Chapter 24-Knowing the Truth

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"Fuyune, why are you here? I thought you went back to Korea?"

"I'm here to give you something. But because I hate to repeat myself, let's find Miyuki and Furuya too. Ah, Azumi-chan, you'll come with us, okay?"

Azumi flinched and just nodded once Fuyune shouted.

Without asking anymore question, Azumi led Fuyune and Temari to the baseball ground field.

"Kazuya!" Azumi called Miyuki, who was busy talking to John, Asanuma and Furuya. "Can we talk to you for a second? Furuya too"

"Ahre, Kuwano? What are you doing here?" Miyuki took off his head gear and noticed Temari "Temari, too?"

"Because I don't want to explain things again. I already told Shunpei and Maaya, then Haruicchi and Sawamura, then to Kuramochi, Kawakami, Kanemaru, and to others. I don't want to repeat it again" Fuyune explained and made a big wide smile

"That's why, what is it then?" Temari asked confusedly

Fuyune got three cards from her bag and gave to Miyuki, Temari and to Furuya

"Me too?" Furuya asked confusedly but still accepted

"WEDDING INVITATION?!" Temari and Miyuki asked at the same time

"Yeah, I'm getting married on November 18, so I want you all to attend it. But of course, I want you to enjoy Korea. I want you all to go there on the 16 and stay until 19. I know that you don't have school those days, and also off season. You can't say no. We actually planned this for years now, but because I can't contact Temari, I always postpone my wedding. And since my bestfriend is already here, I asked my family and his family to do it this year, and we decided to do it on his birthday"

"Wait a minute, November 16 to 19, you say?" Miyuki retorted but Fuyune glared at him "I-I'll go"

"I'll go!" Temari immediately told her and excitedly hugged her "With who? Your boyfriend ever since?!" Fuyune nodded "Congratulations! Maaya will surely go, right? With Shunpei-kun"

"Of course. You and Maaya are my bridesmaid, I want the two of you two be my side"

"Temari will not go" They looked at John and he was glaring at Fuyune

"Whatever you say, I'll go, John. It is my best friend's wedding!"

"Then I'll go with-"

"Even if you go to Korea, I will make sure that you cannot enter the hotel they are in, and of course the chapel. John Wilson, can you care for privacy and don't stick your nose all the time to Mari-chan's business? I'm being serious here, I only want my close friends and family to attend my important day. Even though you have the back of her grandma, I don't care. Wilson Family, don't get in my way if you don't want Korea's businessmen to be on your way. I'll attack you first before you go to her grandma and attack us."

Silence engulfed them as Fuyune and John glared at each other

"Then don't expect me to let you in on my wedding with Temari"

"Don't worry. I don't expect you to get married to Mari-chan on the first place. I'll make sure that she will not end up to a jerk like you."

John glared at her and she was smiling devilishly back. John clenched his fist and was about to say something when Azumi interrupted them

"Uhm, b-by the way, Fuyune-san, why did you call me too?"

Fuyune immediately changed her expression and smiled at Azumi "Kuramochi told me to get your permission"

"Me? Why?" Azumi tilted her head and sighed "Ah, Maaya-san will go too, right? Why is he worried, that stupid guy"

"Kuramochi wanted to go, but he felt that you might not want to since Maaya will go"

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now