Chapter 19-Battery

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"Temari, I have lots of eyes and connections in Japan. I will be going back there after my business trip in Canada. So better to behave yourself. You told me that you like someone, then don't let me know that guy"

"What do you mean, grandma?" Temari stood in front of her grandmother, nervous while clenching her hands behind her back.

"You and John will get married after your graduation, you know that. So if I found out that you go out with that guy you like, you know what will happen. John's family helped us a lot in your surgery, what did the guy you like did to you?"

Temari bit her lower lips, clenched her hands tightly and looked straight to her grandma "Aside from my family and close friends in Japan, he is one of the most important reason why I strive to live after the surgery. The reason why I did my best during my rehabilitation. Because I want to return to Japan one day, apologize, tell him that I love him, and listen to his too."

"What a petty reason, Temari. I will again repeat this. For that guy's safety, don't let me know his name, or his face. So be careful to your actions, I will know"

"It might be petty for you, but for me it is not. Is that the reason why you asked the school to put John in same country with me, even though the country he supposed to go was in China? It was already decided, and yet you changed things again."

"Yes, one of it. At least you two can also enjoy your time, right?"

Her grandma's secretary arrived and she was ordered to leave and pack her things. It was hard for her to get her grandma's permission for her to do the exchange student, since her grandma wanted her to stay in America and just return when she got married. But part of the department she entered, she needed to do exchange student in Asia, and the only available country when she applied was Japan, the other country were all full.

"Don't worry. For now, you need to follow your grandma's order and be careful with your actions."

"Grandpa" Temari hugged her grandpa and sighed "But how can I love other person when I already love someone?"

"Your grandma is just being stubborn, since you said the same thing as your mom. If you really love that guy, and that guy loves you, it will be hard, but the two of you will end up being together. But it is up to you, since you two will suffer, but the guy will suffer more. Your dad also experience that" Her grandpa patted her head and headed inside the room


"Temari, are you okay?"

Temari looked at Francine who was sitting on her side and nodded. They were now sitting on the Seidou's ground field A's bench, waiting for the game to start. When Temari was about to hug Miyuki, her brother arrived and Tetsu was surprised seeing her. He was only there to call Sawamura and Miyuki, but seeing his own sister was really a surprise for him. Temari held back and hugged her brother instead. Tetsu wanted to talk to her more, but they were called by Kataoka-sensei, confusing the others about her actions.

It was a good thing that I held back. If I hugged him, my feelings would overflow and it would be bad. I would be on my way back now to America and then Kazuya would be suspended. Grandma's words are echoing on my head!

"Uhm, Temari, so you are Yuki Tetsuya's sister?" Akira asked curiously that brought her senses back

"Yeah, honestly speaking, I went to Seidou before going to America. So I know them" She answered in small voice

"So you know my cousin too?" Azumi also asked curiously "were you close to each other?"

"Yeah, he and Kuramochi were my classmates. Well, you can say that we were close. I also took pictures of them since I was in Photography club"

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