Chapter 34-Baseball even in Korea

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They gathered in Narita Airport, waiting for their boarding time and waiting for Sawamura, Kanemaru, Tojo and Haruichi, Maaya and Sanada to arrive. Temari was talking with Azumi and Shuang who tagged along to the airport. However they were surprised that they left the dorm without Miyuki.

"I wonder where did Kazuya go this morning?" Azumi whispered to them and they shifted their gaze to Miyuki, who was talking with Kuramochi, Maezono and Kawakami

Indeed, he told me that we would be going here together. But Furuya said that he needed to stop by somewhere. Also, somehow, there's something wrong with him and Furuya.

Temari sighed and also remembered what happened to Nao. After talking to the chairman, Nao's expulsion was lifted, and she returned to school. She also sensed that John was again plotting something.

"Sorry for the wait!" Maaya greeted them who arrived with Sanada "Fuyune will be picking us up in the airport." She roamed her eyes around and sighed "So Sawamura is still not yet here"

"Sanada, I heard that your team also qualified to Nationals" Miyuki approached him and smirked "So we might compete each other." As he said that, Furuya flinched and worriedly looked at him.

"What's wrong Furuya?" Maezono asked him confusedly as he noticed the changed from him

"S-senpai, actually... No... Nothing..." Furuya answered in low voice

Ten minutes later, Sawamura, Kanemaru, Tojo, and Haruichi arrived. After they checked-in, they boarded the plane and depart to Korea.

To Temari's surprise, Miyuki sat down beside her and grinned "It's been a while."

"I knew it, they surely planned this"

"You don't like?" Miyuki asked confusedly fastening his seatbelt, sensing the worried stare from Temari "What? You really don't like me sitting here?"

"Ah, no, it's not that." Temari smiled and held his hand "I see that your ankle is recovering faster than expected"

"It's me, what do you expect?" Miyuki answered and it was then they felt that the plane started to move

Why do I feel so nervous? I feel like something is not right...

Temari looked outside the window and sighed. Her chest tightened but she shook her head and just thought of positive things.


"Welcome to Korea! How's your flight?" Fuyune greeted them as they got out of the airport. They were taken aback seeing her wearing a very fancy pink dress, and her hair was styled "Please follow me" She smiled and led the way to the parking lot. Once they arrived, there were three eight-seaters van in front of them; black, white and gray. "We will be splitting into three groups, but of course, Temari and Maaya will be with me in the black van. How about Miyuki and Shunpei?"

"Haha, I will stay with Maaya" Sanada answered, holding Maaya's things.

"I'll go with Kuramochi and the others. I'll give you private time" Miyuki answered as he was busy with his phone

Sawamura, Furuya, Haruichi, Kanemaru, Tojo went to the gray van, and the rest to the white van. After putting all their things on the trunk, they headed to the hotel they would stay.

"So, how's your flight? How's life? I heard about what happened to Kanon! I also-"

"Woah, woah, Fuyune, chill" Maaya laughed and then looked at Temari "Before that, Mari-chan, you need to explain about that birthday of yours! Since we're all here"

Temari laughed and bit her lower lip. She sighed in defeat and in the end told them her real birthday and the reason why. She also told them what happened with Nao. As expected they were surprised, and nervous at the same time to what would happen if her grandma finds out about Miyuki.

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