Chapter 18-The Return

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Standing in the waiting area, Temari's companions kept on checking their phone, while Temari just remained silence. There were six of them in total, two groups of three from same school, but different in Major course. They would be attending one school term in one of the school in Japan as exchange students

I'm back to Japan. But no one knows, only mom and dad. It was hard to convince grandma to let me go, but then of all people, I need to be with John?!

"What time are they going?" Complained by one of her friends, John Wilson, an American German. A man with big stature, blue eyes and has a very masculine face.

"Just wait, we arrived in Japan 30 minutes earlier." Temari answered checking the time.

"But Temari, we're waiting for almost 20 minutes" explained by her other American friend, a tall woman with brownish hair, brown eyes and white skin, Francine Kopp

"Well, well, let's just wait for them" A tall guy with blond hair, Robert Froese, another American companion of Temari said and roamed his eyes around

As they were waiting, one of their Chinese companion, Shuang Yuan, a petite girl, with bob cut hair, noticed the news in the airports LCD Television and told her friend

"Japan's baseball is really popular!" Shuang's friend giggled

"Akira-san is a baseball fan?" Temari asked approaching Kimiko Akira, the Japanese companion of them, and Shuang. They were from the same school, but it was the first time for Temari to see the other three since they came from different department. Fortunately, the non-Japanese friends and companions of Temari could understand and speak in Japanese

"Yeah, but for high school baseball. I remember the last game I watched here." Akira's brown eyes sparkled, as she curled her black hair around her right point finger, then pointed one of the guy that was showing in the TV "like him"

Like him? Shunpei-kun?!

"You know him?" Temari asked curiously

"Yes of course! Oh yeah, since we don't know each other that much, I'm a baseball freak. In fact, I'm a high school baseball freak. I watched the finals between Yakushi High and Seidou when I had my vacation here five years ago. And Sanada became my favorite. But my number 1 is Miyuki Kazuya, that captain and catcher of Seidou high. He is so hot and so cute, and so genius! Sawamura Eijun..." .

Temari just listened to her, without telling her that she came from Seidou, and she knew them very well. She listened to her until the students need to pick them up arrived

"Sorry we're late. Because of traffic" A guy same age to them apologize "I'm Nishio Kei. I'm one of the council who you are messaging with. Unfortunately, the other one is not available today, so I bring her instead"

"Hello, I'm Miyuki Azumi. Nice to meet you"

Temari fliched from the name and just calmed herself. She knew that his surname was common, so it was not surprising to hear it, but there was still an effect for her.

But her figure resembles Kazuya. She also has a brunette hair.

"Since the other one is not here, I will be bringing your things to the dorm, and you will be taking the subway. For your tickets, leave it to Azumi for now" Nishio explained and they just listened.

As they were heading towards the parking lot to put their luggage, Azumi finally answered her phone that was vibrating non-stop.

They chuckled as they finally realized that she had a Kansai accent. She looked at them, and sighed, confusing them what was going on

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now