Chapter 33-Week Full of Problems

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Temari sat down on the school's cafeteria, stacking the papers she used while teacher her language partner. It was the first day of their exam week and everyone were busy studying.

I can't wait for Fuyune's wedding on Sunday. What time is our flight again on Friday? I need to check my ticket again.

She was about to leave when she jolted in surprise when someone suddenly grabbed her shoulder

"Don't leave, Temari!"

"Akira! What's wrong?" She asked worriedly as she handed a water bottle "It's still Monday and your face looks like the last day of exam already!"

"You don't have class right now, right? Then please look after my things. I'll just do a quick run back to the dorm then go to our Japanese economics teacher" Akira answered, still catching her breath

"How about Japanese class? You have a test right now"

"Ah, I got As to our projects, and quizzes so I'm exempted. Ah wait, I need to go!"

Akira drank everything from Temari's water bottle and hurriedly left. Temari noticed the books that were on the table and chuckled "So busy. Did she forgot to hand in our report in Japanese economics?" In that, Temari organized Akira's things, and just read some lecture notes from her Japanese History class.

Akira could talk to Temari, but because Temari wasn't talking to Francine, she was having hard time approaching her. However, because of their groupings in Japanese History, Francine was the one who approached Temari and talked to her again.


Thirty minutes later, Akira came back and Temari noticed that a heavy load was lifted from Akari.

"Thank you for the good work" Temari smiled as Akari sat down across her

"I handed in a different report to sensei." Akira slumped her face to the table and sighed loudly. The cafeteria became noisier as more students came for their lunch. "Have you eaten lunch?"

Temari shook her head as her focused shifted to the LCD TV of the cafeteria, watching a Japanese News.

"Just in, the president of Department of Education and President of Asukai Corporation, Asukai Shimizu, has signed a new contract with Czech Republic for international students coming to country..."

"Hmmm, so Japan has another contract with another country. The president is really genius. She's been renewing and signing contracts these past months." Akira explained getting her wallet "what is her name again?"

"Asukai Shimizu"

"Right, right!"

Temari chuckled and still her gaze was on the news "You sure know about this news, huh?"

"Yeah, one of my classmate in Japanese class let me read an article about it. Wait, I'll just buy lunch. I'll also buy one for you, a thank you for looking after my things" Akira winked at Temari and left

Temari again shifted her gaze towards the news and her face became serious

"The president will be heading to meet with the Japanese consulate of Canada in Toronto and Calgary next week, and she is expected to return to Japan after that..."

So she is in Czech right now. And here I thought she is already here in Japan. Still, grandma is doing her job as the president, huh.

"Temari..." her senses returned as someone sat next to her and sobbed

"Shuang, what's wrong?" Temari agitatedly grabbed her and looked at Shuang whose face was so pale "What happened?!"

"I screwed up on my exam. What should I do?" Shuang whined as Temari wrapped her arms around her "What should I do?"

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