then this"

"You rejected him?" Maaya asked in surprised. Temari took a deep breath and nodded slowly "Shunpei?"

"No. Sorry, I'll go back to my room first" she said and left them.

"That was quite an intense one" Sawamura said nervously agreed by Furuya and Haruichi "I almost forgotten what that Three-car guy said a while ago"

"It's Todoroki, Eijun-kun"

The next day, Temari woke up early. She wore a white and pink printed shirt, and black sweat pants. After tying her hair and wearing her eye glass, she put on her sneakers and headed to find Chris.

"Senpai, good morning" she bowed down to Chris who was wearing a purple shirt and black sweat pants

"Sorry for asking you this time. I asked Tetsu to message you last night and help me analyze Yakushi High's team" Chris said letting Temari to sit down "but are you sure you are fine with it? I heard what happened to you yesterday"

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