Chapter 5-First Move

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It was early in the morning, Temari pulled her things to her room. Once she closed the door, she immediately threw herself on her bed

"What a troublesome week" she mumbled as she cuddled more to her pillow. It was then her phone rang. She lazily grabbed it and realize that it was from Fuyune "Oh yeah, today is her flight to Korea." She said then lied down back to her bed. Temari held her phone above her in the air with deep thought

After telling Fuyune about Kanon, she really cursed and it was scary. Maaya also did the same when I told her. I just hope Kanon will not cause trouble again.

She was sending a message back to Fuyune when suddenly a call came and her phone dropped on her face "Ouch"

She grabbed her phone and jolted when she realized that it was from her brother

"Ah, Tetsu-nii, what's up?"

"Are you already in school?"

"Yeah, I just arrived"

"You should call me and I could helped you in bringing your things" Temari noticed the concern voice of her brother

Temari chuckled as she stood up "Don't worry, it's not much of luggage. Oh, I have something from mom. Should I give it now to you?"

"Pickled plum rice?" Temari noticed the sudden change of voice her brother that became excited

"I wonder?" Temari chuckled and grabbed the pickled plum rice and green tea on her bag "Where are you?"

"We're here attending the opening ceremony for the tournament."

"Wow, I thought you're going to help me, hence you are not here in school. I'll give it to you then when you return. Is that all you want to say, nii-san?"

"Oh, later during our meeting you will be coming too. Also, did you receive the videos I sent to you?"

"Ah, those videos of the schools that you might play tomorrow? Honestly, you can win without analyzing them. Also, there's a possibility that Maimon High will be your first opponent" Temari answered putting down the pickled plum and green tea on the table "Message me the time of your meeting. I'll just go take a shower."


Temari hanged up and immediately grabbed her towel and change of clothes


Later that day, Temari went to see Maaya who was having a troubled face standing between Sawamura and Furuya, and beside her was Haruichi who was trying to stop the two.

Ah, they are already back.

"What the heck are you all doing?" Temari approached them and realized that the two pitchers were bickering

"Temari-senpai! Long time no see!" Sawamura suddenly changed his mood as he greeted her with his usual loud voice

"Long time no see. And congratulation to you and Haruichi in becoming part of the first string" she smiled to Sawamura then to Haruichi "You too Furuya"

"Thank you senpai! I will do my best from now on" Sawamura shouted but glared at Furuya in his remarks

"If you can pitch during game. Number 20"

"What did you say?! Just because you got number 11 you are acting like that! You cannot pitch if you fail the retake exam!"

"Ah, will you two shut up?! We just came back from the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Tournament. Can you cool it down?!" Maaya glared at them then looked at Temari who chuckled "Welcome back. How's your time with your cousin?"

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