Chapter 42 - Apologize

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A/N: Bold words - They are speaking in different language


"Eh?! Miyuki-san has another girlfriend?!"

"It seems like he didn't go out with Keiko-sama, but he is going out with that person!"

"Eh, who is that? Do you know the name?!"

"I heard she is an exchange student! But I haven't seen her face. Let's go see her!"

Temari gazed away from Akira and Azumi as they were teasing her by imitating the endless lines they kept on hearing from people around them. Everywhere she went, Temari could hear those words. Good thing, there were still lots who didn't know who Temari was, nor what she looks like. There were lots who went to see her last Monday, but because there were no school that day, everyone heard about the news the next day. To their surprise, the people who went to see her were not yet in quarter of Miyuki's fans.

"Its not even a week since that happened. No, precisely, it only happened last Monday, and its only Thursday! Miyuki-san really is popular! So popular, seriously!" Shuang commented as she and and Karen put down the pizza they bought. They were in Temari and Shuang's room, they asked Temari and Akira to help them for their Japanese class.

"By the way, speaking of what happened, yesterday was also shocking" Akira reminded them "Who would have thought that John's brother doesn't look like him at all. Also, his sister"

Karen tilted her head and curiously asked what happened...

~The day before~

Temari, Akira and Shuang just got back from their class and was about to enter their dorm when Miyuki, Robert and Asanuma was about to leave, wearing their team's uniform

"How's your class?" Miyuki asked as he put down his gym bag

"Its getting interesting. Going to practice now? Just to remind you, you only need to do light training, Kazuya" Temari answered but stopped as she felt the people around them looking at their direction

"Yes, ma'am. Don't worry"


They turned around and in front of the dorm, they were surprised to see Tetsu stood with a man with black blended short cut hair, had an eyeglass, wearing a black suit.

"Nii-san, and Joshua-sensei?!" Temari blinked fast, and hastily approached them, "Doctor Joshua, what are you doing here?!"

"I am here to get my brother" The man named Joshua answered, and pointed John who came out of the dorm with his luggage. John passed by Miyuki and the others and he stood next to Temari. He looked at her and smirked

"You will regret not choosing me, Temari"

"I will never regret my decision in choosing Kazuya." Temari answered as she narrowed her eyes towards him "Seeing you now, you don't plan on apologizing at all"

"John, before we leave. I think you need to say one or two to the people you mess up with!" Joshua ordered John with his deep intimidating voice, but John just chuckled and smirked towards his own brother

"Don't joke on me! Why do I need to apologize to this people?! They should be the one who needs to apologize to me! They will regret-!" However, even before John finished what he was about to say, a hand landed on his face and a woman with long blonde hair, wearing a brown pants and white blouse howled in anger "J-Jane?! What are you doing here?! I thought only Joshua will come?!"

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