Chapter 15-Remaining Days

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"Wait a minute, Kataoka-sensei?!" Temari was anxious and then looked at her brother "can I just stay in brother's room instead?"

"Temari, I already move out of the Seidou spirit dorm, you know that. I'm in regular Male dorm, where you know that females aren't allowed"


Of all people, with Kazuya?! No, I can't sleep with that!

"Wait, listen to me first. Indeed I said you and Miyuki will be roommate. But that doesn't mean you will both sleep in the same room"

"Eh?" They all looked at Kataoka-sensei curiously

"You will put your things in Miyuki's room. You two can stay there all day, but at night, Miyuki you will be sleeping to other's room. You have lots of options to stay for now. Every room has an extra bed you can sleep on"

"Uhm, may I ask why Kazuya's room?" Temari asked and noticed Miyuki who was just staying still, saying nothing about the situation

"Now that the third years are already retired, there's an extra bed for each room, except Miyuki's. There's only him in the room, so you can put your things in there since he has enough space for your things. Also, he is the captain. When I asked Rei-sensei, she said that Miyuki will surely lend his room to you." They all looked at Miyuki who laughed from Kataoka-sensei's explanation

"Well, I don't mind lending my room to her. But to make it clear, my things are there so I can still enter my room anytime, of course except at night, without her permission" he smirked but Temari somehow felt something weird to what he said

Kataoka-sensei excused himself and left to talk to Ochiai. Miyuki led the way to his room and they set Temari's bed. Her bed was the one accrosed Miyuki's double-deck.

"Then Tetsu-san, Temari-chan we'll leave the two of you for now. We'll just head to the canteen"

As the siblings were left alone, Tetsu sat down on the floor and crossed his arms, realizing the uncertain expression from Temari

"Temari, what is it?"

"I'm still uncertain to this set up. I mean, actually, thinking by now, I can stay either in Fuyune or in Maaya's house"

"I also consider that. You can't on Hirohara's house, they don't have enough space for you. Think about their family too. As for Kuwano, you just can't. Their family is very well known, and there will be a chance that grandma will know about it. No one knows about our relationship with her, and if they find out, the two of us, and even Masashi will be sent to America immediately. This is the option you chose, stay here until you move out. But of course, if grandma found out about this, immediately you'll say goodbye to Seidou"

"I know that, but still. In Kazuya's room?!"

"Miyuki will not do anything towards you."

You are only saying that, because you didn't know how that guy attack.

"Anyway, just stay here until the first week of October. It's already the third week of September, and soon it will be the fall tournament, Miyuki will be busy" Tetsu answered it was then his phone vibrated "ah, I think not"

"What's wrong, nii-san?"

"Seemed like mom really thinks of you and your school days" he answered showing the message "grandma will return on October 20, so tell Temari to come home at October 17 instead on October 9. But your flight is still on October 24"

"Ah, I see" she answered lazily and lied down "can I sleep for now?"

"Drink your medicine first. I'll go out now and rest, okay? I'll tell Kataoka-sensei about this one" Tetsu said but Temari was already asleep. He covered her in blanket and focus the electric fan to her.

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now