Chapter 45 - Show off!

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Temari ran towards the ground field, searching for Miyuki here and there. However, she already went to the places he should be, but she still couldn't find him. She sighed loudly, and return to their dorm to find out that his dad already loaded their things. It was the 22nd of December, and it was their last day at the dorm. Regular and exchange students staying in a dorm were told to leave the dorm that day for winter break since that's the rule. Shuang, Akira, Francine and Robert would stay on Temari's place, and she would send the four of them to the aiport the next day.

"Did you see Miyuki-kun?" Temari's father asked, closing the trunk of the their van

"No, I wonder where did he go. Azumi also didn't know where is he, even his team mates" Temari sighed but then smiled "Anyway, I'll go call the others and we should go."

"Are you sure? You should wait for Miyuki and if you want you can take the subway home" Her father suggested and she was tempted to say yes. But felt bad since her father came all the way to their school just to get their things.

"Yeah, its fine. I can message him later, also we will see each other the next day, even on the 24th and-" Temari responded but then the person she was looking for showed up out of nowhere

"Its been a while Yuki-san" Miyuki bowed down as his two hands were on the pocket of his white and red jacket. He was wearing a knitted cap and he seemed sleepy by just looking at him.

"Yeah, did Temari mentioned about the celebration on the 25th?"

"Yes, she did. I will attend it" Miyuki answered then shifted his eyes towards Temari who was looking at him suspiciously "What's with that look?" He pinched her cheeks that made her pouted her lips

"Where were you?" She asked but he just smiled and he was saved when Temari was called by the landlady

"Uhm... Yuki-san..." Miyuki nervously called Temari's father, making her father surprised to what Miyuki said.

Ten minutes later, Temari returned with Shuang beside her and the other three behind her, Azumi and Nishio were also with them. Azumi didn't want to let go of Francine since she decided to not continue the winter program.

"What time are you leaving later?" Temari approached Miyuki and confused why her father was staring at Miyuki

"We have a baseball meeting at 3, so probably after that. Then I'll message you what time tomorrow." Miyuki answered then turned to the other exchange students "Have a safe flight! And see you again! Robert, I'll just message you whatever we talk today." Miyuki smirked and suddenly threw something from each of them. "A souvenir from me"

"A baseball bat?" Shuang chuckled and shook her head "Miyuki-san, thank you very much"

"One more" Miyuki threw another one to Francine that made her confused "Give that to John, and send my regards to him. We'll see each other, tell him that"

"Okay, I'll tell him. Thank you for this" Francine responded

"Miyuki-san!" They all jolted once Akira looked at Miyuki intensely then to Temari "I know that I'll be back on January, but, Temari, can I take a picture with Miyuki-san? I am his fan ever since he was in Seidou, even Sanada Shunpei!"

"Why are you asking me? Its fine with me" Temari laughed giving permission to her

"Its fine with me too." Miyuki responded then they took a photo together. Then, Temari asked her father to take a group photo of them in front of the dorm.

"Then, we'll go now" Temari told them then Miyuki hugged her before she got inside the car

"I'll message you later the place where we will meet tomorrow."

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now