Chapter 11-And that's Happened

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The game between Seidou and Sensen Academy concluded, and Seidou High advanced to the Finals. Maaya and Ono looked for Temari after the game since she wasn't in the bleacher during the game. She knew how excited Temari was to watch in this game, but confused and worried to where she was.

While looking around, they were called by the managers of the baseball team to watch the game of Inashiro. Without any choice, they went with them. But once the game ended, in which Inashiro also advanced to finals, Maaya and Ono again looked for Temari. They searched in different parts of the stadium but no luck.

"I wonder where she went?!" Maaya worriedly asked. It was then the two of them saw the Seidou members and they hurriedly approached them "Senpai!"

"What's wrong?" Yuki looked at them confusedly

"Do you know where did Temari go?"

Yuki shook his head and also looked at the others but they also said no. "What's wrong?"

"Actually, she didn't return when she went to buy drinks. I've been calling her phone but it was just ringing." Maaya explained and Yuki got his phone out and also called her phone

"AH, Temari?"

"She answered?"

"Eh? You found her phone? I understand, where can I get it?" Yuki immediately went to coach Kataoka who was talking to Miyuki and explained the situation. He got his permission, and Miyuki also went with them.

They went to the North Entrance of the stadium and there they found two girls holding Temari's things. The two girls explained that they were walking by when they heard the phone ringing, but Temari wasn't there. They thanked the girls and in exchanged, they just wanted to take pictures of Miyuki in which he permitted in thanks for finding Temari's things.

"Now, where are we going to find Temari? Is she looking for her things?" Yuki curiously asked but they shook their head and said that they didn't know

It was then Maaya's phone rang. She was confused to who it was but answered it "Hello?"

"Ah, Maaya. Good thing I got your number"

"Shunpei? What's up?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm in the stadium. Uhm, can I call you later, I'm kind of a little busy-"

"I just saw Temari being moved to the Emergency Room, what happened to her?"

"MARI-CHAN WAS SENT TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM?!" Maaya shouted and looked at Yuki and to Miyuki "Wait Shunpei, where are you?!"

Sanada informed them the hospital and they hurriedly went there. Yuki called Kataoka that he and Miyuki would be going to the hospital, and would explain more when they return to the school.

Once they arrived outside the ER, Sanada was sitting on the bench and immediately stood up once he saw them

"Why is she here?!" Maaya asked him nervously

"I don't know. I was on my way out from my appointment when I saw her. I asked the nurse and they said that someone saw her outside the stadium, but they didn't know who she was nor who to call" Sanada explained and sighed

It was then one nurse came out of the ER "Uhm, are you the girl's relatives?"

"I'm her brother" Yuki said worriedly

"Uhm we are looking for people with either AB Rh - , A Rh -, B Rh -, 0 Rhblood types. Since we had a blood transfusion just a while ago with another patient, we ran out of those types. And the one we requested will be coming later today, but we needed it now"

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