Chapter 50 - The Little Ones (Extra story)

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"Wow! So cool!"

"Right?! Papa is really cool!"

"Okay, okay, you two, I've been calling you and we're going to eat lunch" Temari sighed as she put her hands on her waist "Takuya, Yukari, are you listening?!"

"Mama! Look its papa! Its papa!" The five year old son and four year old daughter of Temari and Miyuki excitedly pointed out the TV. They got Miyuki's hair color and even the color of their eyes, they really look like Miyuki especially the oldest child Takuya.

Takuya was born in January the next year the two got married, and November the same year, Yukari was born. Temari planned it out. Though Miyuki was against on it at first, they were surprised that it happened.

"Yeah, yeah, you two are too near on the TV. That's why you both have eye glasses like your father. Also, you watched that news for how many times now"

"Its a new news mama" the younger one, Yukari shook her head.

"New news?" Temari shifted her eyes towards the TV and was surprised to the news

"...but its really surprising that Miyuki Kazuya was seen wearing a wedding ring during the end season party of Yakults last night" one anchor commented as the picture of Miyuki showed

"But the picture was deleted after though there were fans who saved it immediately" another one commented

"But time to time, there were news that he is already married but no evidence."

Temari made a deep thought and chuckled "I see, that's why..."

"Mama! Look! Its papa again!" Takuya again shouted "he is really cool!"

"Yeah, yeah, go wash your hands. I'll wake up your papa" once she said that, the two looked at her at the same time with glints on their eyes

"Papa is here?!" They asked in chorus and immediately ran to the second floor.


Miyuki was still in deep sleep, snoring with his eye mask. Even though his two kids entered the room, he was still in deep sleep. Takuya and Yukari silently climbed to the bed and Temari chuckled watching them.

In cue, the two kids jumped up and down, sang loudly waking up their father.

"Papa! Papa! Wake up! Papa!" The two sang at the same time while jumping on the bed and moving Miyuki's body.

He groaned as he lied down on his stomach and buried his face under his pillow but the two didn't stop.

"You two..." Miyuki hissed and tackled down the two of them, making them laughed loudly and at that time Miyuki tickled them.

He sat down and took off his eye mask, sighing in process.

"You two really love to wake me up like this"

"Here, your eye glass" Temari handed his eye glass that was on the side table and nuzzled his messy hair "Hurry up you three. We're eating lunch"

"Its already afternoon?" Miyuki mumbled, slumping his body back on the bed, but their kids again playfully moved his body left and right, waking him up

~10 minutes later~

Miyuki along with Takuya and Yukari finally came down to the living room, still Miyuki felt sleepy. Temari just finished preparing the table and asked their kids to wash their hands first. Miyuki sat down on his seat and shifted his eyes on the TV where the news about him was still on the hot topic. He yawned, not showing any interest from it.

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now