Chapter 17-Frozen Time

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The knocking on the door became louder and louder, but still the brunette hair didn't plan to open it. He asked his roommate to keep quiet and just let the person knock.

"Miyuki Kazuya, if you don't open this damn door, you know what will happen to this-ya. If ya don't want to sleep with door wide open, open the freaking damn door-ya!" Shouted by the person outside the door. Miyuki chuckled but his roommate was scared

He nuzzled his hair and reluctantly open the door. With grinning smile, he greeted "Azumi-chan, good evening. You are waking the people in the building. And your Kansai-ben is really amazing!"

The girl named Azumi made a sharp looked at Kazuya, sending thrills to Miyuki. She was at the same height as him, short brunette hair, and also wearing glasses "don't joke on me-ya. After you told me to buy Takoyaki sauce in Osaka, you are treating me like this-ya!" she shouted in her dialect and threw the paper bag to Miyuki, but he caught it

"Nice ball" he smirked. Azumi turned around and walked away, but Miyuki shouted that made her return in front of his room "Kuramochi!"

"Now what you want, you stupid megane, baseball freak-ya!"

"You are going to watch the exhibition game this Saturday, right?"

"Exhibition game?" Miyuki's roommate, Asanuma approached them, confused to what he said

"Ah, my high school will be having an exhibition game this Saturday. The graduated team vs the current team. The team that was chosen was when Yuki Tetsuya-san was the captain" Miyuki explained that made Asanuma excited. He knew that his roommate was a fan of Tetsu. "Want to watch?"

"I'll go, I'll go. In Seidou, right?"

Miyuki nodded then looked at Azumi "I think I can't go"

"Eh, why?! You promised you will go. Since you are the only person who can shut the principal's daughter" Miyuki agitatedly said

"I have no choice-ya. I will be picking up the six 3rd year exchange students from America. The other Senpai can't pick them up so Nishio-senpai asked me to go with him instead." Azumi answered that made Miyuki flinched "besides, isn't it time to move on from the last time? You are getting old, but I can sense that your time is not moving at all. Forget the last one and move on. Isn't the principal's daughter your girlfriend? But I don't want her to be your girlfriend"

"Self-proclaimed" Miyuki corrected "then bring them to watch."

"Are you stupid?"

"Kuramochi will be there" Miyuki grinned that made Azumi glared at him

"I'll think about it." Azumi sighed

"As expected from my cousin-ya" Miyuki imitated her but received a drop kick from her.

"Your cousin is scary as always" Asanuma said as he watched Asumi left.

They closed the door and headed inside

"Well, at least she moved here to Tokyo. I have at least someone I know in this school besides Furuya" Miyuki laughed and sat down on his bed

"By the way Miyuki-san, I noticed this, but you always flinched every time America is mentioned."

"Hmmmm, you noticed trivial things Asanuma" Miyuki chuckled but didn't explain more from what Asanuma said

"And everyone really thinks that Keiko-sama is your girlfriend. Or is it because you can't move on from the girl on your phone?"

Miyuki smirked and looked at Asanuma "hmmm, you know things."

"Hahahaha, I just noticed that you always stare on your phone. Then I will just buy drinks. Do you want some?"

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now