Chapter 7-Acquaintance

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The Seidou team arrived in the stadium where their fourth game would be held. They gathered in one spot as they waited for Kataoka's order.

As for the three members of photography club, they were on their way to the stand. However, Maaya and Ono were both looking at Temari, who seemed down and blue.

"Mari-chan, you look so awfully bad today. Much worse than before. I told you to not come today. The weather is so hot"

"Senpai, shouldn't you stay behind today? Hirohara-senpai and I can do it"

"No, I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep last night" Temari answered while massaging the temple of her nose

Stupid Kazuya for doing and saying such things. I don't know how serious he is. Indeed I was happy, but I don't know. I'm so happy, that my heart will just burst and problem will occur.

"Actually senpai, last night I saw you with the team's catcher." Ono said in low voice but that instant he hid behind Temari as he felt the menacing aura from Maaya "scary"

"Maaya calm down"

"Did that cheeky bastard do something towards you? I can go chop him into pieces if you want me to"

"Maaya, I'll tell you when Fuyune returns" Temari sighed then turned to Ono "please don't add more oil to her, okay?"

"So you don't want to repeat the explanation" Maaya sighed then smiled, but her smile was sending chills to the two "It doesn't matter, as long as I can kill that guy later on"

Yandere? Is that what they call?

"Well then, I'll just go to the washroom and wash my face. You two go first."

Temari headed to the washroom and washed her face with cold water. She looked at her face on the mirror, and slapped it three times. She got her handkerchief on her pocket and wiped her face

What a weird face, Temari.

As Temari was on her way to the bleachers, she saw a vending machine. She got her wallet and inserted coins. She chose a water bottle, however, seemed the vending machine broke down and her water bottle wouldn't come out

"Eh, w-wait!" She punched the machine but still her order wouldn't come out "What should I do in this kind of situation?" she mumbled but then someone punched the machine hard that made the water bottle fall off and startled Temari

"You should punch harder" the guy said

Temari looked at her side and she easily noticed the guy who did it "T-Thank you very much. I should do that"

This is the rival team's pitcher and ace, Yeung Shunshin.

Temari again looked at him and she looked from head to toe.

"Is there something wrong with me?" He asked suspiciously

"Ah no, just, you sure practice a lot with your pitching. You should rest sometimes" She covered her mouth as she realized that her habit just came out "Sorry"

"It's my body. You don't need to concern with it" he retorted that made Temari felt a little bit pissed from his response "You just met me and you spout things"

"You are right. But you should listen to others advice. If you want to continue pitching then take care of your body. Thank you for this. Well then, I'll take my leave" Temari bowed down and left Shunshin who stared at her as she walked away

I shouldn't tell him that. Why did I purposely say that to the rival team? But still, he sure practice a lot. By just looking at him up close, he has a great pitching control

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