Chapter 3-Ability

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The day had passed as Miyuki was inside the boy's changing room, dozing off. He was sitting while having a deep thought when Chris and Kuramochi entered the changing room

"Miyuki, why are you still in your uniform?" Kuramochi asked as he took off his upper uniform. However, Miyuki was in deep thought that made Chris and him wonder "Miyuki?"

"Ah, you are here. Sorry, what is it?" He responded once his senses returned

"Are you okay?" Chris curiously asked as he also took off his upper uniform "If you are not feeling well, we can tell coach"

"No, I am just thinking" Miyuki answered with his usual smirk

"Are you still thinking about what Temari-chan said this afternoon?"

Miyuki remained silence from Kuramochi and that hinted him that Miyuki was still thinking about it. Kuramochi sighed, just shook his head and continued changing.

"Temari-chan? Is that Yuki's sister?" he asked that made the two flinched

"Eh, how did you know?" the two asked in chorus and they felt trouble since they thought that it was just the two of them knew about it

"Well, when I was in middle school, there was a practice match against Yuki's school. She was there and she pitched during the first inning. She was quite good actually. Then when she entered Seidou I saw her, so I asked Yuki and he said that they are siblings, but she wanted people not to know" Chris explained clearly that made the two chuckled "Oh, but isn't she sick? Yuki was worried when she started taking pictures of the team"

"Eh, senpai also knows about it?"

"Can you tell us more about it?"

Kuramochi and Miyuki asked simultaneously in which their eyes became serious and Chris noticed it

Chris blinked fast as he looked at the two. "Why do you need to know? I mean, why don't ask her?"

"Well, actually" Kuramochi scratched his chin as he and Miyuki remembered what happened during lunch


"Yes, or no, I didn't know. Probably yes, because of your skills, but as for me, I was bullied because I was closed with the baseball team, and specially, so close to my own brother. Also, did you hear of Rheumatic heart disease" Temari looked at the two as how Yuki looked at them with serious eyes. The two shook their head as Temari sighed in response "Then that's it"

"Wait, elaborate. What do you mean that you were bullied because you were closed with the baseball team, and especially with captain?" Kuramochi curiously asked and his interest in knowing the answer was at peek

"Also, what the heck is the what-the-name disease?"

Temari again sighed and rested her chin on her palm. "Well, the fan girls of the baseball team when I was in middle school were all kind of mean to me. I had a frail body, actually. So I couldn't join any physical club activities. The coach knew about my case, and so he said to just hang out in the baseball field and watch them. I won't elaborate things, but I contributed on the team's success. Everyone was fine with me being there, not as a manager nor a mere spectator. During practice games to other school, coach sometimes let me play for one inning." Temari took a sipped of her juice and then continued explaining "But, the fan girls didn't want me to be so close to them. Because I was too attached to the team, especially to my brother, the girls went too far in hurting me. Also, I won't tell you about what happened. So in the end, I did home-schooling during 3rd year of middle school."

"Why?" the two asked in chorus but Temari seemed didn't want to answer.

Miyuki persistently asked her why, and was defeated in the end

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