Chapter 31- Big Brother

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The usual stern expression from Yuki Tetsuya showed as he called Temari who was in the middle of being interrogated by the baseball team.

"Aren't you too early? Kazuya just left" Temari ran towards him and gave him a warm hug "It's been a while"

"I saw Miyuki with Narumiya Mei. What did you do to that pitcher?" same response, Temari didn't answer and just smiled towards her brother. Tetsu nuzzled her hair and gestured her to go "make sure to answer my question later. Go get your things. I'll talk to Furuya"

Temari and Shuang hurriedly left to get their things leaving the students confused on what was her connection to Tetsu. Temari asked Shuang to go with her to their parent's house. She also asked Akira, but because the other exchange students asked her first, she couldn't go with Temari. She didn't ask Francine, but she would go with Akira.

"Furuya" Tetsu called him who was with the other Baseball team. Furuya bowed down and confused why his former captain called him "How are things going on here?" He asked and Furuya was confused at first, but not long after he got what he meant

"Ah, when the school chairman's daughter came back, they had no chance of talking" Furuya answered in low voice "Also, captain..."


Furuya gazed away and made his voice lower "Have you heard what happened to your cousin, Yuki Kanon-san?" Tetsu shook his head and Furuya summarized what happened according to what Asanuma told him. Tetsu stayed on his composure, but Furuya could feel the ambiance changing.

"I met that John once, but I can't remember him. It was one of those two guys with Temari when they went to watch the exhibition game. For his safety, I shouldn't meet him" Tetsu responded crossing his arm

"Furuya- woah! Yuki Tetsuya-san!" Asanuma shouted as he arrived back to where Furuya and the others were, and his dark brown eyes immediately sparkled "Eh?! Why? How?! Eh?!"

"Asanuma-san, calm down" Furuya told him "He is just here to get Temari-senpai"

"Eh, Temari? Why?"

"Furuya, Asanuma, who is this guy?" John approached them and asked while glaring at Tetsu. "He was that same guy Temari hugged in Seidou, right?"

Asanuma and Furuya tilted their heads, confused to what he asked since they didn't see nor they weren't there when Temari excitedly hugged Tetsu.

"He's Miyuki-san and Furuya's former captain in Seidou, also part of the-"

"Asanuma, John wants to know if what is his relationship with Temari" Robert clarified and shook his head, since he knew that John was again being a possessive fiancé towards Temari

"Furuya, this is?"

"I'm John Wilson, Temari's fiancé. So stop flirting with her. She's already mine" John was the one who answered, imitating how Narumiya looked at him

"Oi John, stop that!" Asanuma, and even Takashi and Oliver who were near them tried to stop him

"Are you stupid?" Furuya asked shaking his head "This person is-"

"It's fine Furuya" Tetsu looked at John from head to toe first before staring his face. Tetsu stared at John's blue eyes, and neither of them weren't gazing away. "Are you satisfied?"


"Fiancé, it's a good word, right? Are you satisfied using that word? Also, using grandma against her" Tetsu narrowed his eyes and everyone could feel the intimidating aura coming out from him. "Use it very well, John Wilson. If I have a chance to see grandma, you will lose not just being Temari's fiancé, but also you will never use grandma against her. Lastly, you will lose being a second child of Wilson family."

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