Chapter 29- Was an Enemy

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"We will be having our next match tomorrow. The school is not that powerful, but don't let your guard down." Miyuki stood next to their coach and told them the batting line-up for their next match.

Without them knowing, outside the ground field, there was someone who was watching them, having a stern, irritated expression.

"Hmmm, this school is so big. Finally, I arrived on a place where I can see her but... Stupid Temari! Where are you?!"

After their meeting, Miyuki talked to their pitchers and as usual, making them in a hard position, hearing his twisted comments and advises.

Once they were done, they planned to head back to their dorm, but John, Robert and Asanuma were waiting for them.


"Miyuki-san, John is asking where did you go last night. Since he hadn't had a chance to see you and even Temari, he was having a jealousy effect" Asanuma answered

"Ah, I had a dinner with Temari and the other exchange students last night. To make it short, my team yesterday. You can ask them" Miyuki answered honestly and pointed at Karen and others who were standing not far from them

"Ne! Can I ask a question?" They turned to where the voice was and the others were confused, "Tsk, John? Aren't you supposed to be in different country? Well, I don't care. I'm just here to find my rascal cousin who is not answering- Miyuki Kazuya?!"

"Yo Yuki Kanon, I'm surprised, you are still alive. As always, you always say things painful to ears. Can't you pause on the words you are saying? You just arrived you know. And what's with that eye patch?"

"What a nice greetings from someone I haven't seen since graduation, Kazuya? So you are also here" she folded her arms and sighed loudly "Don't mind me. Where is Temari?"

"You can't find Temari here" Kanon turned around and Francine, with Akira and Azumi were there. "You are not welcome here, gets LOST!"

Kanon narrowed her one eye towards Francine and flatly retorted "I am not here for you, I am here for Temari. You are not one to decide"

The others who were near them felt the ambiance between them. They knew how unwelcome Kanon was, and how John, and Francine hated her. Miyuki was unsure why she was there, but he knew that something bad would happen.

"I really despise you. You are always in the way!"

"I haven't done anything towards you Francine to hate me. You are not strong enough to feel and experience such torture from me, right Kazuya?" Kanon snickered and Miyuki just nodded in response but glared at Kanon. "Well, I'm not here to do anything. I just want to know where the hell is Temari. I'm already tired."

Kanon again sighed loudly and massaged the temple of her nose. The others still didn't answer where Temari was since John and Francine were telling them not to and that made her so irritated

"Get lost, Yuki Kanon. Don't go near Temari! Never again! Even if you are her cousin, get lost!" John shouted and received a death glare from her

"Do you think you can attack me verbally, huh, the second son of Wilson family who is trying to get the attention of his parents by being engage to the patient of his brother who is the granddaughter of a rich family in Japan? It's not because you really like Temari, but if you end the engagement, your parents will again throw you away." John back off and gripped his hand tightly, trying not to punch or do any physical violence towards Kanon. However, he was surprised that Kanon knew about it.

"Shut up! You don't know anything!" Francine shouted but also back off when Kanon turned to her

"You will never be Temari's close friend since you are obsessed in pushing her to something she hated. You never hear her side and just let yours and the others decision be on control. I know Temari more than you, not because I'm her cousin, because Temari and I have a long history. Don't get too high of yourself, self-proclaimed best friend" Kanon laughed hard as the others got mad also at her because of her statements "that's how you attack verbally, right Kazuya?"

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now