Chapter 41 - Girlfriend

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Once Miyuki entered the room where he would take his exam, Temari left to wait him in their dorm. However she was called in their exchange student advisor's office.

As she entered, she was surprised seeing Francine sitting on the couch across their exchange student advisor. She was asked to sit next to Francine, and she was still curious to what was going. But then she remembered what Akira and Shuang told her.

"I already talked about Akira, Shuang, and Robert about this."

"Ah, about the Winter Program?" Temari asked in assurance

"Oh, you already heard about it. Yeah its about the Winter Program. Actually every year, with partnership with your school, we ask the exchange students if they want to extend up to Winter Program. Normally we ask them on the first week of December, but I heard what happened so I will ask now."

"How about the other exchange students?" Temari confusedly asked. Francine was just silently sitting beside her "Are they going to stay for Winter Program too?"

"Some will stay for Winter Program. But different to your school, they already applied for that program before going here. Some applied up to Winter Program, some applied up to second term. However there were also who applied only for first and second term, so they have from October to February, then a month off, then they will back in April. For your school, you can only apply for one term, but we always extend it to Winter Program. But it depends on the student" The advisor explained

"I'll stay for Winter Program!" Temari excitedly responded "Lot of things happened, but I feel like I didn't have enough experience"

"Good to hear that. How about Francine?"

"I will not. I have enough" Francine answered "I honestly want to go back now to America"

It can't be helped if Francine wants that. But, why is she so attached towards John?

"That's too sad to hear, but if that is your choice then I will obligue. However, I still give you time. You might change your decision. You still have until Friday. We will contact your school next week about your decision. Well then you two may go. I will see you again next week"

"Thank you very much" The two bowed down but Francine left immediately

"Temari" The advisor called her before she left "About John's, we were told that he will be pulled out from the exchange program."

"By who? Grandma?"

"No, his own parents. Sorry for stopping you. You want to talk to Francine, right?"

"Ah, yes. Well then, please excuse me" Temari bowed down and hurriedly followed Francine.

She ran and ran, and finally she caught up with her outside the administration building.

"Francine, wait up!" Temari called catching her breath. Francine stopped and turned to her "Are you really sure you don't want to stay up to Winter Program?"

Temari heard her sigh so she looked at Francine who was gazing away "Temari, what happened change everything. I am not welcome anymore-"

"Why are you so attached to John?!" Temari stood up and looked straight at her "You are not like him at all. I know that you always favor John, but unlike to what John did, you only comply."

"So you are saying that you can get along with me, after all what happened?"

"I can. Since I seriously want to be friends with you for real. As Temari and Francine only!"

"And John?"

"Why do you keep on attaching me to him? We are the one talking here"

"John's family saved my family. So I need to comply on everything." Francine crossed her arms then sighed "Can you forgive me, and John?"

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now