Chapter 1-First Time

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Temari, Maaya and Fuyune were busy taking pictures of the Seidou Baseball club, in which Temari had the advancement, since she asked her brother to ask his members to take pictures while they were on break, or when they were inside their rooms. But the others still didn't know that they were siblings

However for unknown reasons, Temari wanted to take pictures of Miyuki Kazuya herself. But even though they were in the same class, she had no courage to talk to him, furthermore ask for his pictures.

She sat on the sidewalk outside the ground field as she set the settings of her camera. Once again, her focus was toward Miyuki who was having fun teasing the two first year pitchers. She continued taking pictures of him but then while taking his picture, Miyuki made a big wide smile, then waved at her direction.

Temari put down her camera and looked at Miyuki, and then again looked through her camera. Miyuki was indeed looking at her direction.

He...he is looking here?! He knows that I am taking pictures of him! He is even waving!

"Now, everyone time to run!" Coach Kataoka shouted and they all started running. Temari took lots of pictures, but still for her, she wasn't satisfied on the pictures she took except for Miyuki's

Why do all of his pictures look good? I've been taking pictures of them with the same angle but still, why Miyuki Kazuya alone?

"Temari!" She looked on the field and there her brother stood on the other side of the fence calling her. She approached and tilted her head questioning his brother "after our practice, can you help me for my personal practice?"

"Catch ball? Or just seeing your form while batting?"

"Both" he answered with his usual calm tone

"I understand. Then I'll message you after dinner" Temari answered as she walked back to the side walk. She again took pictures of them running that lasted for 30 minutes.

Once done, she checked again the pictures she took. She deleted some and again peek through her camera and took the magnificent view of the blue sky. She took couple of pictures and when she was done, she checked it and blushed from the pictures she just took.

I knew it, nature is still the best

As she peeked through her camera again for another shots of the players, her camera focused on the person standing across her. She put down her camera and tilted her head looking at the brunette hair guy with eye goggles, standing on the other side of the fence.

Miyuki Kazuya?

Miyuki was looking at her with serious face that made Temari curious. Though she wasn't saying anything, she wanted to ask him why he was looking at her

"You" Temari pricked as Miyuki finally spoke


"Why are you always taking pictures far away from the field?"


"Are you afraid being hit by the ball?"

Temari shook her head "I am not good on taking up close pictures of people" she honestly answered

"You sure answered honestly"

Why did he come for?

"Why don't you try taking pictures up close? You might get better result?"

Temari blinked her eyes and calmly nodded "I will, but now I wanted to at least be satisfied taking pictures from here" she slowly approached him and with serious and curious face "by the way Miyuki Kazuya, how did you know that I am taking pictures of you?"

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now