Chapter 32- Drunk with Love

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Kazuya injured his left ankle?!


"I am happy to see all your faces again. It's been years to see all of you in one place" Temari's mother greeted them as she put the last dish she cooked on the table "And I apologize that we will be leaving you later since my husband and I have night duties"

"Auntie, we're glad that you invited us today and don't worry, we will make sure that we don't break things while you are at work!" Isashiki assured her as the former members of the Seidou baseball team agreed with him. The seniors helped her in preparing the other cutlers needed, while waiting for Tetsu to arrive.


"I'm surprised that you are all here, this time around" Tetsu commented as he arrived with cake on his hand

"We wanted to surprise you, it's been a while since we last saw you. And we didn't celebrate your birthday" Isashiki laughed and got the cake from him "the celebrant needs to rest, we'll help auntie here"

"Celebrant? No, it's-"

"Ah, Miyuki said that he will get his ticket first, then here" Kuramochi interrupted them then laughed "Kahahaha, that guy, he really sacrificed himself just to win, without thinking what will happen after"


"They won, but Miyuki was injured. We lost by the way" Maaya read the message from Sanada and informed them that they lost. "I was hoping for Shunpei's team to win this season but luck wasn't on our side. It's their last year in their university career."

Shuang pointed at Temari who was sitting on her bouncy chair, staring blankly while hugging her pillow, not listening to what Maaya was saying

"Worried about Miyuki-san?" Shuang curiously aksed and received a nod from her "But somehow, knowing Miyuki-san in just a short time, he would just laugh about it"

"Don't worry. I got a message from Azumi and she said that Miyuki is okay."

"I haven't got any message from him" Temari said in low voice, and hugged her pillow tightly

"By the way, I thought Kanon-san's boyfriend, eeto, Jun-san, already died?" Shuang suddenly asked that made Temari looked at her confusedly from her sudden question "That Jun-san, is different, right?"

"That Jun-san?" The two asked confusedly

"They called someone a while ago, Jun-san..." Shuang answered as her voice faded at the end not finishing what she wanted to say

"Ah, Isashiki-senpai? That's different person. Besides, Kanon's boyfriend, Jun-san is very different from Isashiki-senpai. No, I mean, they are totally opposite. Kanon's boyfriend was so nice and his voice was so mild and gentle" Temari explained as Maaya imagined it

"Ah, very different indeed then. Isashiki-senpai is so loud and ah, how to say it, I mean we are talking about Spitz-senpai. He is loud" they laughed as they agreed to the description Maaya said,

It was then Tetsu knocked on her room, telling them that the party would start. But before they went down, Maaya made a cascading carousel braid on Temari's long black hair. Temari wanted to do the same with Maaya's hair, but Maaya preferred to tie it in bun, making Shuang a little bit jealous since she had a short hair.

Not long after, Temari's parents left to work, leaving them loud and crazy. They became louder and louder as they started the celebration. Some stayed in the yard, some stayed inside, but Isashiki, Kominato, Tanba and Masuko stayed in Tetsu's room

~Early Evening~


"What is it, Nii-san?"

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