Chapter 20-The Morning Lies

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Why am I surprised? Tokyo is small enough for this to happen. We will see eventually, it's just it became faster than expected. And why am I surprised that he has a girlfriend? Five years had already passed, of course, he will have. But either way, I know that I still love him.

"Kazuya you were so cool a while ago!" Giggled by Keiko who was clinging at Miyuki.

Temari was sitting across them with John beside her. She was leaning her head on the window of the train, looking outside, but she could see their reflections so she closed her eyes and put on her earphones.

Not long after they arrived at their station. Dazing, Temari followed them, but in front of her was Miyuki and Keiko.

Somehow, it's pissing me off.

"This is really irritating" Furuya mumbled who walked beside Temari "I want to talk to Miyuki-senpai, but that girl is again on the way"

"Just go talk to him. Seems like that's what he want" Temari chuckled and tapped Furuya's shoulder

"I actually can't. Since she's the school chairman's daughter, we can't go in her way" Furuya explained emitting dark aura

"Kazuya, Furuya wants to talk to you!" She shouted that all of them looked at her "it's very important, so can you hear him out?"

"Sure" Miyuki answered shoving Keiko's hand, though she tighten it and glared at Furuya and Temari

"You can talk to him later"

"No, I will talk to him." Miyuki shoved her hand and approached Furuya "you sure know what to do" he said smirking towards Temari

"Am I? You have that irritable face but you can't say no. I wonder where is that smug face of yours go?" Temari answered before approaching Francine who was walking on the front. John followed her, but suspiciously looked at Miyuki first.


"So how's the game?" Couple of guys loudly asked Miyuki who were also entering the school's dorm

"What do you expect, we are great so we won"

"Cocky as ever. Who are these people, Azumi-chan?"

"Don't tell me the new exchange students?!"

Temari and the others knew that they were part of the baseball team, but they were entering the dorm to their surprise

"Uhm, girls and boys are in the same dorm?" Akira asked confusedly

"Well yes, since this is the only dorm that has a free space, and the dorm for exchange students. Besides, it's not that weird, we're not high school anymore." Azumi answered and looked at the other exchange students, your things are already in your room, Nishio-senpai messaged me. Tomorrow you have a free day, but we will give you your schedules first, and do a little explanation about the school. Let's go get your keys" she explained and led them

Miyuki followed Temari's movement and his curiosity was welling up. 'What happened these past years?'

"Senpai, shouldn't you talk to her? She's really your girlfriend-"

"Furuya, I appreciate your concern, but Temari and I are in different situation now. Don't tell to anyone about what you know" Miyuki told him and left.


"I was assuming that my room mate will be Akira,"

"I also assumed the same. I thought Francine, but this is interesting. Please take care of me for four months,"

Temari and Shuang bowed down to each other but laughed when they felt the awkward ambiance. They unpack their things, but while unpacking, Shuang noticed a picture on Temari's luggage

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now