Chapter 10-Blissful days

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"So it's a battle again"

"Eijun-kun, it's not actually"

"Right, Sawamura! Better respect your senpai!"

"Uhm, what's with them? We just returned from the stadium, why are they so hyper?" Temari confusedly asked Miyuki about why Sawamura and the others were being loud

The Seidou team with Temari and Maaya arrived at their school, and as they alighted, Sawamura shouted and he became so hyper. 

"Ah, it's the battle on the bath house" Miyuki laughed then turned to Sawamura "Sawamura, have you forgotten? The third years will go first, then the second years! Go and run first you first years!"

"Temari" Yuki approached her and patted her head "Make sure to rest for now. I'll go with you tomorrow to supermarket" Temari nodded in response then Yuki crossed his arms and they felt the dark ambiance "Now, let's go and take a bath. Do you want to come with us, Sawamura?"

"NO! I will go have a run first Young shogun!" Sawamura answered while sweat covered him and immediately ran away

The third years turned to their kouhai and they shook their head vigrorously 

"Then let's go" the third year left and went to take a bath. Sawamura, Haruichi and Furuya headed to the field and had a run

"Now what should we do to pass time?" Kuramochi walked out putting his head on the back of his head and the other second years followed him

"Ah, then, why don't some of you go take a shower on my room?" Temari suggested that Maaya and Miyuki heard

"Wait! Mari-chan?!" Maaya held her shoulders then faced Temari to her

"Temari-chan, don't suggest things like that. Besides, it's a female dorm" Miyuki also sighed and shook his head

"No, I mean, you can actually. Didn't you know? Guests can go in the female dorm until 6 pm. For females, they can stay until 6, but for male, only for an hour. So I am thinking that an hour is enough, right?" Temari explained it was then Maaya's phone rang and she needed to go back home

"Mari-chan, don't let any guy, especially this guy to your room! Okay?! I need to go! See you tomorrow, or I hope!" she hastily said and left, leaving Temari with Miyuki

"Now what Kazuya?"

"I'll just wait for Tetsu-san and the others to finis-" Miyuki didn't finish what he was saying when he saw Kuramochi and the other second years returning "What's wrong?"

"The third years will be having a bath battle mode. It will take time, so we are planning to sweat first" Kuramochi answered and they headed towards the field

"I'll accept your offer, Temari-chan". I'll just go get my change" He sighed "When the third years do that it usually takes five hours in maximum"

Temari laughed and they headed first to Miyuki's room and headed towards the female dorm.

"Oya-san" Temari called the landlady that was in the middle of gardening "Kazuya is with me. He'll take a shower, since the baseball dorm is full"

"You two seemed okay now. It's fine. Make sure to write your name and the time, okay?"

"Thank you very much!" The two went inside and they wrote Miyuki's name first and went to the fourth floor

"Now that we're here, why did you choose to go here, away from your parents? Aren't you sick?"

"Ah, I insisted my parents. They were so against it, but I told them that nii-san is here so in the end they let me go" Temari chuckled and they arrived in front of her room. She got her keys out of her pocket and opened her door. "Sorry for my room, it's kind of mess"

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now