Chapter 23-Girls Time

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"So those are your friends, Temari"

Temari nodded as she chew the chips she was eating.

The day after Fuyune and Maaya pulled Temari away, Akira and Francine stayed in Temari's room to finish their assignment after dinner. After finishing up their assignment, they decided to stay more and have a chat.

However, Temari and Shuang were planning to sleep after dinner since without them knowing, the two hadn't sleep one blink.

After coming back, Temari and Shuang talked. Sanada was the one who told Temari to tell Shuang everything. She didn't know why, but she did what he said. Temari told her everything, from her family, to her friends, and of course about Miyuki. Sanada wanted to have at least one person in her school that she could rely on.

Temari even told her about the iPod Fuyune lent to her, and they made the iPod as if it was Shuang's so that if someone found it, they would say it was hers.

"Where is Azumi by the way?" Shuang asked as she grabbed one bag of chips and opened it

"She said she would come after talking to Nishio-senpai" Francine answered then there was a doorbell "it's probably her"

Akira was the one who opened it and Azumi arrived with bags of chocolates and chips.

"Sorry I'm late"

"It's okay, we already finished our assignment" Akira answered and led her inside

"Oh, you didn't have any problems? Kanji? Grammars?"

"Temari taught us"

Azumi laughed as she sat next to Temari "somehow I felt like Temari is not an exchange student"

"Sorry about that. But Azumi, you looked stressed a while ago. Are you okay?" Temari worriedly asked and it was then she shook her head and sighed "what's wrong?"

"Actually, the other exchange students will be coming this weekend. Nishio-san wanted me to look after this one lone student from another country"

"This school is really famous for exchange students, huh?" Temari commented and they all agreed "Then, is there any problem that you can't look after that student?"

"Actually, there's a rule here that a member of international affair club should only look after 6 exchange students. But everyone already has 6 students. Then there's this last student from Canada that we thought they wouldn't send one. I accepted that I would look after him"

"There will be no problem. I mean we can get along with him. But will you be okay?" Akira worriedly asked and Azumi nodded then looked at Temari

"The reason why I accepted to look after him because I felt like I don't need to look after Temari, sorry, since you were so accustomed here" She explained in low voice.

Temari chuckled and patted her head "don't apologize."

"Because I don't feel like you are an exchange student at all. I mean, you know a lot of people. I was really surprised that you went to Seidou. So you know Youichi, Furuya, of course that Kazuya" Temari laughed loudly and swallowed the chips she was chewing "But there will be a problem" they all looked at her and she sighed and again looked at Temari "He is a guy and also a half Japanese, but he was born in Canada. It's easy for him to get along with the people here in dorm. The problem is John, your fiancé. I just hope he won't go gaga and jealous when you get closer to him"

"Don't mind him"

"Ah speaking of John, I haven't seen him today except in class" Francine told them then looked at Temari "Do you know anything Temari?"

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